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Welp there it is

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023

They won turbo cancer
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

As soon as I heard back in Spring of '20 that it was gonna be a new "vaccine" based on never before used technology, that I would not be taking it.

I say "vaccine", because it's a vaccine in name only, not an actual vaccine that actually provides immunity.


Sep 22, 2023
I tried my best to tell people DO NOT GET THE SHOT and THE MASK DOES NOT WORK and 6 FEET APART DOESNT DO ANYTHING and I got permabanned.
You're against the clot shot, but your hero is the man who initiated Operation Warp Speed to get the clot shot in as many people in as little time as possible. Were you aware of that?


May 20, 2024
yep and i know they was feeding trump all kinds of false info he was surrounded by enemies and he got the virus himself ,,remember? he is still a better choice than biden.
Jfc...so you're genuinely still buying into the allopathic germ theory biological virus idiocy!?


Sep 22, 2023
yep and i know they was feeding trump all kinds of false info he was surrounded by enemies and he got the virus himself ,,remember? he is still a better choice than biden.
It's always a cop out to claim Trump is better than Biden. Don't vote out of desperation. Make Trump renounce gun control OR come clean with you about where he stands.

Trump is actually worse because the people have the balls to rebel when Biden screws us. They don't when Trump does it. Trump was lied to about the clot shot? He still likes to take credit for it. If he's that stupid, he ain't fit to be a dog catcher much less a president. He was trying to outsmart the gun control people when he told Congress that they were afraid of the NRA and he would get gun control done where the Democrats can't. How did that work out for you?

If Trump thinks you might vote for Kennedy, he might clean up his act. If you let him know you'll bow down at his feet, he WILL do what Biden wants done on most constitutional issues and you WILL continue to support him. Right?

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
It's always a cop out to claim Trump is better than Biden. Don't vote out of desperation. Make Trump renounce gun control OR come clean with you about where he stands.

Trump is actually worse because the people have the balls to rebel when Biden screws us. They don't when Trump does it. Trump was lied to about the clot shot? He still likes to take credit for it. If he's that stupid, he ain't fit to be a dog catcher much less a president. He was trying to outsmart the gun control people when he told Congress that they were afraid of the NRA and he would get gun control done where the Democrats can't. How did that work out for you?

If Trump thinks you might vote for Kennedy, he might clean up his act. If you let him know you'll bow down at his feet, he WILL do what Biden wants done on most constitutional issues and you WILL continue to support him. Right?
You are looking at it all wrong, Trump takes credit for the streamlining of the process, cutting through the red tape, getting things done. Look what he did in New York and LA with the need for additional beds, ventilators, and various other equipment (that the Dems whined that they needed yet barely used.) It was the States and local governments (all Democrat controlled ones and a couple Republican controlled ones) that mandated the shots. Biden issued orders encouraging federal employees get vaccinated, and it was the Department heads that mandated based on that.

Trump has learned what the people expect and want over these past 4 years. A right by its very nature is limiting, your understanding of rights is what fails you.


Jan 9, 2021
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

As soon as I heard back in Spring of '20 that it was gonna be a new "vaccine" based on never before used technology, that I would not be taking it.

