Weird shit X-Files thread

Sweet! Who's got the lead so far?
Are those assholes in Santorini really boasting 300@48hrs?

So far rockin' 121 quakes in & around little Aussie over the last 48hrs.

I don't know what he's saying but if that isn't AI then Santorini is still lively.

Also, heard something about Indian ocean having some weird anomalies on ocean buoys for tsunami watches... One measure like a 100 ft decrease in depth over a few hours. That would have to be a caldera expanding. It made one little news blip and then nobody did a follow up on it.
Weird shit is happening again guys.

Keep an eye on the sky around you. Like Trump said. Watch the water. Opposites matter. :)

Keep an eye on your situational awareness in the days and months ahead. Don't get fully sucked in to the media and go full autopilot to your environment. Pay attention to your world and be ready for whatever is happening around you.
LOL so what would you do if Alexa woke you up after performing a spirtual seance? Alexa has always been too much for me to put in my place.

If you really want to bend your mind around this shit read that article with the perception of our universe being stuck inside a black hole. Unwinding it vs winding it would explain the arrow of time.

They don't encourage these thought experiments in college anymore. 🙂
It's the holographic principle and yes it's real science. This is relatively new stuff and you probably wouldn't come across it until college physics, or you're just a physics nerd like me lol.

I try to keep up. I certainly cannot compute any of it mathematically speaking butscience truth/physics of inner and outer space is as fascinating as anything I encounter
If you really want to bend your mind around this shit read that article with the perception of our universe being stuck inside a black hole. Unwinding it vs winding it would explain the arrow of time.

They don't encourage these thought experiments in college anymore. 🙂
I'll look that up. I this is what I think about when I can't sleep
I try to keep up. I certainly cannot compute any of it mathematically speaking butscience truth/physics of inner and outer space is as fascinating as anything I encounter
Well if you get into the ways of the woo you basically just have to have a perceptual understanding, no need to dig into the calculus. Einstein took the same approach, even if his shit was hella wrong. :)

Jimmy just got back from Turkey and is going to be putting out a lot of stuff this week. Imagine being an archaeologist and not wanting to get history out to the world....

Richat structure is wild.


It sure does look like a huge wave of water washed over the area and wiped it out... It would match the story of Atlantis pretty closely.
That shit is crazy. It's been happening all the time though over the last few hundred years. Like the giants in America. Kincaid in the Grand Canyon, etc.

It's obvious to me we don't live in the world we're lead to believe. It breaks most normies heads. To me I just think it's fascinating, and I want to know more. :)

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