Wierd shit that happens to you

Yes, I know this sounds insane, but I finally decided to search to see if other people have this happen to them after it JUST happened....

I (and others) have noticed that streetlights go out when I walk or drive by. Not every single one, but it happens often enough (every single time with 3 specific lights here in town) that it is really weird. It comes back on after a few minutes. In addition, more often than not, I have issues with cash registers and POS machines and I'm constantly having to replace my credit cards when they suddenly stop working. When I hand it over to the clerk to have it manually imputed, no problem. Then it'll work for a few days and then.. nope.. back to letting the clerk input it.

So...the street light across the street... as I walked by my window and glanced at it to see if it was still snowing, out it went. This happens every night, usually more than once. I've had the city check the light and nothing has been found to be wrong.

I searched if this is a thing others experience because why not? I was expecting passed loved ones are making contact/your body is an electromagnetic force field/you're a 5G hotspot.....And this comes up. At least I now have a 'diagnosis'. 🤣

Seriously, it is weird and noticed by others. My kids have long made it a game to guess if the light will go out. They haven't missed, yet.

I'm coming out as a SLIder. I hope you can all accept me as I am and support me in my journey to my best self. 🤣

Edit: I'm not lying or bullshitting. I swear. I just tested it again. The light was on. As soon as I had direct sight to the light, it went out. And now it's back on.

Whatcha got?
Video the street light with your phone in slow motion. You'll see the lights go off randomly all the time. They get hot and shut off, then they turn back on.

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