Anyone following the Deshaun Watson situation?


Accused of asking 16 women to give him happy endings after massages. Attorney representing the women is friends with the Texans owner.

Watson was trying to force his way out of Houston. Bizarre situation as his value is tanked if the Texans were behind the release of this info. There are 16 women giving essentially the same story and it gets released while he is trying to leave.

I really dont know what to think.
Accused of asking 16 women to give him happy endings after massages. Attorney representing the women is friends with the Texans owner.

Watson was trying to force his way out of Houston. Bizarre situation as his value is tanked if the Texans were behind the release of this info. There are 16 women giving essentially the same story and it gets released while he is trying to leave.

I really dont know what to think.

Assuming these 16 refused, setting the over/under of women that complied @ 160.
You’ve come to the right place OP.
RIP Trebek.
I think it may be a money grab with a lawyer trying to squeeze him in the court of public opinion. The country is ripe for it on the backside (lol) of the #MeToo movement.
Everyone is anonymous at the moment, and one has been identified as already trying to shake down Deshaun on a previous occasion. In court, I’m told the tide will have to change for a conviction. It seems like this lawyer is trying to obtain a settlement prior.
If Houston has a hand in this, it makes no sense to me. Trade value goes down, as well as the face of your organization if you keep him.
It may come down to: what’s the price of consensual, after the fact?
He always seemed like a pretty good dude to me. Appearances aren’t always accurate though.

I do agree about why in the hell would he be trying to get a HJ when we could score anything, but then you look at Robert Kraft. But I guess Robert isn’t near as sexy as DeShaun
He always seemed like a pretty good dude to me. Appearances aren’t always accurate though.

I do agree about why in the hell would he be trying to get a HJ when we could score anything, but then you look at Robert Kraft. But I guess Robert isn’t near as sexy as DeShaun

Darren Sharper and Kellen Winslow.

It could be CTE.
Accused of asking 16 women to give him happy endings after massages. Attorney representing the women is friends with the Texans owner.

Watson was trying to force his way out of Houston. Bizarre situation as his value is tanked if the Texans were behind the release of this info. There are 16 women giving essentially the same story and it gets released while he is trying to leave.

I really dont know what to think.

Mahomes knows about the Browns. He dont want any more of that work.

Another interesting thing I have noticed about this story is people pointing out how odd it is that these women come out together. Like its orchestrated and a money grab.

Wonder if they felt the same during the 16 election?
I live outside of Houston (not even remotely close to being a Texan fan).

As an outsider, I'm very skeptical about this whole deal due to the attorney involved.

This turd is smelling really ripe.
I live outside of Houston (not even remotely close to being a Texan fan).

As an outsider, I'm very skeptical about this whole deal due to the attorney involved.

This turd is smelling really ripe.
That's what I'm kind of getting out of this. A lot of people have voiced their opinion of him.
Jeffery Epstein was unavailable for comment.
He also won the lottery multiple times.

But the real story here is this is what happens when you mess with a billionaire and their assets. Deshaun was trying to assert his influence, at the most important position in all of sports to land and keep, and this is what happens when the little guy tries to take on the bigger guy.

I have no doubt there was a PI on Watson, learned his behaviors, and then an operation was planned to either gain leverage against him or crush him the the court of public opinion.
Its been a while since we have seen someone fall this far this fast ....

"Just a day after news broke that Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson still wants to be traded and will be reporting to training camp in the meantime, 10 women have now filed complaints with Houston police about the quarterback."

Accused of asking 16 women to give him happy endings after massages. Attorney representing the women is friends with the Texans owner.

Watson was trying to force his way out of Houston. Bizarre situation as his value is tanked if the Texans were behind the release of this info. There are 16 women giving essentially the same story and it gets released while he is trying to leave.

I really dont know what to think.
If he would have gotten the "vaccine" none of this would have ever happened. People that don't get the shot are stupid, right? That's what I am hearing. So he must have not gotten the shot or he would not be so fucking stupid to screw himself out of a better life.
Well.. in the era of #metoo movement and micro aggressions he’s guilty… and they can get money from him.
It appears that way. But what exactly is illegal about it? Solicitation of prostitution?

I don’t get it.
You ask a girl to jerk you off, she says no. We move along, right?
Accused of asking 16 women to give him happy endings after massages. Attorney representing the women is friends with the Texans owner.

Watson was trying to force his way out of Houston. Bizarre situation as his value is tanked if the Texans were behind the release of this info. There are 16 women giving essentially the same story and it gets released while he is trying to leave.

I really dont know what to think.
No, are you?

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