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Wierd shit that happens to you


Dec 9, 2020
Yes, I know this sounds insane, but I finally decided to search to see if other people have this happen to them after it JUST happened....

I (and others) have noticed that streetlights go out when I walk or drive by. Not every single one, but it happens often enough (every single time with 3 specific lights here in town) that it is really weird. It comes back on after a few minutes. In addition, more often than not, I have issues with cash registers and POS machines and I'm constantly having to replace my credit cards when they suddenly stop working. When I hand it over to the clerk to have it manually imputed, no problem. Then it'll work for a few days and then.. nope.. back to letting the clerk input it.

So...the street light across the street... as I walked by my window and glanced at it to see if it was still snowing, out it went. This happens every night, usually more than once. I've had the city check the light and nothing has been found to be wrong.

I searched if this is a thing others experience because why not? I was expecting passed loved ones are making contact/your body is an electromagnetic force field/you're a 5G hotspot.....And this comes up. At least I now have a 'diagnosis'. 🤣

Seriously, it is weird and noticed by others. My kids have long made it a game to guess if the light will go out. They haven't missed, yet.

I'm coming out as a SLIder. I hope you can all accept me as I am and support me in my journey to my best self. 🤣

Edit: I'm not lying or bullshitting. I swear. I just tested it again. The light was on. As soon as I had direct sight to the light, it went out. And now it's back on.

Whatcha got?
Last edited:


Dec 9, 2020
One time I went through a time portal. Shit is real homie, I believe you.
It's all good, we are literally living in a simulation.
I was really hoping I had some super cool super power that I would only use for the good of humanity, of course.

Nope. It seems I'm just a weirdo.

Just tried it again. Looked at the light...it went out.

I'm like the Carrie of streetlights. 🤣


Jan 9, 2021


Jan 9, 2021
Bourbon and wine is my jam.

One little snort and I would sneeze that shit all over the place. Can't even do weed or edibles. I've tried. Must be related to my SLIder status.

C'mon... you know you have something weird that you can't explain. Spill. And no...I don't want to hear about your little TJ.
Before I even got to your last sentence I had already chosen what I would tell, so too bad, its about my Jimmy. Day drinking all day Sunday, banging my whore ex girlfriend, got her bent over and I pull out for her to finish me off. When I do my dick has blood on it. First thought is during the fucking my giant 6.5 inch shlong ruined the procedure she had a few years ago to avoid another baby. After further inspection I have a cut right on the head of my dick. No clue where it came from, how it happened. Couldn't feel it, just pumped her full of a massive amount of blood and couldn't even sperm in her face because she stopped when she saw the blood. Weird and unexplainable.

Also awkward trying to explain to current girlfriend tonight where the cut on my dickhead came from.


Dec 9, 2020
Before I even got to your last sentence I had already chosen what I would tell, so too bad, its about my Jimmy. Day drinking all day Sunday, banging my whore ex girlfriend, got her bent over and I pull out for her to finish me off. When I do my dick has blood on it. First thought is during the fucking my giant 6.5 inch shlong ruined the procedure she had a few years ago to avoid another baby. After further inspection I have a cut right on the head of my dick. No clue where it came from, how it happened. Couldn't feel it, just pumped her full of a massive amount of blood and couldn't even sperm in her face because she stopped when she saw the blood. Weird and unexplainable.

Also awkward trying to explain to current girlfriend tonight where the cut on my dickhead came from.
You need to be more careful with your manscaping, steady hand, and use a fresh blade. Or get some antibiotics/bag balm to get that cleared up.

Can't help you with the girlfriend situation. 🤣


Jan 9, 2021
You need to be more careful with your manscaping, steady hand, and use a fresh blade. Or get some antibiotics/bag balm to get that cleared up.

Can't help you with the girlfriend situation. 🤣
It wasn't there before Sunday though, and I didn't manscape Sunday. I wonder if I zipped it in my jeans while freeballing and didn't feel it because of the booze. Only thing I can think of that may produce a fine cut like it is.


Jan 9, 2021
I’ve had the same reoccurring dream since I was child. It doesn’t happen as often now but it still pops up.

