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Your pet's facial expressions......


May 20, 2024
View attachment 216971This is my cat (AKA Nugget), one of 3 we have, but this one is mine. I wonder what he is thinking sometimes.

Does anyone have this situation with their pets?
😂Hoe lee fuckin'ell, dunno why but its unexpectedly strange that apex predator hunting professional baddass apex predators can still have the capacity for kindness & affection towards small creatures, especially cats, considering they're so predominantly narcissistic towards mankind.

Its also unusual coz I've met plenty of farmers here who keep one or two semi-feral cats around solely for rodent control and in all but a few cases fuck they treated the cats badly. I mean, compared to these particular farmers, you've actually got a heart.

When I was a kid, my grandad used to sometimes take me along with him while doing general farm shit. 😅Fuck he was a merciless mofo aye man. He'd just casually slaughter animals like it was nothing.

I remember one time him, my old man & his youngest teenaged brother brought 6yo me along to watch them kill this massive pig-(which was, in my eyes, a family pet)... so I had to watch dads bro incorrectly slice open Miss Piggies fat neck while she's gurgling gushing blood, making fuckin' horrifying spluttery screaming/gasping noises for several minutes but not dying until dad finally grabbed the knife and finished the job properly. Shit gave me nightmares.

Dad was equally as apathetic as grandad towards animals too. Mother fucker covertly murdered a puppy I had when I was 8yo... only I stumbled on & unwittingly unearthed the corpse in a shallow hole he'd attempted hiding the corpse.... only to be told a bullshit story afterwards that he'd done it to teach me a lesson.

What lesson?

He never actually clarified exactly, so my interpretation became that the lesson was never ever leave dad alone with our pets or he'll murder them.

😄Wouldn't have expected a professional human hunter military badass to have greater capacities for compassion than professional farmers aye, just seems so oddly backward or something.


May 20, 2024
View attachment 216971This is my cat (AKA Nugget), one of 3 we have, but this one is mine. I wonder what he is thinking sometimes.

Does anyone have this situation with their pets?
Tbh I'm a little confused by the choice of terminology for the question aye man.
Like, "situation"...ahhh😄 what on earth?

Nevertheless, I'd probably answer: "Yes", although its not really a sometimes situation from my pov and more of a normal everyday thing which seems to occur naturally with all living creatures whenever focusing direct attention upon them... and also includes people too.

Nugget appears to have an inquisitive expression in this image and behind that expression seems to be a happy, healthy, confident and possibly somewhat rather cheeky personality.
😂I'd not be surprised if Nugget actually follows you around like a dog either.
Jul 9, 2022
Nugget appears to have an inquisitive expression in this image and behind that expression seems to be a happy, healthy, confident and possibly somewhat rather cheeky personality.
😂I'd not be surprised if Nugget actually follows you around like a dog either

He is very inquisitive, and he does follow me around quite a bit, when it suits him. He has a fascination with water stuff, like brushing teeth, or flushing the toilet, or using a garden hose.

He is my buddy.

😄Wouldn't have expected a professional human hunter military badass to have greater capacities for compassion than professional farmers aye, just seems so oddly backward or something.
This was a long time ago now. I could not hurt a fly.
Jul 9, 2022
Like, "situation"...ahhh😄 what on earth?
We as human often personify other things, although what we perceive has nothing to do with it. My cat does some weird stuff, and at times looks at me with scorn, like the "i would eat you if you died right now look"....but then he comes over and rubs is face on my leg...............

is my perception right, is he rubbing on my leg so he can be closer to the meal?

or is it that we personify incorrectly, and he just wants to rub my leg?

In this photo, his bitch-ass kept getting on the counter and before this picture was taken, I removed him from the counter at least 10 times, in the last 2 mins. Each time, he would step on my keyboard, and look at me with a certain look. The one in the picture was one of maybe 5 different looks.

Did he think that by looking at me a different way, the result would be different, in that maybe I would allow him to stay on the counter................not like he gives a fuck.

Does that make sense?

@TheFiend IM me.
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May 20, 2024
We as human often personify other things, although what we perceive has nothing to do with it.
Yep, agreed. We absolutely do-do that more often than we may realize generally for sure aye.
Though my agreement here is to the extent in so far as assuming that your usage of 'perceive' might possibly be strictly associated with the 5 physical organs of sensory perception only-(ie: sight, sound, touch, taste & smell)-and if so, would be quite different to how I typically use the term to more broadly reference the standard 5 physical senses but also non-physical sense perceptivities as well, eg: empathy, intuition & so forth.

Note: the communicative differences between people and most social animals.
Ie: we generally don't pay much attention to body language whereas most social animals use body language as one of the primary means of communication.

My cat does some weird stuff, and at times looks at me with scorn, like the "i would eat you if you died right now look"....but then he comes over and rubs is face on my leg...............

😄Shit, the interpretation of a scornful expression may actually be quite accurate, but he probably wouldn't tuck into ya corpse unless he was starving and unable to find any alternative sustenance.
(Despite what sensationalist cat "experts" claim)

Whenever he gives you the pissed off look, it'll be because he wants—or rather expects your immediate attention.
(*Imo unlike dogs who typically conform within a pack hierarchy with each other and with people as well, cats on the other hand-(hypothetically mind you)-probably don't consider us in any hierarchical sense at all and maybe more like they reciprocally interact with us based on how they regard an individual's standing relative to themself within some sort of animalistic meritocratic view perhaps.)

Nugget's 'booping'-(*ie: rubbing his face on ya leg)-could be either or both communicating his affection for you &/or may be him attempting to gain your attention &/or 'herd' you-(*if done while you're walking around and especially if he seems to be actively getting under your feet, that might indicate he's possibly trying to 'herd' you towards something in particular that he wants.)

The following you around behaviour would indicate he likely regards you as his #1 favourite companion and he probably also likes to be kept in the know about whatever you're doing.

*Disclaimer: 😄I certainly ain't no cat behavioural nerd and am mostly just guessing here.

In this photo, his bitch-ass kept getting on the counter and before this picture was taken, I removed him from the counter at least 10 times, in the last 2 mins. Each time, he would step on my keyboard, and look at me with a certain look. The one in the picture was one of maybe 5 different looks.

Did he think that by looking at me a different way, the result would be different, in that maybe I would allow him to stay on the counter................not like he gives a fuck.

Does that make sense?
Yeah man. Makes sense.

When Nugget gets all up in yo face while you're doing stuff like using the computer, it'll be him wanting your attention and wanting to participate.
If you try imagine from his pov what he sees when looking at you tapping away on a keyboard while focusing intently...(just my guess)... Nugget maybe assumes you're playing some strange game-(ie: but in a cat's mind keyboard tapping may be loosely equivalent to how cats arbitrarily whack shit around)


May 20, 2024
Here's one from years ago of my bros white Staffy(rip) and my-(former)-boy...gracefully swimming in the Whanganui river...
...and below is Whitey
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