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Vehicle mileage tax to fund infrastructure


Jan 8, 2021
Lolz new tax could be coming down the road. I hope this hits hard for the people that voted Dems.


  • Pete Buttigieg, the transportation secretary, said that the White House is weighing a mileage tax and special bonds to fund infrastructure.
  • He argued that President Joe Biden’s forthcoming plans to rebuild U.S. roads, bridges and waterways would lead to a net gain for the U.S. taxpayer.
  • “I’m hearing a lot of appetite to make sure that there are sustainable funding streams,” Buttigieg said. A mileage tax “shows a lot of promise.”
The White House is weighing a variety of ways — including a vehicle mileage tax — to finance what are expected to be multitrillion-dollar infrastructure proposals, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said Friday.
Buttigieg, who spoke with CNBC’s Kayla Tausche, also argued that President Joe Biden’s forthcoming plans to rebuild U.S. roads, bridges and waterways would lead to a net gain for the U.S. taxpayer and not a net outlay.

“When you think about infrastructure, it’s a classic example of the kind of investment that has a return on that investment,” he said. “That’s one of many reasons why we think this is so important. This is a jobs vision as much as it is an infrastructure vision, a climate vision, and more.”....


Jan 13, 2021
The gas tax revenue stream will be in jeopardy as we transition to electric vehicles. They already charge an extra "recoup" fee for tags if you have an electric or hybrid. I'm sure it makes democrats nervous.


Jan 15, 2021
The problem is never revenue, for the government, but they pretend it is so they can steal more of your money to fix the "problem" they created in the first place.

We’ve been spending 50% to 75% of what we should have been spending for decades on transportation. Just the F35 disaster of a program by itself equals 2/3rds of the backlog in transportation funding we’ve neglected over the years. Throw Afghanistan spending in there for good measure and we could’ve had the most advanced transportation system in the world if we spent responsibly. That translates to huge economic growth, industry diversification, production being done here instead of China... it’s a possibility we wouldn’t even have had an opioid epidemic because factories wouldn’t have left. Under the current system, it’s a helluva a lot cheaper to use Chinese to produce and then ship by boat to the major cities than it is to produce in Ohio and use hundreds of 18 wheelers to move products a couple hundred/thousand miles.

It’s ridiculous we don’t have a high speed passenger rail system and a modernized cargo rail system in this country. Now we have to budget and raise taxes for an additional 2.6 trillion in infrastructure because of the federal governments partisan bullshit if not planning budgets for literal years. By the way they need to tax you too because they still won’t cut the waste. And I almost guarantee you that this money is going to prop up an inefficient transportation system and not actually bother with building a modernized rail system. More fucking waste.

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
I’m actually ok with this if (a big if) they end the gas tax. A gas tax is practically a mileage tax anyway. You travel greater distances, you use more gas. However, I’m afraid they will use both taxes, because that’s what the government does.

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
We’ve been spending 50% to 75% of what we should have been spending for decades on transportation. Just the F35 disaster of a program by itself equals 2/3rds of the backlog in transportation funding we’ve neglected over the years. Throw Afghanistan spending in there for good measure and we could’ve had the most advanced transportation system in the world if we spent responsibly. That translates to huge economic growth, industry diversification, production being done here instead of China... it’s a possibility we wouldn’t even have had an opioid epidemic because factories wouldn’t have left. Under the current system, it’s a helluva a lot cheaper to use Chinese to produce and then ship by boat to the major cities than it is to produce in Ohio and use hundreds of 18 wheelers to move products a couple hundred/thousand miles.

It’s ridiculous we don’t have a high speed passenger rail system and a modernized cargo rail system in this country. Now we have to budget and raise taxes for an additional 2.6 trillion in infrastructure because of the federal governments partisan bullshit if not planning budgets for literal years. By the way they need to tax you too because they still won’t cut the waste. And I almost guarantee you that this money is going to prop up an inefficient transportation system and not actually bother with building a modernized rail system. More fucking waste.
Rail would be a disaster. The question has always been, what do you do once you get to your destination. These work better in Europe where all the towns are squeezed together and are walking distance. That’s because Europe is old and their towns developed before the automobile.


