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What "Conspiracy Theories" made the most profound change'(S) in your life and when did you start your awakening process?

Feb 9, 2023
The word conspiracy theory is a misnomer as it should just be called forbidden truths or something along those lines.

With that being said, my awakening process started in 2016 after being as close to death as humanly possible in 2015. At this point Jewtube and some other SM platforms were still decent in terms of finding truth. I remember school always feeling like a prison, military was even worse and in fact all my professional jobs were government, and I was the perfect slave and worked my ass off for many awards, college degree fully paid for, acquired a house at a low interest rate and price/location due to my near perfect timing. Even while living the American dream something was still not sitting well with me and I still felt like a slave (debt slave, wage slave, mind slave, etc). After the accident I was medically discharged and received my full pension and 100% disability, so I never have to work another day for the rest of my life at a very young age.

I spent the next year I went down into all the rabbit holes as deep as I could. I experienced much anger, followed by sadness and then followed by a new purpose in life.

1.) Yahweh exists and the bible is truth (flat dome earth, whites are the true Hebrews, Jews are the children of the devil, over 80% of prophecy's have been fulfilled, etc). My life within this decaying body is just a temporary experience and test to see if I can upgrade my player to the next level to achieve the 1,000 year rule of Yashua then immortality. I was unfortunately brought up in the Catholic church which I found is completely controlled and is actually the Beast as mentioned in the bible and is a false Christian religion and contradicts the bible in many ways. If anything they're becoming more satanic as time progresses.

2.) Governments are corporations, I then realized why they do everything they can to extort, control, depopulate and manipulate the people because they're a corporation mascaraing as a government and their only goal is power and profit. I learned that the original US gov was dormant since the Civil war and there is now a movement which has re-activated the original American Union and I have joined them by changing my political and military status.

3.) Everything to do with the Jews: I've watched all the David Duke Videos and read all his books. I've watched countless videos on bitchute about the Jews and read various portions of the Talmud. I know their fiat Ponzi scheme paper monopoly currency is worthless and will go to it's inevitable mathematical value of 0 and is simply counterfeit. I learned they did this by sinking not the Titanic but sank another vessel which they called the Titanic as this was an insurance scam by JP Morgan to kill the resistance of other bankers who were attempting to stop their Central Bank scheme in the US. I found out they're behind the Illuminati, Masons, and many other secret societies. I found out they own and control TV, Hollywood, music industry, porn industry, sports, stock markets (they literally own rights to all the stocks not the investors), major positions in all the government (corporation) branches to give them more power and control, and Israel controls them as their puppets to fight their wars for them to mass murder millions of innocent Arabs including women and children to establish central banks and take their resources. I learned they own mainstream media and social media to control the narrative and push their agenda of white genocide, depopulation, sexual degeneracy, multiculturalism, etc. I learned they were owned the slave ships or majority of them that took the blacks to America. I learned they're the children of the Devil as Jesus (Yashua stated in the bible). I learned they control the education system to make us a bunch of slave followers that listen and obey so called authority. They're behind vaccines, legalized drugs (meds), many major corporations, and overall anything that makes us sick, sterilizes us or kills us faster they're behind it as they're a genocidal group of monsters. They're the true enemy of the humans on this earth.

