AuburnGal98 Elite Founder Jan 10, 2021 #1 Happy 10 years. Attachments 10138B5D-A9BF-4B7A-A5F6-01F6E06117EE.jpeg 457.8 KB · Views: 6
T-roy Tiger Poster Jan 10, 2021 #5 Wasn't in AZ, but was in AU that night with a host of folks. Toomers was lit! Made it to work a little late that morning.
Wasn't in AZ, but was in AU that night with a host of folks. Toomers was lit! Made it to work a little late that morning.
MayneTiger Poster Founder Jan 10, 2021 #6 Watched the game during a snow storm in Fort Payne, AL. Live in Phoenix, AZ now as fate would have it. . WDE!!
Watched the game during a snow storm in Fort Payne, AL. Live in Phoenix, AZ now as fate would have it. . WDE!!