We got us a guns and ammo thread in here yet?

Thanks for the info. Just watched Hickok45’s review of it. Said pretty much the same thing as well.
Just getting the itch for something new!

Get one of these. On my wishlist, or something similar, when I have the funds to blow.

Anyone see the P365 X that Sig is releasing? Makes me wish I waited a few months
Is that the one with the factory red dot? I just grabbed a colt AR instead of the 365 XL (different than the X). I debated but decided on the AR since I don’t have one and might not have the opportunity to buy one soon.
I'm debating on a true conceal/carry piece, but I'm a big guy with large hands. Anyone have a recommendation?

I'd try to get your hands on a Hellcat and see how it feels. I handled one, and the grip seemed pretty big for such a small gun, to me...still small though. All the CZs have great ergonomics imo. Go to a big store and put as many in your hands as you can. Then go home and do research on the ones that felt the best.
I am literally calling the store here in central FL to cancel an order I have had out since NOVEMBER. Paid 25% down for something and the shop has no idea when it will be coming in. Gonna save that cash and put it towards another addiction I have- Golf clubs
My friend has an old Bushie XM15, an Aero M4E1, and a couple pistols. Nashville Armory has a Daniel Defense 308 in stock as of yesterday, unless they've sold it since then.

Also, if you're having trouble finding ammo, my friend goes to Academy sports every Monday and Thursday at 8:30 and waits for them to open at 9am. There's a limit on how much you can get, but it's at MSRP, so no gouging like you're going to see on AmmoSeek or other sellers.
More rounds and you can be accurate with them. I was not a fan to begin with but saw the light and believe in 556. Plus the options available with the ammo are better.

Here is another one of my guns. M&P 2.0 full size. 0327211834.jpg
Is that the one with the factory red dot? I just grabbed a colt AR instead of the 365 XL (different than the X). I debated but decided on the AR since I don’t have one and might not have the opportunity to buy one soon.
Yes. It’s the regular p365 length with the red dot and straight trigger. It’s a blend of the p365 and the XL model
Great answer. CZ are wonderful. My first and favorite pistol is my CZ-75 Compact. It is too heavy to carry (my personal opinion) so I now have a Sig P365XL and a CZ P-10C. Still, the Compact is my favorite to shoot.
I have a CZ-85 and you're right. They are a little heavy for concealed carry at least for me. My HK otoh is perfect for concealed carry as well as the Kahr.
More rounds and you can be accurate with them. I was not a fan to begin with but saw the light and believe in 556. Plus the options available with the ammo are better.

Here is another one of my guns. M&P 2.0 full size. View attachment 12624

Those are definitely reasons for 5.56 over 7.62x39. No denying the 30 cal is more devestating inside 300 yards or so though. 55-62 grains ain't much.

Nice M&P. Wanted to like the M&P more, but just didn't feel quite right in my hands. I mostly love S&W for their revolvers.
Those are definitely reasons for 5.56 over 7.62x39. No denying the 30 cal is more devestating inside 300 yards or so though. 55-62 grains ain't much.

Nice M&P. Wanted to like the M&P more, but just didn't feel quite right in my hands. I mostly love S&W for their revolvers.
Ive got that 38 SW that was my dad's first service pistol. It's a drill driver. Reliable and you hit what you point at. Heavy as hell and doesn't carry many rounds.

Like the M&P 2.0 a lot more than the earlier versions. The different sizes of the back straps are better than previous versions. Never had an issue with it.

The latest versions of Glocks without the finger grooves are my favorite. The G26 I have is my everyday carry. Night sights, 12 round magazine. Wish there were better light options for it.
Ive got that 38 SW that was my dad's first service pistol. It's a drill driver. Reliable and you hit what you point at. Heavy as hell and doesn't carry many rounds.

Like the M&P 2.0 a lot more than the earlier versions. The different sizes of the back straps are better than previous versions. Never had an issue with it.

The latest versions of Glocks without the finger grooves are my favorite. The G26 I have is my everyday carry. Night sights, 12 round magazine. Wish there were better light options for it.

I agree on latest Glocks. My 19 is a gen 3, just because that's what they had when I bought it. Would prefer a 5 though.

What model .38 did your dad have? I have a bit of an obsession with older S&W wheelguns.
So for the non druggies I’m good?