I’m put back to being in 2nd grade and I am walking to the same bus stop I have walked to hundreds of times as a child. It’s a perfect spring Kansas morning and I can feel the dew of the grass on my shoes and soaking into my socks. The morning sun is beautifully bright and I feel as if it’s the most perfect day God could create. While soaking everything up, I turn to something staring at me appearing to be man or figure in all black. The figure is a ways a way (about a football field’s length) but I pick up my hop a bit to get to the bus as something just doesn’t seem right. As I walk a bit further and get closer to the bus I become a bit curious so I turn to look for the figure. As I start my neck turn, I catch him directly across the street from me and is staring down at the ground putting his weight on his left leg with a “I got all the time in the world” stance. I hustle on the bus and find my seat and look back at him. He slowly raises his head and just stares as the bus drives off. We get no more than a couple hundred feet down the road and I look forward and he is in the middle of the road standing firm and making no attempt to move. The bus never tries to slow down, almost like it doesn’t see him and no one else on the bus seems to notice either. As the bus collides with the black figure it literally explodes on impact. When I come around from my daze, I’m laying in the middle of the road broke, bleeding and can’t move. The bus, kids, cars, etc. are all gone...like they never existed in the first place. It’s just me alone with the black figure walking towards me without a care in the world...almost kind of a Huckleberry walk. He walks right up to me, kneels down and then raises his hand as if he is going to stab with an object and BAM, I wake up every time.

I’ve never seen the face or the object he’s going to hit me with. I do finally get to notice as he’s walking up what the figure is wearing. He’s always either wearing an all black suit with a bowler hat or an all black duster with black hat and black boots with spurs.

No idea what it means or why I still have the reoccurring dream 35 years later. So not really weird shit happening but would still like for someone to diagnose that little gem.

Edit that I forgot to add that no matter what he’s wearing, he always has a silver pocket watch hanging out.
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Jan 9, 2021
Everywhere I go someone claims that I look familiar or they know me even if I’ve never been in that part of the country. My thoughts are that I’m sooooo average looking that I kinda take a piece of everyone’s features and it all just blends together. It is a bit odd though and a running joke with some of my buddies as well as my wife and I.

Also, where is @Chauvinist Pig at? He usually shines in these type of threads and has good stories.


Jan 7, 2021
Why dont gas pumps work properly in sub freezing temperatures?

Never have a problem when it's nice outside, only when 8 degrees with a nice wind.


Dec 9, 2020
Everywhere I go someone claims that I look familiar or they know me even if I’ve never been in that part of the country. My thoughts are that I’m sooooo average looking that I kinda take a piece of everyone’s features and it all just blends together. It is a bit odd though and a running joke with some of my buddies as well as my wife and I.

Also, where is @Chauvinist Pig at? He usually shines in these type of threads and has good stories.
He may be scared that I'm going to dump pig blood on his pretty prom outfit. 🤣

I came face to face with my doppelganger years ago. We were both freaked out. It was like looking in a mirror with opposite reactions.

Not that weird other than both of us realizing we looked exactly alike and were looking at each other. Everybody has at least one person who looks exactly like him/her somewhere in the world.

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
Yes, I know this sounds insane, but I finally decided to search to see if other people have this happen to them after it JUST happened....

I (and others) have noticed that streetlights go out when I walk or drive by. Not every single one, but it happens often enough (every single time with 3 specific lights here in town) that it is really weird. It comes back on after a few minutes. In addition, more often than not, I have issues with cash registers and POS machines and I'm constantly having to replace my credit cards when they suddenly stop working. When I hand it over to the clerk to have it manually imputed, no problem. Then it'll work for a few days and then.. nope.. back to letting the clerk input it.

So...the street light across the street... as I walked by my window and glanced at it to see if it was still snowing, out it went. This happens every night, usually more than once. I've had the city check the light and nothing has been found to be wrong.

I searched if this is a thing others experience because why not? I was expecting passed loved ones are making contact/your body is an electromagnetic force field/you're a 5G hotspot.....And this comes up. At least I now have a 'diagnosis'. 🤣

Seriously, it is weird and noticed by others. My kids have long made it a game to guess if the light will go out. They haven't missed, yet.

I'm coming out as a SLIder. I hope you can all accept me as I am and support me in my journey to my best self. 🤣

Edit: I'm not lying or bullshitting. I swear. I just tested it again. The light was on. As soon as I had direct sight to the light, it went out. And now it's back on.

Whatcha got?
Yes OP my gosh really? Youre just now catching on?


Jan 9, 2021
I can tell the time within fifteen minutes. Example: years back I was staying with my friend after his wife passed away. I was sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag in his office room. Buddy walks in tells me to get up, its 11am.

I look up at him, look around for a second and tell him to shut up, its 7:20.
He steps over me, moves the mouse at his computer, sees the time on the monitor, its 7:25.