I say "vaccine", because it's a vaccine in name only, not an actual vaccine that actually provides immunity.
When they decided they could miraculously make a vacccine for something in 11 months as opposed to the 12 years it normally takes, I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When they announced that breakthrough development the day after the election, and just two days after the media pretended Trump was retarded for even suggesting a vaccine was close, I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When I thought about how quickly not only did they develop a vaccine for a novel coronavirus but manufactured billions and billions of these modern marvels in only 5 months, I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When it was disclosed that a level 4 bio lab was a mere stones throw away from the wet market where this beast rose, I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When they tried to bribe my participation I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When they censored opposing views I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When they spoke about removing my rights I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When they muzzled my fucking children I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When those athletes started dropping I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When I realized it was hard to differentiate the United States in 2020 with Germany before and during WWII, I knew there was fuckery afoot.
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Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
You're against the clot shot, but your hero is the man who initiated Operation Warp Speed to get the clot shot in as many people in as little time as possible. Were you aware of that?
I think it is fair to say Trump was bamboozled by fauci,the cdc,and who. As president he was only able to provide the fast track. The medical community absorbs the responsibility of the damages caused by the shot. All Trump really did was provide a fast track. He was given the same bad information we all were.
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Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
You are looking at it all wrong, Trump takes credit for the streamlining of the process, cutting through the red tape, getting things done. Look what he did in New York and LA with the need for additional beds, ventilators, and various other equipment (that the Dems whined that they needed yet barely used.) It was the States and local governments (all Democrat controlled ones and a couple Republican controlled ones) that mandated the shots. Biden issued orders encouraging federal employees get vaccinated, and it was the Department heads that mandated based on that.

Trump has learned what the people expect and want over these past 4 years. A right by its very nature is limiting, your understanding of rights is what fails you.

Jfc...so you're genuinely still buying into the allopathic germ theory biological virus idiocy!?
View attachment 216928
allopathic germ theory if it isn't this what is it then?
Tbh I'm not informed on alternate theories. I have always subscribed to this idea.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
When they decided they could miraculously make a vacccine for something in 11 months as opposed to the 12 years it normally takes, I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When they announced that breakthrough development the day after the election, and just two days after the media pretended Trump was retarded for even suggesting a vaccine was close, I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When I thought about how quickly not only did they develop a vaccine for a novel coronavirus but manufactured billions and billions of these modern marvels in only 5 months, I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When it was disclosed that a level 4
When they tried to bribe my participation I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When they censored opposing views I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When they spoke about removing my rights I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When they muzzled my fucking children I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When those athletes started dropping I knew there was fuckery afoot.

When I realized it was hard to differentiate the United States in 2020 with Germany before and during WWII, I knew there was fuckery afoot.
Exactly. It was obvious wuflu had been manufactured and released. If some virus just showed up there is no way to produce billions of doses in a year. 100% money grab.


Sep 22, 2023
I think it is fair to say Trump was bamboozled by fauci,the cdc,and who. As president he was only able to provide the fast track. The medical community absorbs the responsibility of the damages caused by the shot. All Trump really did was provide a fast track. He was given the same bad information we all were.
I'd like to buy into that; however, after the smoke settled, Trump still doubled down and was proud of Operation Warp Speed.

I'd like to buy into the pretexts his supporters give on gun control, but even at NRA functions, Trump doesn't talk about gun control. He talks about every other issue.

I'd like to believe that he was drunk the day he came out against due process, but he showed a critical lack of knowledge about the Constitution AND he was firmly opposed to the Fifth Amendment.

We keep thinking that Trump is the lesser of two evils, but think about it. We give Trump every possible excuse for his screw ups. He didn't know, he was lied to or he had a strategy that backfired and put the right on the defensive. Is he really that incompetent OR do we give him a pass because all of us despise bumbling Joe Biden? And do we look at the world with blinders on because we don't want to face the fact that Trump CAN get liberal legislation passed because we don't want to face the facts about who Trump is or what he is?


Jan 8, 2021
I'm still waiting on our govt and big pharma to come up with a cure for the common cold. Until then I'll pass on anything they put out. Survived for the last 60+ years without any shots.
It was sold as an end to the common cold which is what Coronaviruses cause. Rather, it was a money grab with sinister and deadly results with exponentially more to come.


May 20, 2024
allopathic germ theory if it isn't this what is it then?
Tbh I'm not informed on alternate theories. I have always subscribed to this idea.
Aye?! Nah bo, y'all have been informed of alternatives many times over the recent years now.

😏And brah you definitely ain't "always subscribed to this idea."

We've just all been indoctrinated with corrupt allopathic pseudo-"science" ideologies.

