What is Christian Nationalism?

She huh?

What meeting?

Feelings dont much care to much about facts.

nice talking
The public meeting that was advertised on resisters.freeforums.net You remember, it is the board you complain about and take screen shots of.

I don't know what your reference is to feelings. I'm not a touchy feely kind of guy.

Finally, yes, the bitch is a black crack whore. Years ago I thought it was a man after she would spew a few fighting words and I made TWO different trips to California looking under all kind of rocks after she boasted she could whip my ass. I went once when my sister passed away in La Puente and spent a week. I went and spent ten days on the job the next time. On another site the admin traced the location from which the skank was posting and it led to an empty lot and she was using someone else's signal.

Don't worry. She won't be a problem. She will take the opposite view that I do; tell you I'm stupid; she will make false claims about what I said, but she will never have an original thought and she will leave when I leave here. She did argue with one guy on Political Hotwire and I quit watching the thread after they hit 650 + posts and the two of them were still going at it. If you want a buddy to oppose me, the skank will be there for you. Other than that, she won't have a Hell of a lot of credibility. she's a stalker and tell you every word I've posted anywhere for the last decade.
I asked you what you thought and your reply is both non-responsive and sounds like a bit condescending.

Depending upon which historian you are relying on, the Roman Empire lasted from 1000 to 1500 years (depending on who is defining the Roman Empire.) What did they accomplish?

In the first 300 years from the time of the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, the Posterity of the founders down to the American people had accomplished far more than the Romans had during their existence. Are you wanting a separate debate about that?

I asked you for your opinion. If you don't want to give it and prefer non-responsive replies, then we have little more to discuss. Right?
Put simply: I really couldn't give the slightest of shits about anything you smear across your posts.

Your consistently shameless word games fused with all that child-like aggressive hypocrisy are just downright boring.

😂Of course, like always, you'll no doubt once again effort feigning total ignorance & innocence, preferring instead presenting yourself as some sort of victim somehow while hijacking, twisting & flipping everything to suit your own queer agenda.

Would you also be so arrogant as to assume I haven't already collected-amongst various other information–several dozens of screenshotted examples specifically of your bullshit "Resister" posts...🖕😎🤜💥FAFO
one that is not latino or black or mongol, duh wtf
> "White" <

What exactly is that though?

We've previously discussed this and I recall that you just weren't able/or willing to grasp the basic concept I had attempted to communicate.

Although the conclusion was that the attempt had been futile and pointless to rehash, butt fuck it, I'll lazily try again.

So, I am of Germanic ancestry.

Retards these days love accusing others with similar skin tone as mine—as supposedly being this "White" thing, eg: with "White Privilege", automatically hardcore into "White Supremacism", and "Reeeee! White! White! White....!"

🤣Bloody hell they are exceedingly fuckin' stupid cunts.

Sure, they are free to be retards, however that has absolutely zero influence as to the actual reality of anything else. No matter how hard they screeech and cry, nothing ever conforms to their collectively shared subjective delusions.

I am not these dipships imbecilic "White" *identification brand label*.

And I would be justifiably suspicious of any mother fucker who willingly plays along with such identity cultist's idiocy.
> "White" <

What exactly is that though?

We've previously discussed this and I recall that you just weren't able/or willing to grasp the basic concept I had attempted to communicate.

Although the conclusion was that the attempt had been futile and pointless to rehash, butt fuck it, I'll lazily try again.

So, I am of Germanic ancestry.

Retards these days love accusing others with similar skin tone as mine—as supposedly being this "White" thing, eg: with "White Privilege", automatically hardcore into "White Supremacism", and "Reeeee! White! White! White....!"

🤣Bloody hell they are exceedingly fuckin' stupid cunts.

Sure, they are free to be retards, however that has absolutely zero influence as to the actual reality of anything else. No matter how hard they screeech and cry, nothing ever conforms to their collectively shared subjective delusions.

I am not these dipships imbecilic "White" *identification brand label*.