Jan 9, 2021
I’m actually ok with this if (a big if) they end the gas tax. A gas tax is practically a mileage tax anyway. You travel greater distances, you use more gas. However, I’m afraid they will use both taxes, because that’s what the government does.
You expect libs to remove a tax? C'mon man... this will 100% be in addition to the gas tax.


Jan 11, 2021
If we had all those shovel ready jobs 10 years ago, why is our infrastructure in such bad shape and in need of this much funding?


Dec 9, 2020
How will they track your mileage? Just odometer readings? Hey here’s a gps, put it in your car and we will bill you every month. Promise not to track your every move though. Hey man you are driving so much more than the poor are, totally not fair. You can only drive 100 miles a week. Yeah, nope.


Jan 15, 2021
Rail would be a disaster. The question has always been, what do you do once you get to your destination. These work better in Europe where all the towns are squeezed together and are walking distance. That’s because Europe is old and their towns developed before the automobile.

The fuck it would. The cheapest way to move people and material is by river. Rail is 3x as much. Road travel is 20x and plane is a 100x. And what do I do now once I get to an airport in another city? I call a cab if it’s close or rent a car. Or now Uber.


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
LOL@MILEAGETAX at that fukker driving the Tesla with the plate LOL@GAS.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Terrible idea but fuck it. Hope it really hurts.

All the more reason to work from home from now on.


Jan 9, 2021
Pete Buttagig, transportation secretary. That's laughable. Another joe appointee way in over his head.


Jan 9, 2021
Lolz new tax could be coming down the road. I hope this hits hard for the people that voted Dems.


  • Pete Buttigieg, the transportation secretary, said that the White House is weighing a mileage tax and special bonds to fund infrastructure.
  • He argued that President Joe Biden’s forthcoming plans to rebuild U.S. roads, bridges and waterways would lead to a net gain for the U.S. taxpayer.
  • “I’m hearing a lot of appetite to make sure that there are sustainable funding streams,” Buttigieg said. A mileage tax “shows a lot of promise.”
The White House is weighing a variety of ways — including a vehicle mileage tax — to finance what are expected to be multitrillion-dollar infrastructure proposals, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said Friday.
Buttigieg, who spoke with CNBC’s Kayla Tausche, also argued that President Joe Biden’s forthcoming plans to rebuild U.S. roads, bridges and waterways would lead to a net gain for the U.S. taxpayer and not a net outlay.

“When you think about infrastructure, it’s a classic example of the kind of investment that has a return on that investment,” he said. “That’s one of many reasons why we think this is so important. This is a jobs vision as much as it is an infrastructure vision, a climate vision, and more.”....
Figured bootygig would be looking to run more of a train system.

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
The fuck it would. The cheapest way to move people and material is by river. Rail is 3x as much. Road travel is 20x and plane is a 100x. And what do I do now once I get to an airport in another city? I call a cab if it’s close or rent a car. Or now Uber.
Only works well in cities. Ubers and taxis are not readily available in the suburbs and country. Sure, if everyone only traveled to a city, then rail works. Just like in the northeast US.


Dec 1, 2020
I build roads for a living. So now they want me to pay a tax to go to work and build a road that my tax dollars have already paid for. On a 26 mile long shoulder widening project, I can drive 400 miles a day easy if I have things going on on both ends at the same time. Fuck that shit. They can kiss my ass.


Jan 15, 2021
Only works well in cities. Ubers and taxis are not readily available in the suburbs and country. Sure, if everyone only traveled to a city, then rail works. Just like in the northeast US.

Towns only exists because they are at the intersection of some transportation hub. New York, DC, Philadelphia all sit at the mouths of major rivers. Chicago, New Orleans are the same thing. Later rail networks created towns like Atlanta, Denver, and Dallas. If you ever wanted to empower the middle of the country you do it through the cheap movement of people and goods. Pretending it is a bad idea or somehow would “not work” flies in the face basic economics. It’s like saying standard weights and measures would be a “bad idea”.