Allopathy uses big pharma chemical concoctions to "target" specific symptoms.

(*Key note: symptoms are not the causes of themselves, but rather the resulting effects of underlying causes*)

Example: Whenever experiencing symptoms described as headaches, what do people typically do?

They take big pharma "pain relievers" like acetaminophen (Anacin, Panadol, Tylenol), aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), or naproxen (Aleve, Anaprox, Naprosyn), etc.

These highly profitable-(for big pharma)-"pain relievers", do just that.

They-(generate big pharma $$$ &)-"relieve" headache "pain"...temporarily masking the painful headache symptoms.

Brah, that big pharma shit ain't doing nothing about the actual causes of the headaches.

Generally its much the same with the bulk allopathic "treatments" & "cures".

Ya have to bear in mind, the sniveling fucklets behind the whole big pharma allopathy racket...😒they absolutely ain't stupid people.

Modern allopathy has been cleverly mixed with various real cures, but only in so far as is profitable.

Allopathy, aka: "Heroic medicine" has been around for centuries, and usually involved horrific practices like Bloodletting and so forth.

*Source: Wikipedia*
600px-Beydeman_Gomeopatiya_vzir (1).jpg
[Homeopathy Looks at the Horrors of Allopathy, by Alexander Beideman (1857)]

Initially "Heroic medicine" began based on a belief that disease is caused by an imbalance of the four "humours" (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile) and sought to treat disease symptoms by correcting that imbalance, using "harsh and abusive" methods to induce symptoms seen as opposite to those of diseases rather than treating their underlying causes: disease was caused by an excess of one humour and thus would be treated with its "opposite"."

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
For those who haven't heard of this before, Try googling the following: CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG

It's not a typo. It's a genetic sequence, patented in 2009 that is found in SARS-COV2's genetic sequence.

Intentional? Coincidence? Seems pretty suspect.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
I'd like to buy into that; however, after the smoke settled, Trump still doubled down and was proud of Operation Warp Speed.

I'd like to buy into the pretexts his supporters give on gun control, but even at NRA functions, Trump doesn't talk about gun control. He talks about every other issue.

I'd like to believe that he was drunk the day he came out against due process, but he showed a critical lack of knowledge about the Constitution AND he was firmly opposed to the Fifth Amendment.

We keep thinking that Trump is the lesser of two evils, but think about it. We give Trump every possible excuse for his screw ups. He didn't know, he was lied to or he had a strategy that backfired and put the right on the defensive. Is he really that incompetent OR do we give him a pass because all of us despise bumbling Joe Biden? And do we look at the world with blinders on because we don't want to face the fact that Trump CAN get liberal legislation passed because we don't want to face the facts about who Trump is or what he is?
Nobody is saying he's perfect, but he's far better than his competition. At least Trump acknowledged that we should have the freedom to decide for ourselves. Biden tried threatening people with losing their jobs if they didn't "volunteer" to take it.

When you are driving the wrong way at 100mph, ya gotta let off the gas to begin hitting the brakes, before ya try pullin' a U turn. Trump merely represents taking our foot off the gas.


May 20, 2024
For those who haven't heard of this before, Try googling the following: CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG

It's not a typo. It's a genetic sequence, patented in 2009 that is found in SARS-COV2's genetic sequence.

Intentional? Coincidence? Seems pretty suspect.
Yeah its pretty tripppy that this is all publicly available information and yet was aggressively denied &/or twisted by "experts" & "fact checkers" alike whenever anyone dared highlighting that and several other patents during the peak of covaids hysteria.

There were documents uncovered several months ago-(eg: a government procurement order)-that undeniably proves the covaids clotshots were already being developed in secret years before the covaids psyop ever hit the headlines.

Now, it should be pointed out that these lab created biological-(weaponized)-"viruses" don't actually manifest in nature and don't spread as we've been told, also although the covaids is blamed by some on a Chinese lab, the fact is that the patented covaids bioweapons were initially created in several US labs before someone began kicking up a fuss about Fauci & friends doing that shit on American soil... thereafter being hastily relocated to the Wuhan labs complex.

