Hey wtf is happening w fantasy? Who wants to do another league?


Your(e)humble servant
I got robbed the last week when I should have won the entire thing from start to finish.
@Chuck 2020 paid the commissioner via PayPal to not allow me to change my lineup. It was far more egregious than the 2020 election fraud. I have the receipts on another phone that has since been unlawfully taken from me in a scene much like Mar-A-Largo.

So lettuce get the shit talking party started bitches.

Is there a fun way to do it w college fb teams? Maybe do like a SEC only draft? There probably isn't a set up for that

@shiv @OTD Sports
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Fantasy. That is the world they want you kept in. Bread and circus. Anything to distract the masses from the real world. Here is bet: The season will be halted. Buckle up, Skol!

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