And I would be justifiably suspicious of any mother fucker who willingly plays along with such identity cultist's idiocy.
Where there people in Europe in the 1600's and earlier espousing "White Privilege" or "White Supremacy"? Did you screw up and not really follow this discussion? Does that make you an "exceedingly fuckin' stupid cunt"? Since you are of German ancestry like myself, was Germany not all White in the 1600's? I'm pretty sure it was. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was that way up into the early 1900's. So, "White" in this instance isn't being used as an ideological or political cudgel.
Where there people in Europe in the 1600's and earlier espousing "White Privilege" or "White Supremacy"? Did you screw up and not really follow this discussion? Does that make you an "exceedingly fuckin' stupid cunt"? Since you are of German ancestry like myself, was Germany not all White in the 1600's? I'm pretty sure it was. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was that way up into the early 1900's. So, "White" in this instance isn't being used as an ideological or political cudgel.
😎So Mr Resis...ahh mean, Liquid Reigns, are you suggesting that prior to 1600—yet oddly also through to the 1900s and furthermore oddly still, even til now, all European peoples have consistently maintained self referrence as well as to one-another as "White" rather than simply Germanic, or German, or Yiddish, or Christian, or Austrian, or Irish, or Russian, or Welsh, or Scottish, or Scandinavian, or Danish, or Icelandic, or Norwegian, or Finnish, or Dutch, or Belgian, or French, or Polish, or Swiss, or so on and so forth.....?

"So, "White" in this instance isn't being used as an ideological or political cudgel."

Whale, I'm sure there are those who may be quite content dropping to their knees before proceeding with eagerly gargling your perfidious dribblings. 🖕😂Good luck with that.
Put simply: I really couldn't give the slightest of shits about anything you smear across your posts.

Your consistently shameless word games fused with all that child-like aggressive hypocrisy are just downright boring.

😂Of course, like always, you'll no doubt once again effort feigning total ignorance & innocence, preferring instead presenting yourself as some sort of victim somehow while hijacking, twisting & flipping everything to suit your own queer agenda.

Would you also be so arrogant as to assume I haven't already collected-amongst various other information–several dozens of screenshotted examples specifically of your bullshit "Resister" posts...🖕😎🤜💥FAFO
Wrong fed boy. I don't have the time or inclination to run around trying to prove who said what, when. In the final analysis, nobody gives a shit. People follow me around, obsessing over what I say and what I post. I live in their head rent free because nobody really gives a shit what I say. They just don't like the fact that I have the Right to disagree with them. And you bitch about my "resister" posts. Nobody is twisting your arm and making you read it.

Take a hint dumbass - Ignore is a life saving feature.
😎So Mr Resis...ahh mean, Liquid Reigns, are you suggesting that prior to 1600—yet oddly also through to the 1900s and furthermore oddly still, even til now, all European peoples have consistently maintained self referrence as well as to one-another as "White" rather than simply Germanic, or German, or Yiddish, or Christian, or Austrian, or Irish, or Russian, or Welsh, or Scottish, or Scandinavian, or Danish, or Icelandic, or Norwegian, or Finnish, or Dutch, or Belgian, or French, or Polish, or Swiss, or so on and so forth.....?

"So, "White" in this instance isn't being used as an ideological or political cudgel."

Whale, I'm sure there are those who may be quite content dropping to their knees before proceeding with eagerly gargling your perfidious dribblings. 🖕😂Good luck with that.
YAWN, look Kiwi, were all those individual countries not white people? Were Europeans Black? Yellow? Red? What fuckin color were they if not White? SMFH

How should I have worded my statement? Should I have stated all those individual countries as also having individuals that were enslaved in what is now the Continental US during the 1600's or is it just simply easier to state White Europeans were also enslaved here?

So please, go back and re-write my post so that it fits into what you think it should have said. Otherwise fuck off and get over it.
😂...whenever I see Limp Wrister's & Liquid Ureign's posts....

...Dokta Jordan Snivelson comes to mind...