4.) How to actually make money and what is real wealth. After learning about what real money is, how the markets work I learned how to swing trade between asset classes, shorting the markets, combined with timing so my wealth only grows. I used the SEC filings as my red flag for the market based off Mark Zuckerbitche's filings. I started with Bitcoin in 2015 (3k for 10 bitcoins) over purchasing rental homes (since I didn't want to be in debt to a bank again). I used the bitcoin top indicator to get out before it crashed and did the same thing the next time but I took my earnings and invested into Cardano in 2020 when it hit 3 cents. After this I pretty much decided I could create my own retirement with buying up businesses (vending machines, Ice machines, Weed vending machines and rental properties near military bases). I put a large portion in precious metals, changed my military and government status. I purchased off grid property. I also started angel investing and invested 100k into boxabl at it's original offering. It's already 15x. I pre ordered 10 boxable homes to live and to rent out. I am no longer a tax slave, debt slave, wage slave or within society outside of the ghettos of the internet. I'm currently interested in getting started investing directly investing into private businesses. I pretty much acquired all my wealth by basically made majority of my money with no social media, not much talking or working with people or customers, and just learning as much as possible about investing as I could and finding the best tools and filings to time the markets. From this I was able to buy my freedom.
Feb 9, 2023
5.) Women: Sure it would be awesome to have a women to be with for me to share my life with and grow a family. Unfortunately, I've personally witnessed, friends and family go through the divorce courts and some committted suicide. Due to the rigged court system against men and the quality of the western women there is no logical reason to have any type of relationship with a woman as it will only bring forth terrible risks and bad results. Today's females cannot pair bond since they've had multiple partners by 16 already. They have access to the internet for unlimited male attention and dicks in their inbox. They dress and look like skanks and wear a ton of fakeup. They're mostly heathens or fake christian with few morals. They don't do any of the traditional roles like cooking, cleaning, etc. They're unloyal, argumentative. They have access to all kinds of contraceptives and abortion so there's no consequences (immediate for them to see) for their disgusting actions. There's essentially 0 benefit to marrying or having a relationship with a western woman outside of sex which should be for making children as sex for just pleasure is pure degeneracy. The only women I've found to be worth the time and effort would be an Amish woman, but I have no desire to become Amish since I enjoy building different machines and things they wouldn't allow. Also, they believe works gets you into heaven and not faith which isn't truth. If you want to risk your peace of mind, career, money, freedom, and overall life just to have a relationship with a woman then that's your choice but you should know it's a foolish decision that will always end up as a bad decision with a very minor few exception.

Bonus: The health system is designed to keep you sick and dying. I've learned natural organic alkaline foods is the best way to avoid ever getting sick. However if you develop intestinal issues then the carnivore diet is a great tool to heal. Everyone's microbiome is in a different state so their diet may work well for them but for someone else it could potentially kill them or cause horrific side effects. Qi gong is the best exercises on earth for life extension along with sexual transmutation practices.

So with this knowledge you can achieve immortality, freedom with peace of mind and no worries about your government or news because it has no effect on you, accumulate generational life changing wealth, and not doom yourself by having a relationship with a modern woman (outside of a tiny minority of good women), and know who the real enemy of humans are and to not be fooled by them. Your life does matter as we don't come from turd flinging monkeys on a spinning basketball in an infinite space and flying at 1,000 miles an hour within a galaxy traveling over 500,000 miles per hour and we weren't a product of a random explosion (which destroys and doesn't create). The obvious signs of intelligent design are everywhere, and one would have to be brainwashed, ignorant, or obtuse to not notice all these signs. That was me through school, military, until I finally started thinking for myself and started questioning my own reality.

I've been banned off every single social media platform (some multiple times). I joined up here hoping to find other people are fed up with the entire matrix and want to free themselves or are close to freedom. I hope to share my experiences on how I gained my freedom with anyone that cares or has this desire. I know, due to my beliefs I would either be kicked out of society or end up in prison or a concentration camp so I may as well exit from society before it's too late.


Dec 24, 2020
The word conspiracy theory is a misnomer as it should just be called forbidden truths or something along those lines.

With that being said, my awakening process started in 2016 after being as close to death as humanly possible in 2015. At this point Jewtube and some other SM platforms were still decent in terms of finding truth. I remember school always feeling like a prison, military was even worse and in fact all my professional jobs were government, and I was the perfect slave and worked my ass off for many awards, college degree fully paid for, acquired a house at a low interest rate and price/location due to my near perfect timing. Even while living the American dream something was still not sitting well with me and I still felt like a slave (debt slave, wage slave, mind slave, etc). After the accident I was medically discharged and received my full pension and 100% disability, so I never have to work another day for the rest of my life at a very young age.

I spent the next year I went down into all the rabbit holes as deep as I could. I experienced much anger, followed by sadness and then followed by a new purpose in life.

1.) Yahweh exists and the bible is truth (flat dome earth, whites are the true Hebrews, Jews are the children of the devil, over 80% of prophecy's have been fulfilled, etc). My life within this decaying body is just a temporary experience and test to see if I can upgrade my player to the next level to achieve the 1,000 year rule of Yashua then immortality. I was unfortunately brought up in the Catholic church which I found is completely controlled and is actually the Beast as mentioned in the bible and is a false Christian religion and contradicts the bible in many ways. If anything they're becoming more satanic as time progresses.

