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Virginia Giuffre files lawsuit


Jun 23, 2021
Just when you thought they were all bleeders you find a sweat er. I thought everyone already learned ages ago that many in the Royal Family were bleeders. Just what do they teach in History in our schools today. All that inbreeding has serious consequences. I love old history and read somewhere that castle life was just plain filthy. They actually crapped on the steps heh. Now those round circle copulas of the castles usually were the built in bathrooms which just fell into a cess pool outside the castle. Archeologist dug up those cess pools and found all sorts of interesting things. They found knives and forks and spoons and the first Rubbers which were of course sheep gut skins. I tell you they were really nasty people back in olden days. The black plague bares the proof. I forget which King it was but one of the bad ones that was hated was killed in battle. They knew by historical writings that he had been entombed outside of a small church so they did some detective work and actually found his tomb or gravesite and excavated it. Sure nuff it was him still wearing his armor, the report told of all his wounds which the killing blow was on his head and crushed his skull. The story also reports that his enemies had hacked up his genitals ..... ouch ! True story . Sounds like there really was a Black Adder. I found it interesting and humorous.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021

Untouchable. Unfortunately. Unaccountable. Unapologetic. Unashamed. Unrepentant. Fuck his vile and sociopathic little life - a forgotten little maggot filled turd of the inbred and corrupted English royalty. Time to say good-bye to the Keith Richard's mother -the queen of England.

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