Wrong fed boy. I don't have the time or inclination to run around trying to prove who said what, when. In the final analysis, nobody gives a shit. People follow me around, obsessing over what I say and what I post. I live in their head rent free because nobody really gives a shit what I say. They just don't like the fact that I have the Right to disagree with them. And you bitch about my "resister" posts. Nobody is twisting your arm and making you read it.
Take a hint dumbass - Ignore is a life saving feature.
YAWN, look Kiwi, were all those individual countries not white people? Were Europeans Black? Yellow? Red? What fuckin color were they if not White? SMFH
How should I have worded my statement? Should I have stated all those individual countries as also having individuals that were enslaved in what is now the Continental US during the 1600's or is it just simply easier to state White Europeans were also enslaved here?
So please, go back and re-write my post so that it fits into what you think it should have said. Otherwise fuck off and get over it.
Oh, I totally wood, butt...
...eye just don't give a fuck...

😂...whenever I see Limp Wrister's & Liquid Ureign's posts....

...Dokta Jordan Snivelson comes to mind...

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Oh, I totally wood, butt...
View attachment 213466
...eye just don't give a fuck...

You "don't give a fuck" so you post memes and fret over what Americans say about nationalism when your idiot ass has never been IN the United States? Yeah, you make a lot of sense. NOT.

As far as accountability, I'm the only swinging dick among my critics that is required to be held accountable for every word, every nuance and even every typo I make. That's accountability. And what I say doesn't require me to use the work of others in the form of memes to express what is in my mind. So post some more brainless idiocy with memes that don't even apply to this thread.
Finally, yes, the bitch is a black crack whore
In your star studded past, did you know this black crack whore. I am going to assume by context clues that this marriage between you and this person had to have started somewhere in the 80s or 90s, long before the internet was a thing. Crack was prevalent in that time, especially among the blacks. Did you seek out this person? Also, it would seem that this person is doing ok, being that it is now 2024, nearly 40 years after the crack epidemic.
Since you are of German ancestry like myself
Black German huh? Cool, I would say that this is likely the most uncommon mix in Europe. Cool. How far does that blood line go I wonder. Or are you black and just born in Germany in a military base or something.
So Mr Resis...ahh mean, Liquid Reigns,
You "don't give a fuck" so you post memes and fret over what Americans say about nationalism when your idiot ass has never been IN the United States? Yeah, you make a lot of sense. NOT.
As far as accountability, I'm the only swinging dick among my critics that is required to be held accountable for every word, every nuance and even every typo I make. That's accountability. And what I say doesn't require me to use the work of others in the form of memes to express what is in my mind. So post some more brainless idiocy with memes that don't even apply to this thread.
In your star studded past, did you know this black crack whore. I am going to assume by context clues that this marriage between you and this person had to have started somewhere in the 80s or 90s, long before the internet was a thing. Crack was prevalent in that time, especially among the blacks. Did you seek out this person? Also, it would seem that this person is doing ok, being that it is now 2024, nearly 40 years after the crack epidemic.

Black German huh? Cool, I would say that this is likely the most uncommon mix in Europe. Cool. How far does that blood line go I wonder. Or are you black and just born in Germany in a military base or something.

Oh, I've known the bitch at least ten years - though I've never met her in person. That would be worth $2500 just to know who they are and what rock I'd have to flip over to find. Seek them out?

Not quite. They asked me to prove a point on another discussion board. She used info gained in PMs to ultimately identify me and I've been stuck with her as my personal stalker and gaslighter ever since.

You seem to be getting obsessed by my past as well. Let me get this straight:

If someone disagrees with the status quo of a board, then there past becomes relative and they have to be followed and identified for ... exactly what purpose? And how does this information have anything to do with the subject of this topic of Christian Nationalism? What possesses you to take screenshots of the resisters board and post it here? Have you told the posters here that it was YOU who invited me to this board? OR do they know that you picked a debate and then tapped out when you had ample opportunity there to address the issues YOU posted about?

