When Support Groups Go Woke

Similar to everyone else, I ended up here after being driven off Reddit and most other forums that have Gone Woke or(on the other end of the sociocultural continuum)taken The Red Pill
Whisper your favorite cfb team.
Even if you can't welcome Ninja. The whole planet will never agree unless aliens show up
They are rather thin skinned. lol

Also lefties want to complain about 'white privilege' while employing it themselves all the time.

Once on some rainbow mafia discord, I call another ethnic guy 'white passing' as a compliment which he appreciated and liked. The soycucked white mods considered that to be racist and intolerable enough for a ban.

How about all mayo crackers stop policing what shitskins and niggers say to one another as an outward display of your own toxic white guilt?

Also I can't ever be racist cos I'm not white .... (That's a joke).
This thread is full of people who talk too much. Just came to say TLDR.

If you want people to pay attention learn to be precise, on point, and less yadda yadda. Public speaking 101.

Thank you for your time. Back to your regularly spewed bullshit.
Dont get too precise now, I do not require clones.

Or yes I do, time to start a cult.

A speech therapy cult.

Make more of me and send them out.

Yadda yadda blabber blabber woof woof bark CLONES!
This thread is full of people who talk too much. Just came to say TLDR.

If you want people to pay attention learn to be precise, on point, and less yadda yadda. Public speaking 101.

Thank you for your time. Back to your regularly spewed bullshit.
Home girl don't ever shut up

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