I also can tell which way is north. I can walk thru corridor after corridor in a building and can point out (within a few degrees) which ways north.


Jan 11, 2021
I have the innate ability to scare off the most heinous of water buffaloes with my awkward conversational skills and creepy vibe.


Jan 9, 2021
Yes, I know this sounds insane, but I finally decided to search to see if other people have this happen to them after it JUST happened....

I (and others) have noticed that streetlights go out when I walk or drive by. Not every single one, but it happens often enough (every single time with 3 specific lights here in town) that it is really weird. It comes back on after a few minutes. In addition, more often than not, I have issues with cash registers and POS machines and I'm constantly having to replace my credit cards when they suddenly stop working. When I hand it over to the clerk to have it manually imputed, no problem. Then it'll work for a few days and then.. nope.. back to letting the clerk input it.

So...the street light across the street... as I walked by my window and glanced at it to see if it was still snowing, out it went. This happens every night, usually more than once. I've had the city check the light and nothing has been found to be wrong.

I searched if this is a thing others experience because why not? I was expecting passed loved ones are making contact/your body is an electromagnetic force field/you're a 5G hotspot.....And this comes up. At least I now have a 'diagnosis'. 🤣

Seriously, it is weird and noticed by others. My kids have long made it a game to guess if the light will go out. They haven't missed, yet.

I'm coming out as a SLIder. I hope you can all accept me as I am and support me in my journey to my best self. 🤣

Edit: I'm not lying or bullshitting. I swear. I just tested it again. The light was on. As soon as I had direct sight to the light, it went out. And now it's back on.

Whatcha got?
I have had this happen to me since I was a small child. I would tell my parents and the would shrug it off. I’m glad there are others out there that have this happen as well. It’s a dark world we live in.


Dec 1, 2020
The scariest thing I have is the ability to tell if a women is pregnant without showing. I have told women I know they were pregnant before they told their husbands or made a public declaration.


Jan 8, 2021
I was really hoping I had some super cool super power that I would only use for the good of humanity, of course.

Nope. It seems I'm just a weirdo.

Just tried it again. Looked at the light...it went out.

I'm like the Carrie of streetlights. 🤣

Your power is something Dumbledore can do with a lighter. You should take this up with professor X.

Old Glory

Jan 8, 2021
I always check a clock on my birthday time (not sharing my actual birthday), I.e if my birthday was 11/23 (not my birthday) I always check a clock at that time (11:23).

Magnum GI

Jan 9, 2021
I’ve had the same reoccurring dream since I was child. It doesn’t happen as often now but it still pops up.

I’m put back to being in 2nd grade and I am walking to the same bus stop I have walked to hundreds of times as a child. It’s a perfect spring Kansas morning and I can feel the dew of the grass on my shoes and soaking into my socks. The morning sun is beautifully bright and I feel as if it’s the most perfect day God could create. While soaking everything up, I turn to something staring at me appearing to be man or figure in all black. The figure is a ways a way (about a football field’s length) but I pick up my hop a bit to get to the bus as something just doesn’t seem right. As I walk a bit further and get closer to the bus I become a bit curious so I turn to look for the figure. As I start my neck turn, I catch him directly across the street from me and is staring down at the ground putting his weight on his left leg with a “I got all the time in the world” stance. I hustle on the bus and find my seat and look back at him. He slowly raises his head and just stares as the bus drives off. We get no more than a couple hundred feet down the road and I look forward and he is in the middle of the road standing firm and making no attempt to move. The bus never tries to slow down, almost like it doesn’t see him and no one else on the bus seems to notice either. As the bus collides with the black figure it literally explodes on impact. When I come around from my daze, I’m laying in the middle of the road broke, bleeding and can’t move. The bus, kids, cars, etc. are all gone...like they never existed in the first place. It’s just me alone with the black figure walking towards me without a care in the world...almost kind of a Huckleberry walk. He walks right up to me, kneels down and then raises his hand as if he is going to stab with an object and BAM, I wake up every time.

I’ve never seen the face or the object he’s going to hit me with. I do finally get to notice as he’s walking up what the figure is wearing. He’s always either wearing an all black suit with a bowler hat or an all black duster with black hat and black boots with spurs.

No idea what it means or why I still have the reoccurring dream 35 years later. So not really weird shit happening but would still like for someone to diagnose that little gem.