Can you explain what federal agency you work for and what the purpose thereof is? OR are you some kind of sick fuck that thinks he has to have a pissing match with people that he may have to do business with in a SHTF scenario? And if you think the democracy is going to keep rocking right along, why in the Hell are you on this thread? For what purpose?

I've been so respectful as to honestly and fully answer your questions. Let's see if you can muster enough decency to respectfully respond to my questions.
Oh, I've known the bitch at least ten years - though I've never met her in person. That would be worth $2500 just to know who they are and what rock I'd have to flip over to find. Seek them out?

Not quite. They asked me to prove a point on another discussion board. She used info gained in PMs to ultimately identify me and I've been stuck with her as my personal stalker and gaslighter ever since.

You seem to be getting obsessed by my past as well. Let me get this straight:

If someone disagrees with the status quo of a board, then there past becomes relative and they have to be followed and identified for ... exactly what purpose? And how does this information have anything to do with the subject of this topic of Christian Nationalism? What possesses you to take screenshots of the resisters board and post it here? Have you told the posters here that it was YOU who invited me to this board? OR do they know that you picked a debate and then tapped out when you had ample opportunity there to address the issues YOU posted about?

Can you explain what federal agency you work for and what the purpose thereof is? OR are you some kind of sick fuck that thinks he has to have a pissing match with people that he may have to do business with in a SHTF scenario? And if you think the democracy is going to keep rocking right along, why in the Hell are you on this thread? For what purpose?

I've been so respectful as to honestly and fully answer your questions. Let's see if you can muster enough decency to respectfully respond to my questions.
You put your own info out their you dumb ass.

I've told you when you come to Sacramento, you let me know and I'll collect the $2500 myself. You don't need to flip any rock over, I'll meet you at the airport, take your money, and then put your 4 foot tall dumb ass right back on the airplane.
Can you explain what federal agency you work for
Construction, then Army, then NSA, then oil field, then self employed
For what purpose?
Have you told the posters here that it was YOU who invited me to this board?
I think I had mentioned it before. Our storied relationship began on another firearm related site, in which out of all the BS people were talking about AR15 rifles, you chose me to PM and ask some specifics about building an AR15, or something along those lines.

I have no problem with you, just your attitude. The world is not your classroom, you must also be a student. This is your issue. You provide your opinions as fact, and then when challenged, you attack............and you dont like being attacked.
tapped out when you had ample opportunity
I explained my positions and always do, but it is impossible to have a discussion with you or anyone who makes up the facts as they go......which you do quite a bit. Not always.
to do business with in a SHTF scenario?
I would not be a good candidate for business in such a scenario. Plus, the internet would be dead, and all the members of this and any other internet based discussion board would be effectively dead, as comms would be.
Construction, then Army, then NSA, then oil field, then self employed


I think I had mentioned it before. Our storied relationship began on another firearm related site, in which out of all the BS people were talking about AR15 rifles, you chose me to PM and ask some specifics about building an AR15, or something along those lines.

I have no problem with you, just your attitude. The world is not your classroom, you must also be a student. This is your issue. You provide your opinions as fact, and then when challenged, you attack............and you dont like being attacked.

I explained my positions and always do, but it is impossible to have a discussion with you or anyone who makes up the facts as they go......which you do quite a bit. Not always.

I would not be a good candidate for business in such a scenario. Plus, the internet would be dead, and all the members of this and any other internet based discussion board would be effectively dead, as comms would be.

You have your take on the best use of the Internet; I have mine. If you think that sharing experiences sounds like someone is using the Internet as a "classroom," then, you don't have to participate in a given discussion. Resisters OTOH, says up front what it intends to be: an online think tank. That's what it is. It isn't intended to be this kind of social media and people share experiences just like with AR15.com

When you are discussing things like how to stuff, it's better to know what experience a person has. When I asked your opinion about the AR platform, I expect that people who act as if they have a clue about it, will give their opinion. My views are subject to change based upon the new information that comes out.

