Are you lost?Discuss...
Perhaps, but why are you for it?Definitely pro. In fact I think we have too many restrictions now. As much as I don’t want it to happen, I feel there will come a time in my lifetime where I’ll have to use my 2nd Amendment right in order to keep it. Or in the coming civil war, whichever comes first. Again, I don’t want to see either of those, but I’m afraid we’ve headed down a path where it’s inevitable.
Why? Because fuck you that’s why.Perhaps, but why are you for it?
Pro. The 2A is really there to protect the 1A and to keep the government in check. Skin in the game. If politicians never had to worry about getting shot if they enacted some Stalin or Mao type shit, they would pass some some bullshit.
Anti 2A.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Fixed under a new amendment (28A):
Being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of all the people is to keep and bear Arms. This shall not be infringed or taxed.
The argument made by the left of hurrr durrrr the military has nukes and all this weaponry so good luck with your guns is a total moron.
We haven’t actually won a war in 75 years. Why? They were all guerrilla warfare without use of nukes. And if america ain’t dropping nukes on bin laden they aren’t on Americans.
Please don’t tempt them.The argument made by the left of hurrr durrrr the military has nukes and all this weaponry so good luck with your guns is a total moron.
We haven’t actually won a war in 75 years. Why? They were all guerrilla warfare without use of nukes. And if america ain’t dropping nukes on bin laden they aren’t on Americans.