Edit that I forgot to add that no matter what he’s wearing, he always has a silver pocket watch hanging out.
Sounds like you've met Randall Flagg

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Before I even got to your last sentence I had already chosen what I would tell, so too bad, its about my Jimmy. Day drinking all day Sunday, banging my whore ex girlfriend, got her bent over and I pull out for her to finish me off. When I do my dick has blood on it. First thought is during the fucking my giant 6.5 inch shlong ruined the procedure she had a few years ago to avoid another baby. After further inspection I have a cut right on the head of my dick. No clue where it came from, how it happened. Couldn't feel it, just pumped her full of a massive amount of blood and couldn't even sperm in her face because she stopped when she saw the blood. Weird and unexplainable.

Also awkward trying to explain to current girlfriend tonight where the cut on my dickhead came from.
Had a similar experience with an IUD. Didn't turn out like Antietam in the bedroom as you're describing but had to have her go to the Dr and have that shit removed weeks after having it put in lol.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I get deja vu all the time man. I mean a lot.

Not people or places, just scenarios. Like going to the store and seeing something, I know know I've seen this play out before.

Kinda freaks me out .
Not weird. It's a legitimate phenomenon.

Its the only sort of dream I can have (remember) and mine are always a 'snap shot'. I essentially dream a still frame picture for what feels like a second or two then wake up.

Usually the image appears withing 48-72 hrs later. Often it's little things like my arm being on a desk a certain way or a family member standing in front of a particular location.


GIF specialist
Dec 9, 2020
Yes, I know this sounds insane, but I finally decided to search to see if other people have this happen to them after it JUST happened....

I (and others) have noticed that streetlights go out when I walk or drive by. Not every single one, but it happens often enough (every single time with 3 specific lights here in town) that it is really weird. It comes back on after a few minutes. In addition, more often than not, I have issues with cash registers and POS machines and I'm constantly having to replace my credit cards when they suddenly stop working. When I hand it over to the clerk to have it manually imputed, no problem. Then it'll work for a few days and then.. nope.. back to letting the clerk input it.

So...the street light across the street... as I walked by my window and glanced at it to see if it was still snowing, out it went. This happens every night, usually more than once. I've had the city check the light and nothing has been found to be wrong.

I searched if this is a thing others experience because why not? I was expecting passed loved ones are making contact/your body is an electromagnetic force field/you're a 5G hotspot.....And this comes up. At least I now have a 'diagnosis'. 🤣

Seriously, it is weird and noticed by others. My kids have long made it a game to guess if the light will go out. They haven't missed, yet.

I'm coming out as a SLIder. I hope you can all accept me as I am and support me in my journey to my best self. 🤣

Edit: I'm not lying or bullshitting. I swear. I just tested it again. The light was on. As soon as I had direct sight to the light, it went out. And now it's back on.

Whatcha got?
Sounds like you need to record that in action tonight (though it may mean you have to go out in the cold :eek:


GIF specialist
Dec 9, 2020
Yes, I know this sounds insane, but I finally decided to search to see if other people have this happen to them after it JUST happened....

I (and others) have noticed that streetlights go out when I walk or drive by. Not every single one, but it happens often enough (every single time with 3 specific lights here in town) that it is really weird. It comes back on after a few minutes. In addition, more often than not, I have issues with cash registers and POS machines and I'm constantly having to replace my credit cards when they suddenly stop working. When I hand it over to the clerk to have it manually imputed, no problem. Then it'll work for a few days and then.. nope.. back to letting the clerk input it.

So...the street light across the street... as I walked by my window and glanced at it to see if it was still snowing, out it went. This happens every night, usually more than once. I've had the city check the light and nothing has been found to be wrong.

I searched if this is a thing others experience because why not? I was expecting passed loved ones are making contact/your body is an electromagnetic force field/you're a 5G hotspot.....And this comes up. At least I now have a 'diagnosis'. 🤣

Seriously, it is weird and noticed by others. My kids have long made it a game to guess if the light will go out. They haven't missed, yet.

I'm coming out as a SLIder. I hope you can all accept me as I am and support me in my journey to my best self. 🤣

Edit: I'm not lying or bullshitting. I swear. I just tested it again. The light was on. As soon as I had direct sight to the light, it went out. And now it's back on.

Whatcha got?
I read the link that you posted, and although I don't typically have issued with things like streetlights (though I'll pay more attention now), I do have electrical things happen pretty regularly. There's a toy in the hall closet that hasn't been used in years. Many times when I walk by, it activates. I haven't seen that happen to anyone else in my family. Could just be that I'm heavier, so it's somehow vibrating the floor differently, but I don't know. My wife also claims that electronics love me. She ends up breaking the computer, tv, or whatever, and asks me to take a look. About half of the time, I grab it to take a look and everything is fine. Maybe I'm an electronics whisperer.

