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You know how I keep asking “but what are we gonna do about it!?”

Chris Farley

Misunderstood lurker
Jan 16, 2021
Just heard a pretty good gameplay strategy on David Webb’s show on Patriot radio.

We’ve GOT to call our congressmen and senators, our elected officials, and TELL them that we are watching them! And not only are we watching, but if they don’t fight the best they can for us, and if they don’t get some wins, then THEY’RE OUT! We will put someone else in there!

just like a football coach...you’ve got a QB who just keeps suckin it up....it’s time to pull the plug and go with the next guy.

at the end of the day, we’ve GOT to hold these people accountable!

I thought this was a good thing to say. I haven’t really thought about it like that but that’s one of the small things we CAN do!


Jan 8, 2021
They won't surrender their newfound power and the only way around this is a split or a fight. Like a swamp donkey is gonna listen to any voicemail or email. Also if you want to take him out and he's protected by the swamp, good luck primarying him or her when they can put 50mm into their campaign and deploy the msm to back them up and slander the other person.


Dec 2, 2020
I generally agree, but think 95% of our politicians ARE the problem. I am all for voting out every single fucking one of them and just starting over, at this point. I have felt sick about voting for Lindsay Graham since last Nov. He was the lesser of 2 evils, they said, but I will never do that again. Fuck the incumbents...all of them.

Chris Farley

Misunderstood lurker
Jan 16, 2021
They won't surrender their newfound power and the only way around this is a split or a fight. Like a swamp donkey is gonna listen to any voicemail or email. Also if you want to take him out and he's protected by the swamp, good luck primarying him or her when they can put 50mm into their campaign and deploy the msm to back them up and slander the other person.
Yeah I know, but if we keep on them and not let up, they’ll eventually see the people that elected them aren’t gonna do it again. The Republican Party is full of dipshits that just sit back with no action. It’s gonna take us keeping our knee on the neck (pun intended) to hold them accountable. And if they don’t start fighting for us, we need to start bringing up the grassroots movement!
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