Common biological "viruses" are simply cellular mutations & other biological debris, mostly comprised of dead/decaying cellular garbage that eventually become expelled from the body via natural detoxification processes, eg: through defication, urination, sweating, breathing and of course hoiking up flem.
None of these excretions are virulently contagious at all and this fact has consistently been proven again and again over the past 100+ years.

Believe it or not, if you were sick and coughed in my face, I would not become sick.

Any people you cohabit with, such as family, will more than likely become sick at the same time with the same or similar symptoms but not due to any virulent contagion and rather simply because they share the same or similar nutritional, hydration, conditional and environmental factors, and are thus of a similar physical state.

Sickness is simply the natural detoxification process.

"Viruses" "isolated" from biological material in labs, which is literally the only time "viruses" have ever been "isolated", are the result of lab processes involving adding a variety of other stuff into the biological material and eventually results with a range of artificially concocted biological mutations developing—which are then labelled as "isolated" "viruses".

These have since been used for creating population control inoculations which are commonly called "vaccines"-(irrespective of definition tweaks).

This is why the claim are that "vaccines" are made using dead "viral" material and supposedly designed to trick the so called "immune system" into preemptively producing "antibodies" against the dead "viral" materials. 😂Its just absolute bullshit.

Of course you definitely shouldn't take my word on any of this though.

I'm just sharing a basic overview of what I've learned so far and am only intending to present an alternative view from that of the common narrative pervading all sides of all political spectrums.
Jul 9, 2022
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

As soon as I heard back in Spring of '20 that it was gonna be a new "vaccine" based on never before used technology, that I would not be taking it.

I say "vaccine", because it's a vaccine in name only, not an actual vaccine that actually provides immunity.
Many news organizations strayed from the use of the actual "vaccine" and refered to it as "being vaxxed", just an obsevation.


Sep 22, 2023
Nobody is saying he's perfect, but he's far better than his competition. At least Trump acknowledged that we should have the freedom to decide for ourselves. Biden tried threatening people with losing their jobs if they didn't "volunteer" to take it.

When you are driving the wrong way at 100mph, ya gotta let off the gas to begin hitting the brakes, before ya try pullin' a U turn. Trump merely represents taking our foot off the gas.
That's the point. You ARE saying the man is perfect. There is nothing wrong, immoral, unethical or questionable in asking a political candidate to clarify their position. If he tells you the truth, you might be questioning whether or not Trump really is the lesser of two evils.

EVERY politician, including Donald J. Trump is a servant of we, the people. We have an opportunity to make Trump answer for what he's done in the past. If he is a liar, you need to get him to tell you the truth. If he's an idiot that hasn't read the Constitution and relies on other liars to tell him what millions of us already know, then is he qualified to be president? The best candidate might be someone that isn't in the running right now.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
That's the point. You ARE saying the man is perfect. There is nothing wrong, immoral, unethical or questionable in asking a political candidate to clarify their position. If he tells you the truth, you might be questioning whether or not Trump really is the lesser of two evils.

EVERY politician, including Donald J. Trump is a servant of we, the people. We have an opportunity to make Trump answer for what he's done in the past. If he is a liar, you need to get him to tell you the truth. If he's an idiot that hasn't read the Constitution and relies on other liars to tell him what millions of us already know, then is he qualified to be president? The best candidate might be someone that isn't in the running right now.
Truth is subjective. The best candidate is always someone that isn't running right now. :rolleyes:

The thing is, we are limited to the candidates that are running. The best candidate will never get enough write in votes to even pole. So we are left with the candidates we have, and Trump is the best of them.