I realize that you don't like how I live my life; I'm not trying to tell you how to live yours. If you went back 25 years ago, we used to rent out the banquet rooms at restaurants (mostly steak houses.) We would host twice monthly meetings there and people would discuss stuff face to face. I do it only a few times a year now because most people had rather be on the computer.

Discussion boards COULD be used in lieu of public meetings. You could "attend" at your leisure and weigh in at any time. It would be like a public meeting. Only you don't have to get in your car and nobody is rousting you for money to pay for the costs associated with live meetings. Now, I'm not an idiot. That is not what people use these boards for - for the most part; however, what would make us idiots is not to exploit that possibility. And if me posting what I know poses a threat to you, then which of us has the problem? You say you're former NSA. That's cool. I won't call you a liar or start some shit with you. I'm not like the stalkers I get to prove this and prove that. I would point out that when you take screenshots of one board to post on another, I might be inclined to believe the former NSA is not so former and / or you might be collecting info to share with the world. Why do that if you don't have a problem with me? Why not let Uncle Scam do his own research? Nobody else cares. You screwed the pooch on that one too by not reading the other forums on resisters to see how I ended up posting on the Prof's acct.

I don't make up facts as I go along. You simply want info that puts me in a predicament. If I post all the "proof" and go down every rabbit hole, it is a wall of text and I'm accused of bloviating. If I only discuss what is immediately relevant to the topic, then some other jackass is pecking their keyboard, saying if you knew anything about it ... (fill in the blanks.) It's as if asking a question would cause what brain cells they have left to explode in their head.

I don't like it that grown men want to turn every thread into a pissing match and a load of horseshit about who the most flaming faggot is on the board. But, when they have those threads, I don't waste a lot of time with them. I speak out among all of them for turning every thread into a gay blade discussion. WTF? Are all those guys like - ten? Their posts don't ruin my life. You shouldn't let my posts ruin yours. And if you had a point about the Masons and all the shit you're whining about, you should go back to resisters and tell all those people posting where they got it wrong. And if you want to accuse anyone of twisting a fact, the onus is on YOU to prove it - not run from it and then come here to try and run me down personally.
we used to rent out the banquet rooms at restaurants
right, but no longer becuase of the false god of the internet
Discussion boards COULD be used in lieu of public meetings.
no, because people are more genuine in person, and there is not context in text ,voice is a different story
And if me posting what I know poses a threat to you, then which of us has the problem
no threat killer
believe the former NSA is not so former
it was a small stint , and not for what you might think. 9 months or so.
heir posts don't ruin my life. You shouldn't let my posts ruin yours
it does not, quite contrary
And if you had a point about the Masons and all the shit you're whining about, you should go back to resisters and tell all those people posting where they got it wrong.
I did. Those to whom see its value can read it, those that dont have the opportunity to decide for themselves.
right, but no longer becuase of the false god of the internet

no, because people are more genuine in person, and there is not context in text ,voice is a different story

no threat killer

it was a small stint , and not for what you might think. 9 months or so.

it does not, quite contrary

I did. Those to whom see its value can read it, those that dont have the opportunity to decide for themselves.
I'm pretty sure you haven't accessed that thread at resisters (about Masons) since more people have weighed in.

While I agree with you about meeting people face to face, our last meeting boasted a whopping 17 people and three of those were related to me in one form or another. We used to have meetings with 85 people in a local banquet room and all that was left was standing room only. BTW, that place closed down after we quit having meetings; the wait staff now working at other restaurants and all of them still consider me a friend. They made good money when we came to town.

Due to my own personal stalker and the advice / agreement made with someone else I do not bother reading any of the B.S. trolls post about me. As you might have witnessed with "Joe" on this site, I put myself on a level playing field with him and let it go. Still not sure how any of this relates to Christian Nationalism, but then again I'm not the brightest star in the constellation. I'm not even sure I'd classify myself as a Christian Nationalist, so I'm continuing to research it and post what I'm finding.

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