Know you are joking, or think you are lol, but the 5.56 does not necessarily suck. It's just that it is such a small round that many consider it a bit lacking for use on human targets. Many states will not let you hunt deer with it. Being a rifle round, it is going to be much more deadly than most any handgun, but it is still a small, not very powerful round. Most .25-.35 caliber rifle rounds will be far more damaging.
Ammunition Depot has 9mm bulk for .95 cents a round. Ridiculous. I wouldn't buy 6 months ago because it was .54 cents a round. I am @dissapoint
All the places I look are out of stock. Targetsportsusa and others have no 9mm. Took my kids shooting yesterday and only did a few mags of each caliber.

Still have a little ammo, but I'm not buying at those prices. It will come back down at some point.
All the places I look are out of stock. Targetsportsusa and others have no 9mm. Took my kids shooting yesterday and only did a few mags of each caliber.

Still have a little ammo, but I'm not buying at those prices. It will come back down at some point.
I follow this guy on IG who sells ammo and he says that he does not expect prices to come down for a few years because people have shown that they are willing to pay these prices so why lower them until they have to.

I've had a Springfield XD 9mm for a long time. Last April I went out and got a Springfield Saint 5.56 for $900. Added a CR red dot a few months ago. That same gun is now listed for $1200.

Haven't been able to even shoot the Saint due to not being able to find/wont spend the money they are asking for 556 right now.
I follow this guy on IG who sells ammo and he says that he does not expect prices to come down for a few years because people have shown that they are willing to pay these prices so why lower them until they have to.

I agree. I think it will be about a year. Same thing happened in 2016 when it looked like Hillary would win and after Sandy Hook.
Let’s talk guns some more. Anybody gotten anything new lately?

I wish. Got a few that I've been drooling over, but have some responsible shit to spend money on before I buy more guns I don't need...plus it is a dogshit time to buy anything gun related, obviously.

Only gun related purchases I see in my near future are a new pocket holster for my J frame, thinking Alabama Holster, and a titanium cylinder for the same gun. Going to lighten things up a bit, I think.
I’ve been stocking up on ammo; but limits don’t make it easy. I do however, have a good bit of 9, .22lr, and .556
Also have gotten a few 30 and 40 round Mags in the last couple of weeks.

I want to start doing some longer range shooting. Since I’d be newer to that, I’ve been reading about the Savage Axis II Precision .
I’ve been stocking up on ammo; but limits don’t make it easy. I do however, have a good bit of 9, .22lr, and .556
Also have gotten a few 30 and 40 round Mags in the last couple of weeks.

I want to start doing some longer range shooting. Since I’d be newer to that, I’ve been reading about the Savage Axis II Precision .

Rough time to be stocking up on ammo, but always good to have a stockpile...I don't have experience with that particular rifle, but do know Savage makes alot of gun for the money. Love their accutrigger, especially with a competition sear. Sweet logo too, lol.

Bought a 43X a few weeks ago. It's my 1st Glock. I've shit on them for a long time, but it's actually a pretty sweet shooting pistol. Wife likes it too, so I'm probably going to have to buy another in the not-too-distant future. Next purchase will probably be a threaded barrel for the 43X and getting into the can game. Also wanting to pick up a pistol grip stock for my Shockwave, to better use for home defense, and a decent scope for my 10/22 as the 100.00 one I bought on Amazon sucks (shocking, I know). I'm probably done buying guns after the wife's 43X until prices come down (2027 by my estimation).

Suck part is, there's a local gun shop in my area that I've been supporting. They went out of the gun business last week. They also do graphics and advertising, and said the $ in that WAY exceeded what was in guns. Said they're making .15 on the dollar on gun sales, and that's before payroll and such. Which sounds terrible, as a gun store is in my long-term plans of world domination. Also, of course, getting decent guns and ammo was a chore.
If anyone has a few million dollars burning a hole in your pocket, you can buy the pistols that Alexander Hamilton carried when he fought under Washington in the Revolutionary War! They are coming up for auction at Rock Island next week.


I'm debating on a true conceal/carry piece, but I'm a big guy with large hands. Anyone have a recommendation?

The most comfortable gun my friend ever had ( I don't own guns. , remember) was a Walther Q5 Match ( polymer). It fit like a glove . I'm 6'5" and have pretty big hands ( your welcome ladies). He regrets selling it to this day dammit,

It was not a small gun though. Maybe try their smaller pistols.

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