I say, put the bull back in the china shop and let him wreak havoc on the ruling class.
Jul 9, 2022
Truth is subjective
Hmmmmm, not really. The definition of truth dictates subject or objectivity, and that is where the issue with the word "truth" starts. Like the liberal snowflake saying "my truth". This implies many truths. There is only one truth in the end. Many opinions on the observation, which can all be facts by themselves, but is not the truth in whole.
The best candidate is always someone that isn't running right now.
Sure, just like the best boxer isnt fighting this fight, or the best runner is not running in this race. There is always a bigger and badder boy on the block.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
Hmmmmm, not really. The definition of truth dictates subject or objectivity, and that is where the issue with the word "truth" starts. Like the liberal snowflake saying "my truth". This implies many truths. There is only one truth in the end. Many opinions on the observation, which can all be facts by themselves, but is not the truth in whole.

Sure, just like the best boxer isnt fighting this fight, or the best runner is not running in this race. There is always a bigger and badder boy on the block.
Who determines what the truth is? Facts are facts, interpretation of the facts only amounts to ones truth, not "the truth".

The nature of truth is a complex and debated topic in philosophy. Whether truth is subjective or objective depends on the context and the philosophical perspective one adopts. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Objective Truth: This is the idea that certain truths exist independently of human thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions. Objective truths are facts that are true regardless of personal feelings or opinions. For example, the statement "water boils at 100 degrees Celsius at standard atmospheric pressure" is considered an objective truth.
  2. Subjective Truth: This refers to truths that are dependent on individual perspectives, experiences, and feelings. Subjective truths are personal and can vary from person to person. For instance, the statement "chocolate ice cream is delicious" is subjective because it is based on personal taste.
  3. Philosophical Perspectives:
    • Correspondence Theory of Truth: This theory posits that truth is what corresponds to reality or facts. If a statement matches an actual state of affairs, it is true.
    • Coherence Theory of Truth: This theory suggests that truth is a matter of consistency within a set of beliefs or propositions. A statement is true if it coheres with other beliefs we hold.
    • Pragmatic Theory of Truth: According to this theory, truth is what works or has practical effects. A statement is true if it proves useful or successful in some way.
    • Constructivist Theory of Truth: This perspective argues that truths are constructed by social processes, historical contexts, and cultural norms. What is considered true can vary across different societies and time periods.
  4. Relativism: This is the view that truth is relative to the norms, cultures, or perspectives of different individuals or groups. According to relativism, there are no absolute truths, only truths relative to particular frames of reference.
  5. Moral and Aesthetic Truths: These are often seen as more subjective. Moral truths depend on ethical beliefs and cultural values, while aesthetic truths depend on individual tastes and cultural standards of beauty.
In summary, whether truth is subjective or objective can depend on the type of truth being considered and the philosophical lens through which it is viewed. Some truths, like scientific facts, are generally regarded as objective, while others, like personal preferences or cultural norms, are more subjective.
This can become a philosophical rabbit hole.
Jul 9, 2022
Facts are facts
Yes this is true, but they are the sum of the work of those who gather the facts, and sometimes they are skewed by bias. This is evidence in many sciences as well as politics, and others.

I will give one example that came up on another forum I am on, about automotive topics:

Automatic transmission fluid has been used for years by many mechanics as an engine flush. It does, aid in flush contamination out of engines at the oil change. There are countless people who, over the years done this, experts we will say. So, the fact is that people use ATF to flush out engines. And by the "experts", ATF does this well.

Well, years ago, ATF was formulated in a different way is it is today. Years ago, it did clean out engine very well, but it is no longer formulated with a solvency that acts with motor oil. But, the gatherers of the facts, the experts claim that it works........like me.

So, I have used this for years, thinking that it was the ATF itself doing the job, when in fact, it was the viscosity of the ATF fluid, its ability to flow better than engine oil that was helping with the process of "flushing".

Now, it does work, and have many personal experiences with it, and as the observer, "my truth" was that ATF did the job. "The truth" was that is was an attirbute of the ATF doing it.

I know that might be hard to follow, and can give some other examples:

fact: the covid vaccine works and is safe
truth: the covid vaxxine is not safe, and rarely works.

