Best news of the day! King of the Hill ..

I have not put that together.
My favorite guest "celeb" was.
Iol man I love Bobby like you wouldn't believe . People can say the show is about Hank but I really think the main focus is on him
-voter fraud
-makes Lucky fail his GED
-doesn't tell the guys that the Alamo beer was poisoned
-gets jealous and ruins Thanksgiving bc Bobby is a better cook
-destroyed Bills American flag
-also uses BIll to the point he almost kills himself
-undermines Hank at every turn
I fuckin hate that bitch. I love the one where she thinks she’s a genius from an online test and gets played
I fuckin hate that bitch. I love the one where she thinks she’s a genius from an online test and gets played
absolutely she's the worst. she falls for multiple pyramid schemes.. One selling vitamins where she makes Bill do all the work and the other where she takes the entire family savings and buys kitchen ware to sell. Hell she even trys to cheat on Hank with that Spanish actor

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