2.) Governments are corporations, I then realized why they do everything they can to extort, control, depopulate and manipulate the people because they're a corporation mascaraing as a government and their only goal is power and profit. I learned that the original US gov was dormant since the Civil war and there is now a movement which has re-activated the original American Union and I have joined them by changing my political and military status.

3.) Everything to do with the Jews: I've watched all the David Duke Videos and read all his books. I've watched countless videos on bitchute about the Jews and read various portions of the Talmud. I know their fiat Ponzi scheme paper monopoly currency is worthless and will go to it's inevitable mathematical value of 0 and is simply counterfeit. I learned they did this by sinking not the Titanic but sank another vessel which they called the Titanic as this was an insurance scam by JP Morgan to kill the resistance of other bankers who were attempting to stop their Central Bank scheme in the US. I found out they're behind the Illuminati, Masons, and many other secret societies. I found out they own and control TV, Hollywood, music industry, porn industry, sports, stock markets (they literally own rights to all the stocks not the investors), major positions in all the government (corporation) branches to give them more power and control, and Israel controls them as their puppets to fight their wars for them to mass murder millions of innocent Arabs including women and children to establish central banks and take their resources. I learned they own mainstream media and social media to control the narrative and push their agenda of white genocide, depopulation, sexual degeneracy, multiculturalism, etc. I learned they were owned the slave ships or majority of them that took the blacks to America. I learned they're the children of the Devil as Jesus (Yashua stated in the bible). I learned they control the education system to make us a bunch of slave followers that listen and obey so called authority. They're behind vaccines, legalized drugs (meds), many major corporations, and overall anything that makes us sick, sterilizes us or kills us faster they're behind it as they're a genocidal group of monsters. They're the true enemy of the humans on this earth.

4.) How to actually make money and what is real wealth. After learning about what real money is, how the markets work I learned how to swing trade between asset classes, shorting the markets, combined with timing so my wealth only grows. I used the SEC filings as my red flag for the market based off Mark Zuckerbitche's filings. I started with Bitcoin in 2015 (3k for 10 bitcoins) over purchasing rental homes (since I didn't want to be in debt to a bank again). I used the bitcoin top indicator to get out before it crashed and did the same thing the next time but I took my earnings and invested into Cardano in 2020 when it hit 3 cents. After this I pretty much decided I could create my own retirement with buying up businesses (vending machines, Ice machines, Weed vending machines and rental properties near military bases). I put a large portion in precious metals, changed my military and government status. I purchased off grid property. I also started angel investing and invested 100k into boxabl at it's original offering. It's already 15x. I pre ordered 10 boxable homes to live and to rent out. I am no longer a tax slave, debt slave, wage slave or within society outside of the ghettos of the internet. I'm currently interested in getting started investing directly investing into private businesses. I pretty much acquired all my wealth by basically made majority of my money with no social media, not much talking or working with people or customers, and just learning as much as possible about investing as I could and finding the best tools and filings to time the markets. From this I was able to buy my freedom.

5.) Women: Sure it would be awesome to have a women to be with for me to share my life with and grow a family. Unfortunately, I've personally witnessed, friends and family go through the divorce courts and some committted suicide. Due to the rigged court system against men and the quality of the western women there is no logical reason to have any type of relationship with a woman as it will only bring forth terrible risks and bad results. Today's females cannot pair bond since they've had multiple partners by 16 already. They have access to the internet for unlimited male attention and dicks in their inbox. They dress and look like skanks and wear a ton of fakeup. They're mostly heathens or fake christian with few morals. They don't do any of the traditional roles like cooking, cleaning, etc. They're unloyal, argumentative. They have access to all kinds of contraceptives and abortion so there's no consequences (immediate for them to see) for their disgusting actions. There's essentially 0 benefit to marrying or having a relationship with a western woman outside of sex which should be for making children as sex for just pleasure is pure degeneracy. The only women I've found to be worth the time and effort would be an Amish woman, but I have no desire to become Amish since I enjoy building different machines and things they wouldn't allow. Also, they believe works gets you into heaven and not faith which isn't truth. If you want to risk your peace of mind, career, money, freedom, and overall life just to have a relationship with a woman then that's your choice but you should know it's a foolish decision that will always end up as a bad decision with a very minor few exception.