I agree, a rabbit hole, but there is a difference between the two.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Aye?! Nah bo, y'all have been informed of alternatives many times over the recent years now.

😏And brah you definitely ain't "always subscribed to this idea."

We've just all been indoctrinated with corrupt allopathic pseudo-"science" ideologies.

Allopathy uses big pharma chemical concoctions to "target" specific symptoms.

(*Key note: symptoms are not the causes of themselves, but rather the resulting effects of underlying causes*)

Example: Whenever experiencing symptoms described as headaches, what do people typically do?

They take big pharma "pain relievers" like acetaminophen (Anacin, Panadol, Tylenol), aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), or naproxen (Aleve, Anaprox, Naprosyn), etc.

These highly profitable-(for big pharma)-"pain relievers", do just that.

They-(generate big pharma $$$ &)-"relieve" headache "pain"...temporarily masking the painful headache symptoms.

Brah, that big pharma shit ain't doing nothing about the actual causes of the headaches.

Generally its much the same with the bulk allopathic "treatments" & "cures".

Ya have to bear in mind, the sniveling fucklets behind the whole big pharma allopathy racket...😒they absolutely ain't stupid people.

Modern allopathy has been cleverly mixed with various real cures, but only in so far as is profitable.

Allopathy, aka: "Heroic medicine" has been around for centuries, and usually involved horrific practices like Bloodletting and so forth.

*Source: Wikipedia*
View attachment 216960
[Homeopathy Looks at the Horrors of Allopathy, by Alexander Beideman (1857)]

Initially "Heroic medicine" began based on a belief that disease is caused by an imbalance of the four "humours" (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile) and sought to treat disease symptoms by correcting that imbalance, using "harsh and abusive" methods to induce symptoms seen as opposite to those of diseases rather than treating their underlying causes: disease was caused by an excess of one humour and thus would be treated with its "opposite"."
I do Agee w what you are saying. I suppose I do also agree that 20th-21st century medicine does treat symptoms and doesn't like cures bc there is no money in curing
I have very specific personal cases of this. My Dr's wanted me to live w shit and pain and be unable to use my hands. I said fu k that let's do surgery and fix the issue. I haven't had a problem w what was fixed since then.

ill give you credit. You have made me begin to rethink some issues w Trump. I do get that there is a collective or group think and people can fall in to the trap of believing Trump is perfect. Which I agree he is far from. But, I can go back to 2016, (I did not vote for him or Hillary) and remember why he was appealing. He wasn't entrenched as a politician and more so than anyone since Perot was self funding his presidential aspirations. The swamp hates anyone who isn't beholden to their money. All that to say I'm going to be a bit more cynical and see where I go on Trump

I absolutely believe he is better than Biden. I think Trump is genuine in his wanting America 1st regardless of his misgivings or mistakes


Sep 22, 2023
I do Agee w what you are saying. I suppose I do also agree that 20th-21st century medicine does treat symptoms and doesn't like cures bc there is no money in curing
I have very specific personal cases of this. My Dr's wanted me to live w shit and pain and be unable to use my hands. I said fu k that let's do surgery and fix the issue. I haven't had a problem w what was fixed since then.

ill give you credit. You have made me begin to rethink some issues w Trump. I do get that there is a collective or group think and people can fall in to the trap of believing Trump is perfect. Which I agree he is far from. But, I can go back to 2016, (I did not vote for him or Hillary) and remember why he was appealing. He wasn't entrenched as a politician and more so than anyone since Perot was self funding his presidential aspirations. The swamp hates anyone who isn't beholden to their money. All that to say I'm going to be a bit more cynical and see where I go on Trump

I absolutely believe he is better than Biden. I think Trump is genuine in his wanting America 1st regardless of his misgivings or mistakes

I'll be frank with you. There is no way in mortal HELL that we can allow Joe Biden to win the presidency. Trump knows that right now, but Trump can be convinced that he will have to take a stand on issues he's comfortable with IF we push him in that direction. The media is going to tell us that the race is close, but they would lie even if Trump had a 20 point lead in the polling. Still, if you're a candidate and it's close, you will have to commit on areas that you were soft on.

