> "White" <
What exactly is that though?
We've previously discussed this and I recall that you just weren't able/or willing to grasp the basic concept I had attempted to communicate.
Although the conclusion was that the attempt had been futile and pointless to rehash, butt fuck it, I'll lazily try again.
So, I am of Germanic ancestry.
Retards these days love accusing others with similar skin tone as mine—as supposedly being this "White" thing, eg: with "White Privilege", automatically hardcore into "White Supremacism", and "Reeeee! White! White! White....!"

Bloody hell they are exceedingly fuckin' stupid cunts.
Sure, they are free to be retards, however that has absolutely zero influence as to the actual reality of anything else. No matter how hard they screeech and cry, nothing ever conforms to their collectively shared subjective delusions.
I am not these dipships imbecilic "White" *identification brand label*.
And I would be justifiably suspicious of any mother fucker who willingly plays along with such identity cultist's idiocy.