Bonus: The health system is designed to keep you sick and dying. I've learned natural organic alkaline foods is the best way to avoid ever getting sick. However if you develop intestinal issues then the carnivore diet is a great tool to heal. Everyone's microbiome is in a different state so their diet may work well for them but for someone else it could potentially kill them or cause horrific side effects. Qi gong is the best exercises on earth for life extension along with sexual transmutation practices.

So with this knowledge you can achieve immortality, freedom with peace of mind and no worries about your government or news because it has no effect on you, accumulate generational life changing wealth, and not doom yourself by having a relationship with a modern woman (outside of a tiny minority of good women), and know who the real enemy of humans are and to not be fooled by them. Your life does matter as we don't come from turd flinging monkeys on a spinning basketball in an infinite space and flying at 1,000 miles an hour within a galaxy traveling over 500,000 miles per hour and we weren't a product of a random explosion (which destroys and doesn't create). The obvious signs of intelligent design are everywhere, and one would have to be brainwashed, ignorant, or obtuse to not notice all these signs. That was me through school, military, until I finally started thinking for myself and started questioning my own reality.

I've been banned off every single social media platform (some multiple times). I joined up here hoping to find other people are fed up with the entire matrix and want to free themselves or are close to freedom. I hope to share my experiences on how I gained my freedom with anyone that cares or has this desire. I know, due to my beliefs I would either be kicked out of society or end up in prison or a concentration camp so I may as well exit from society before it's too late.
Nobody is reading any of that

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021

BitChute is an alt-tech video hosting service launched by Ray Vahey in January 2017. It describes itself as offering freedom of speech, while the service is known for hosting far-right individuals, conspiracy theorists, and hate speech. Wikipedia
Category: Online video platform
Date launched: January 2017
Parent: Bit Chute Limited
Created by: Ray Vahey

Appreciate the post bud I read some but way to much.
Feb 9, 2023

BitChute is an alt-tech video hosting service launched by Ray Vahey in January 2017. It describes itself as offering freedom of speech, while the service is known for hosting far-right individuals, conspiracy theorists, and hate speech. Wikipedia
Category: Online video platform
Date launched: January 2017
Parent: Bit Chute Limited
Created by: Ray Vahey

Appreciate the post bud I read some but way to much.
You do know the Jews control the fake news of WIKI right?

yes most people are lazy and don't read and just believe what their daddy gov/jew owned school system and media tells them so I am not suprised at all.
Feb 9, 2023
Bigfoot being found dead when mt st helen exploded amd it was covered up

Mt. St. Helen's Sasquatch Cover Up
› home › podcasts › paranormal 411
The so called bigfoot is just a giant or Nephilim. as described in the bible. There are very few still alive but every now and then a story pops up and even rarer is video footage. The most recent sighting was last year I believe in Jasper national park where the dude spotted a giant walking on a mountain. Eventually the CIA got involved and kept him out of the park and was stocking his house. They made him say all the giant videos were fake. Eventually he said they were real and he's scared for his life. He died a month later and the death certificate has been confirmed.

videos covering this tik toker.


Deleted member 2886

He has said in the past that he lives in NYC.
Oh ok, i genuinely didn't know that aye.

Also, i'm unsure, but just in case my other comments meaning may have perhaps been misinterpreted, i would like to assure everyone here that i certainly wasn't being disingenuous or sarcastic or anything like that.

Infact, i'm actually extremely curious as to ShaolinNole's experiences on that tragic day.

i was 15yo and remember exactly where i was(*11 house moves ago) when i first saw the shocking news on tv.
Though i may not be an American—i cannot deny that what occurred that day has profoundly affected me ever since—& frankly it is a major factor influencing why i have come to sincerely feel a significant connection/brotherly sympathy with you guys.(/& gals)


Jan 8, 2021
Oh ok, i genuinely didn't know that aye.

Also, i'm unsure, but just in case my other comments meaning may have perhaps been misinterpreted, i would like to assure everyone here that i certainly wasn't being disingenuous or sarcastic or anything like that.