It's pissing me off that Trump takes certain demographics for granted. I'm only trying to get his supporters to light a fire under his ass and address issues where he is left of center, but might change if supporting the right benefits him.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
ill give you credit. You have made me begin to rethink some issues w Trump. I do get that there is a collective or group think and people can fall in to the trap of believing Trump is perfect.
He's the only projecting onto others that they think he is prefect. No one on here that I've read, has exclaimed him to be perfect.

What he is, is the better of the choices offered. Period.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
That's the point. You ARE saying the man is perfect.
I have NEVER said that, and never will. It's you who tries putting your words in my mouth. Please try to refrain from doing that.

EVERY politician, including Donald J. Trump is a servant of we, the people.

The best candidate might be someone that isn't in the running right now.
That's always the case. The actual "best" person is prolly too scared to run.

The thing is, we are limited to the candidates that are running.
Exactly. We can't force people to do it.

Although I had the idea that government offices should be filled the same way we do juries.

Just pick Citizens at random to fill the seats, and pay 'em $6/day for their service.

I'm figuring the people picked won't won't want to do it, so we'll tell 'em that if they don't do a good job, we'll make 'em do it for longer. lol

write in votes
Speaking of write-in votes, here is a little known factoid. Every Presidential election, John Bolton writes in a vote for Dick Cheney. lol

There is only one truth in the end. Many opinions on the observation, which can all be facts by themselves, but is not the truth in whole.
Yep, only one truth. Anything else is a bastardized version of the truth.

Who determines what the truth is? Facts are facts, interpretation of the facts only amounts to ones truth, not "the truth".
"The Truth" is the only truth. If it's not "The Truth", it's meant to led one astray.

This can become a philosophical rabbit hole.
Not really. In the end, there is but one truth.

It's amazing how many people still think these are "Safe and effective" and look at you crazy if you think otherwise.
Those people have an "obedience to authority" problem that was highlighted in the Milgram experiment.

I do get that there is a collective or group think and people can fall in to the trap of believing Trump is perfect. Which I agree he is far from.
He's more perfect than his competition in all three elections, that much is true.

The swamp hates anyone who isn't beholden to their money.
Exactly. Someone going to DC with a few dollars can easily be bought. Someone going to DC with a few billion dollars, can't be bought.

I absolutely believe he is better than Biden.
Hands down. Anyone thinking otherwise is an America hating moron. Biden, or as I call him, The Bidet, has intentionally taken actions intended to hurt our nation.

I'll be frank with you. There is no way in mortal HELL that we can allow Joe Biden to win the presidency.
Then quit trying to poison peoples minds against the only guy who stands to beat him.


May 20, 2024
Truth is subjective.
The above is an example of a half truth.

In reality, a truth can be both subjective-(relating to one's philosophical beliefs about the world)-or objective-(which relates to facts that are existent and define reality irrespective of a person's beliefs or opinions. A fact is grounded in reality and aligns with truth.)

The best candidate is always someone that isn't running right now. :rolleyes:
Ok so that just doesn't make sense because if someone isn't running, then by definition they're not a candidate are they.

The thing is, we are limited to the candidates that are running. The best candidate will never get enough write in votes to even pole. So we are left with the candidates we have, and Trump is the best of them.
This doesn't make sense either.

I say, put the bull back in the china shop and let him wreak havoc on the ruling class.
You mean Trump?

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
I say, put the bull back in the china shop and let him wreak havoc on the ruling class.
You mean Trump?
I think that's exactly who he means.

That's a big part of why I want him to win. Because all the worthless fucks in DC who want anyone but him. I hope he kicks their apple cart over and smashes it to pieces.

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