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A letter to teenage white males from a person of colour

Rube Reaper

Nov 15, 2021
Because you are male, you were born a winner of the patriarchal jackpot. You are more likely to rise to the top of the career ladder and will be better paid on your way up. The state will not attempt to dictate what you can and cannot do with your own body. On top of that, because you are White, and you live in a country that is structurally racist, you enjoy the huge privilege your skin color gives you.

Mar 27, 2022
Because you are male, you were born a winner of the patriarchal jackpot. You are more likely to rise to the top of the career ladder and will be better paid on your way up. The state will not attempt to dictate what you can and cannot do with your own body. On top of that, because you are White, and you live in a country that is structurally racist, you enjoy the huge privilege your skin color gives you.

Imagine being a citizen of the greatest country in the history of the world.......... and rooting against it.

Rube Reaper

Nov 15, 2021
Maybe the person of color should just pick himself up by his bootstraps and stop crying “woe is me”
They have picked themselves up.

That doesn’t mean they aren’t entitled to help and reparations still or that there shouldn’t be public awareness brought to their systemic oppression.
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BT Avenger

Jan 18, 2021
Goddamnit. This board migration took this ridiculous troll off ignore for me. For the life of me I have no idea why so many of you engage this moron. If everyone ignored him either by ignore function or simply not responding to anything he says he eventually would leave because until that happens you are giving him the attention he craves.

Deleted member 2886

They have picked themselves up.

That doesn’t mean they aren’t entitled to help and reparations still or that there should be public awareness brought to their systemic oppression.
😂You should come and attempt to chill with the hardcore(anti-everyone of any skin pigmentation or nationality)Māori groups in NZ for a bit.
Might grant ya some new & refreshing perspective.
#FYI: Nope,...they[the Māori] were absolutely not the original inhabitants here.
#In fact, the Māori ate the earlier Moriori & Scandinavian inhabitants of NZ.

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
Blacks feel safer in my towns restaurants then I do in their towns restaurants.
Blacks can walk down the street in my neighborhood. I cant walk down the street in theirs. Shit they feel better in our area then they do in their area. FFS

Rube Reaper

Nov 15, 2021
Blacks feel safer in my towns restaurants then I do in their towns restaurants.
Blacks can walk down the street in my neighborhood. I cant walk down the street in theirs. Shit they feel better in our area then they do in their area. FFS
They are people of colour not “blacks”.

Secondly, that’s getting closer to how things should be. Once we see laws allowing for the systematic oppression of whites, lynchings, and various other forms of murder for a couple hundred years then white people will start to understand how privileged they had it.
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