Infact, i'm actually extremely curious as to ShaolinNole's experiences on that tragic day.

i was 15yo and remember exactly where i was(*11 house moves ago) when i first saw the shocking news on tv.
Though i may not be an American—i cannot deny that what occurred that day has profoundly affected me ever since—& frankly it is a major factor influencing why i have come to sincerely feel a significant connection/brotherly sympathy with you guys.(/& gals)
Thanks man. I figured you were being forthright. I will tell the whole story again sometime. Fuckin brutal day and I remember virtually every minute of it.


Jan 7, 2021
Oh ok, i genuinely didn't know that aye.

Also, i'm unsure, but just in case my other comments meaning may have perhaps been misinterpreted, i would like to assure everyone here that i certainly wasn't being disingenuous or sarcastic or anything like that.

Infact, i'm actually extremely curious as to ShaolinNole's experiences on that tragic day.

i was 15yo and remember exactly where i was(*11 house moves ago) when i first saw the shocking news on tv.
Though i may not be an American—i cannot deny that what occurred that day has profoundly affected me ever since—& frankly it is a major factor influencing why i have come to sincerely feel a significant connection/brotherly sympathy with you guys.(/& gals)

That's crazy that it impacted you all the way in New Zealand.


Jan 9, 2021
Someone posted about hidden history and that was a total mind fuck.
I think it was a three part video going into worlds fairs. It sure if this covers the same thing.

The why files are a good watch. He usually debunks the topic at the end.

Btw OP, never hear of the Jew angle. How are you determining the BTC peak?


Jan 9, 2021
5.) Women: Sure it would be awesome to have a women to be with for me to share my life with and grow a family. Unfortunately, I've personally witnessed, friends and family go through the divorce courts and some committted suicide. Due to the rigged court system against men and the quality of the western women there is no logical reason to have any type of relationship with a woman as it will only bring forth terrible risks and bad results. Today's females cannot pair bond since they've had multiple partners by 16 already. They have access to the internet for unlimited male attention and dicks in their inbox. They dress and look like skanks and wear a ton of fakeup. They're mostly heathens or fake christian with few morals. They don't do any of the traditional roles like cooking, cleaning, etc. They're unloyal, argumentative. They have access to all kinds of contraceptives and abortion so there's no consequences (immediate for them to see) for their disgusting actions. There's essentially 0 benefit to marrying or having a relationship with a western woman outside of sex which should be for making children as sex for just pleasure is pure degeneracy. The only women I've found to be worth the time and effort would be an Amish woman, but I have no desire to become Amish since I enjoy building different machines and things they wouldn't allow. Also, they believe works gets you into heaven and not faith which isn't truth. If you want to risk your peace of mind, career, money, freedom, and overall life just to have a relationship with a woman then that's your choice but you should know it's a foolish decision that will always end up as a bad decision with a very minor few exception.

Bonus: The health system is designed to keep you sick and dying. I've learned natural organic alkaline foods is the best way to avoid ever getting sick. However if you develop intestinal issues then the carnivore diet is a great tool to heal. Everyone's microbiome is in a different state so their diet may work well for them but for someone else it could potentially kill them or cause horrific side effects. Qi gong is the best exercises on earth for life extension along with sexual transmutation practices.

So with this knowledge you can achieve immortality, freedom with peace of mind and no worries about your government or news because it has no effect on you, accumulate generational life changing wealth, and not doom yourself by having a relationship with a modern woman (outside of a tiny minority of good women), and know who the real enemy of humans are and to not be fooled by them. Your life does matter as we don't come from turd flinging monkeys on a spinning basketball in an infinite space and flying at 1,000 miles an hour within a galaxy traveling over 500,000 miles per hour and we weren't a product of a random explosion (which destroys and doesn't create). The obvious signs of intelligent design are everywhere, and one would have to be brainwashed, ignorant, or obtuse to not notice all these signs. That was me through school, military, until I finally started thinking for myself and started questioning my own reality.

I've been banned off every single social media platform (some multiple times). I joined up here hoping to find other people are fed up with the entire matrix and want to free themselves or are close to freedom. I hope to share my experiences on how I gained my freedom with anyone that cares or has this desire. I know, due to my beliefs I would either be kicked out of society or end up in prison or a concentration camp so I may as well exit from society before it's too late.