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
Towns only exists because they are at the intersection of some transportation hub. New York, DC, Philadelphia all sit at the mouths of major rivers. Chicago, New Orleans are the same thing. Later rail networks created towns like Atlanta, Denver, and Dallas. If you ever wanted to empower the middle of the country you do it through the cheap movement of people and goods. Pretending it is a bad idea or somehow would “not work” flies in the face basic economics. It’s like saying standard weights and measures would be a “bad idea”.
Except most towns in this country revolve around the automobile. You can’t just wave a magic wand and have a complex rail system in place. They were going to build a high speed rail between orlando and Tampa in Florida back during Obama. It would be great if you were staying within the cities. Not so great if you wanted to go anywhere else. Rail doesn’t work for spread out areas.


Dec 10, 2020
Cali will be OK on this one but do east coast libs understand how far away most of their food is coming from? They'll have $15 hamburgers at Mickey D's.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Cali will be OK on this one but do east coast libs understand how far away most of their food is coming from? They'll have $15 hamburgers at Mickey D's.
Gotta buy everything local or grow yourself.

Most Americans just aren't willing to do what it would take to disrupt the status quo.

It should be lifetime / generational change but a few weeks of strikes would be enough to get the ball rolling.


Jan 15, 2021
Except most towns in this country revolve around the automobile. You can’t just wave a magic wand and have a complex rail system in place. They were going to build a high speed rail between orlando and Tampa in Florida back during Obama. It would be great if you were staying within the cities. Not so great if you wanted to go anywhere else. Rail doesn’t work for spread out areas.

Then don’t build a rail hub in a small town? Not sure why you think that is some argument against a national reconstruction of rail. 86% of the US population is urbanized.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Then don’t build a rail hub in a small town? Not sure why you think that is some argument against a national reconstruction of rail. 86% of the US population is urbanized.
I actually like the idea of a Cleve --> Tulsa rail.

Could hit Columbus, Indy, Chicago, STL, ect.

I just despise the idea of connecting anything else to California. That state fucks everything up for all of us.


Dec 10, 2020
Then don’t build a rail hub in a small town? Not sure why you think that is some argument against a national reconstruction of rail. 86% of the US population is urbanized.
It would make sense if the government weren't doing it. Cali has been trying to build one for over a decade and can't even get the clearance that there are no dung beetles in the path. If certain areas could get people to bid on routes and maybe the cities help fund it up front then it might make work.


Dec 2, 2020
It would make sense if the government weren't doing it. Cali has been trying to build one for over a decade and can't even get the clearance that there are no dung beetles in the path. If certain areas could get people to bid on routes and maybe the cities help fund it up front then it might make work.

Was talking with a friend at work this morning about government doing everything badly. I said that a few years ago, I thought the government fucked up things like the USPS, the DMV, etc, but they did some things well like NASA. Then in the blink of an eye we have watched Elon Musk just get shit done, like we haven't seen in my lifetime- Going to Mars, talking about space tourism, worldwide 5G, etc... Now I iust think the government can't do anything right. If you just assume this for everything the government does, you'll likely be correct.


Jan 15, 2021
It would make sense if the government weren't doing it. Cali has been trying to build one for over a decade and can't even get the clearance that there are no dung beetles in the path. If certain areas could get people to bid on routes and maybe the cities help fund it up front then it might make work.

You can't let the states do a national project system similar to the interstate system. That has to be the feds. If you let local and state jurisdictions you get mismatching track, disagreements on routes, blatant corruption and over spending. I'm not saying there isn't some of that at the fed level too, but the local and state levels are 100% of the time much worse. Just ask Andrew Gillum.

In a perfect world you'd have a fed initiative to build and strengthen and expand lines coast to coast and north/ south. Let the private sector worry about the trains themselves and fleshing out the hubs. The states, maybe with matching dollars from the fed, would then worry about building a light/ moderate rail system to complement the larger highspeed federal infrastructure connecting major cities. That's where you'd get lines linking shorter distances at slower speeds. Tampa interconnected with Tallahassee, Orlando, Jax, and Miami, it would be awesome to hop on a highspeed train to Miami from Tampa and be there in an 1hr 15.
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