Wait What

Dec 1, 2020
I’ve had the same reoccurring dream since I was child. It doesn’t happen as often now but it still pops up.

I’m put back to being in 2nd grade and I am walking to the same bus stop I have walked to hundreds of times as a child. It’s a perfect spring Kansas morning and I can feel the dew of the grass on my shoes and soaking into my socks. The morning sun is beautifully bright and I feel as if it’s the most perfect day God could create. While soaking everything up, I turn to something staring at me appearing to be man or figure in all black. The figure is a ways a way (about a football field’s length) but I pick up my hop a bit to get to the bus as something just doesn’t seem right. As I walk a bit further and get closer to the bus I become a bit curious so I turn to look for the figure. As I start my neck turn, I catch him directly across the street from me and is staring down at the ground putting his weight on his left leg with a “I got all the time in the world” stance. I hustle on the bus and find my seat and look back at him. He slowly raises his head and just stares as the bus drives off. We get no more than a couple hundred feet down the road and I look forward and he is in the middle of the road standing firm and making no attempt to move. The bus never tries to slow down, almost like it doesn’t see him and no one else on the bus seems to notice either. As the bus collides with the black figure it literally explodes on impact. When I come around from my daze, I’m laying in the middle of the road broke, bleeding and can’t move. The bus, kids, cars, etc. are all gone...like they never existed in the first place. It’s just me alone with the black figure walking towards me without a care in the world...almost kind of a Huckleberry walk. He walks right up to me, kneels down and then raises his hand as if he is going to stab with an object and BAM, I wake up every time.

I’ve never seen the face or the object he’s going to hit me with. I do finally get to notice as he’s walking up what the figure is wearing. He’s always either wearing an all black suit with a bowler hat or an all black duster with black hat and black boots with spurs.

No idea what it means or why I still have the reoccurring dream 35 years later. So not really weird shit happening but would still like for someone to diagnose that little gem.

Edit that I forgot to add that no matter what he’s wearing, he always has a silver pocket watch hanging out.
I also have a recurring dream. I often dream that I’m bowling, and upon completion I have bowled a perfect game. But when I wake up, there’s one pin standing.

Don Johnson

Jan 11, 2021
I’ve had the same reoccurring dream since I was child. It doesn’t happen as often now but it still pops up.

I’m put back to being in 2nd grade and I am walking to the same bus stop I have walked to hundreds of times as a child. It’s a perfect spring Kansas morning and I can feel the dew of the grass on my shoes and soaking into my socks. The morning sun is beautifully bright and I feel as if it’s the most perfect day God could create. While soaking everything up, I turn to something staring at me appearing to be man or figure in all black. The figure is a ways a way (about a football field’s length) but I pick up my hop a bit to get to the bus as something just doesn’t seem right. As I walk a bit further and get closer to the bus I become a bit curious so I turn to look for the figure. As I start my neck turn, I catch him directly across the street from me and is staring down at the ground putting his weight on his left leg with a “I got all the time in the world” stance. I hustle on the bus and find my seat and look back at him. He slowly raises his head and just stares as the bus drives off. We get no more than a couple hundred feet down the road and I look forward and he is in the middle of the road standing firm and making no attempt to move. The bus never tries to slow down, almost like it doesn’t see him and no one else on the bus seems to notice either. As the bus collides with the black figure it literally explodes on impact. When I come around from my daze, I’m laying in the middle of the road broke, bleeding and can’t move. The bus, kids, cars, etc. are all gone...like they never existed in the first place. It’s just me alone with the black figure walking towards me without a care in the world...almost kind of a Huckleberry walk. He walks right up to me, kneels down and then raises his hand as if he is going to stab with an object and BAM, I wake up every time.

I’ve never seen the face or the object he’s going to hit me with. I do finally get to notice as he’s walking up what the figure is wearing. He’s always either wearing an all black suit with a bowler hat or an all black duster with black hat and black boots with spurs.

No idea what it means or why I still have the reoccurring dream 35 years later. So not really weird shit happening but would still like for someone to diagnose that little gem.

Edit that I forgot to add that no matter what he’s wearing, he always has a silver pocket watch hanging out.
Sounds like you may have some repressed memories from your childhood. By repressed memories, I mean you were at the very least touched inappropriately by a neighbor. Hopefully that’s all it was, for your sake.

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