Deleted member 2886

That's crazy that it impacted you all the way in New Zealand.
Absolutely nowhere even remotely comparable to the fundamental individual & national traumas inflicted upon you guys, that's for damned sure!

Obviously the vile NZ govt stooges immediately took full advantage of the commotion, slithering about going hard changing fundamental NZ laws—in line with the Bush-& other compromised "western" co-conspirator govt regimes.


i know some of ya'z hate reading my long posts so just ignore the middle spoiler.

For me, sheit, i just stood in stunned silence watching the breaking news report early on the 12th Sept 01 in NZ, before school.

Weirdest fuckin day man.

Prolly about a third of all students turned up and -(*in hindsight)- nearly everyone was clearly exhibiting various degrees of psychological trauma, kids moping around quietly as far as the eye could see, crazy shit man, like a mass funeral event and fuckin couldn't tell ya how many girls i saw crying &/or having panic attacks that day(*including two teachers),... straight up aye, fuckin no cunt seemed to know what to do.

Think i had always fully believed USA was completely invulnerable aye.

Was totally mad on everything US military related.
In 01, i was roughly 2yrs into NZCF training.
Planned on being a soldier.

Biggest effect though, i think, is the massive sudden shock into consciousness for the fundamental realization that a thing which had been a core anchor/orientation point for my entire conception of reality had just basically fuckin disintegrated into nothing but dust.

Again in hindsight, i now know a consequence of this shattered core belief is that everything else i had been taught—& so thought real—it initiated an unraveling.

i began to question everything.

Ain't gonna deny,.... it's what triggered my predilection for questioning all things presented as "authority".

Fuck🖕😂 "authority", there is only One True Authority and he ain't a mere collective of swinish governmental human creatures.

😅 Unsurprisingly this has led to significantly troublesome situations arising.

Butt is why i am the fiendishly curiously/cuntified way i am right now,... and the "unraveling" has not ceased.

Dunno if i can even explain this properly without sounding like a fuckin fag, butt me & my brothers were raised by a fuckin crazy witch who made damn sure we knew her grandfather was an American marine.
(*Possessive narcissistic bitch hasn't ever told us his name!...and she's gotta fuckin creepy shrine thing with an old b&w picture of him, the witch basically idolizes & worships him.)

And that "War on Terror" has also come at the added expense of a cousin too.
(*didn't know him personally though.)
Pic#1 - Not my unit (*couldn't find any pics online)-but same training grounds.
•Pic#2 - Great grandad holding grandma.

•Pics#3&4 - Tim O'Donnell.

Lastly... prolly comical, my old man's hobby/addiction is anything American Civil War related.
Cunts collected all sorts of genuine civil war era military equipment.
One time he got me into reading his treasured 'Edge' book series collection.
Man there's heaps of faggotty leftarded communists in NZ aye.

From what i can see, they're basically infected with the same Soros ideological virus plaguing all nations of European ancestry.

Ya know the types, like, cognitively retarded—BLM/pro-pedotranny/pro-jewkraine/anti-everything upon which America was truly founded.

i ain't one of them.


Jan 7, 2021
Absolutely nowhere even remotely comparable to the fundamental individual & national traumas inflicted upon you guys, that's for damned sure!

Obviously the vile NZ govt stooges immediately took full advantage of the commotion, slithering about going hard changing fundamental NZ laws—in line with the Bush-& other compromised "western" co-conspirator govt regimes.

i know some of ya'z hate reading my long posts so just ignore the middle spoiler.

For me, sheit, i just stood in stunned silence watching the breaking news report early on the 12th Sept 01 in NZ, before school.

Weirdest fuckin day man.

Prolly about a third of all students turned up and -(*in hindsight)- nearly everyone was clearly exhibiting various degrees of psychological trauma, kids moping around quietly as far as the eye could see, crazy shit man, like a mass funeral event and fuckin couldn't tell ya how many girls i saw crying &/or having panic attacks that day(*including two teachers),... straight up aye, fuckin no cunt seemed to know what to do.

Think i had always fully believed USA was completely invulnerable aye.

