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Video Games and Censorship

Sep 20, 2024
Most likely many of you are gamers.

I am a life long gamer.
If you were with me you might remember some of the different levels of censorship they used to employ.
The long fought battle to get more blood and gore into video games.
Everything from simple blood particles to dismemberment to pornographic content.
All these things have been unleashed in our games, our media and our music.

And for many of us it's probably safe to enjoy.

But just look at some of the monsters out there today.
After seeing some of these creatures myself.
I'm actually willing to side with caution here.

Yea the government wants our guns, they want our freedoms.
It's silly we know, we know what they are up to.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be cautious about these kinds of things.
If you think about it even such a simple thing as this is relatable to any issue we face.

I enjoy my gore my porn my whatever I want.

But at some point is it pollutive ?
Thoughts ?


Dec 1, 2020
With the increased realism of modern video games, VR porn, AI that can generate anything imaginable, the things people and therefore children are going to be exposed to is going to get more realistic

Generally, I am of the stance of zero censorship. I think the parents need to be responsible for what their kids are exposed to. There are many controls available today that can be used to limit what a kid can be exposed to

Outside of that, there are worse things that can happen to kids other than what kind of media they consume. Sexual abuse, alcoholic/drug addicted parents and being subjected to physical violence are examples
Sep 20, 2024
With the increased realism of modern video games, VR porn, AI that can generate anything imaginable, the things people and therefore children are going to be exposed to is going to get more realistic

Generally, I am of the stance of zero censorship. I think the parents need to be responsible for what their kids are exposed to. There are many controls available today that can be used to limit what a kid can be exposed to

Outside of that, there are worse things that can happen to kids other than what kind of media they consume. Sexual abuse, alcoholic/drug addicted parents and being subjected to physical violence are examples

Hey good to hear it.

If you want to discuss more lets pry. If not great response...

You said there are worse things such as drug addicted parents and being sujected to physical violence are worse things. True.

So if these are bad things. Is it responsible to include these kinds of things in video games ?

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