Was totally mad on everything US military related.
In 01, i was roughly 2yrs into NZCF training.
Planned on being a soldier.

Biggest effect though, i think, is the massive sudden shock into consciousness for the fundamental realization that a thing which had been a core anchor/orientation point for my entire conception of reality had just basically fuckin disintegrated into nothing but dust.

Again in hindsight, i now know a consequence of this shattered core belief is that everything else i had been taught—& so thought real—it initiated an unraveling.

i began to question everything.

Ain't gonna deny,.... it's what triggered my predilection for questioning all things presented as "authority".

Fuck🖕😂 "authority", there is only One True Authority and he ain't a mere collective of swinish governmental human creatures.

😅 Unsurprisingly this has led to significantly troublesome situations arising.

Butt is why i am the fiendishly curiously/cuntified way i am right now,... and the "unraveling" has not ceased.

Dunno if i can even explain this properly without sounding like a fuckin fag, butt me & my brothers were raised by a fuckin crazy witch who made damn sure we knew her grandfather was an American marine.
(*Possessive narcissistic bitch hasn't ever told us his name!...and she's gotta fuckin creepy shrine thing with an old b&w picture of him, the witch basically idolizes & worships him.)

And that "War on Terror" has also come at the added expense of a cousin too.
(*didn't know him personally though.)
Pic#1 - Not my unit (*couldn't find any pics online)-but same training grounds.
•Pic#2 - Great grandad holding grandma.

View attachment 173177View attachment 173176
•Pics#3&4 - Tim O'Donnell.

Lastly... prolly comical, my old man's hobby/addiction is anything American Civil War related.
Cunts collected all sorts of genuine civil war era military equipment.
One time he got me into reading his treasured 'Edge' book series collection.
View attachment 173174
View attachment 173175
Man there's heaps of faggotty leftarded communists in NZ aye.

From what i can see, they're basically infected with the same Soros ideological virus plaguing all nations of European ancestry.

Ya know the types, like, cognitively retarded—BLM/pro-pedotranny/pro-jewkraine/anti-everything upon which America was truly founded.

i ain't one of them.
View attachment 173172View attachment 173173

On 9/11 I was 20 yrs old with a pregnant wife. I was a carpenter at the time building a porch. My slave driver of a boss actually gave us the rest if the day off to be with our families.
Feb 9, 2023

I wish I could go back 20 years to be a teenager again. Both those guys are frauds. Peterson is a Jewish Rothchild shill and believes the white race should continue to go through genocide as he says preserving your heritage is racist and will lead to bad things. He's controlled opposition and the media promoted him for a few years and he profited off the naive lost young men.

Top G is basically a Tai Lopez but with more physicality and more edgy comments about women. He profits off the attention he's able to obtain from these edgy comments then filters his victims from social media into his ponzi scheme in which more victims blast his clips on Tic Toc to drag in more victims into his over valued training program which is taught not by him but by boring guys with a 1/10th of charisma as him. Many of the students claim they lost money or couldn't even make minimum wage after a year of their efforts. They're teaching stocks, options, shopify, affiliate marketing, copywriting. The same old garbage that Lopez was pushing about 5-8 years ago now.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
The so called bigfoot is just a giant or Nephilim. as described in the bible. There are very few still alive but every now and then a story pops up and even rarer is video footage. The most recent sighting was last year I believe in Jasper national park where the dude spotted a giant walking on a mountain. Eventually the CIA got involved and kept him out of the park and was stocking his house. They made him say all the giant videos were fake. Eventually he said they were real and he's scared for his life. He died a month later and the death certificate has been confirmed.

videos covering this tik toker.

Id agree and add Devison man an off shoot beside neanderthal man is a viable candidate from a size aspect. Not sure about the hairy though.

It wouldnt suprise me if a big north american ape was around. I saw one but im not allowed to discuss it other than i can only claim what i saw. I cant say where i can only give geological formations and some other info i use to kbow if peoplr know or not
Feb 9, 2023
I should've put level earth as entirely separate truth but it's all covered in biblical truth.

You would think this private video of a balloon about 23 miles in the air showing a level plane without a fish eye lense and without editing outside of contrast would be sufficient to prove flat earth but stupid is as stupid does.

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