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Tucker says audio & video in the classroom


Jan 8, 2021
Can't wait to hear the bullshit excuse the teachers' union & the left will try to use to oppose this.
I'm guessing there are cameras in many areas of most schools now. Haven't we seen video of school shootings where the perp was captured on video in the hallways? Expand it to all areas except bathrooms and locker rooms. Maybe even there, with restrictions, as assaults do happen in bathrooms and locker rooms.


Dec 2, 2020
I'm guessing there are cameras in many areas of most schools now. Haven't we seen video of school shootings where the perp was captured on video in the hallways? Expand it to all areas except bathrooms and locker rooms. Maybe even there, with restrictions, as assaults do happen in bathrooms and locker rooms.

I agree, but we both know the teachers and their "union" will fight hard to keep the cameras out of classrooms...can't have the parents knowing what they are teaching their kids, afterall.


Dec 9, 2020
As a principal, I fully support this. NEA reps are god awful teachers, in general.
I've told this before...

Had an incident with my son's jh principal accusing my son of bullying a 'trans' kid. I knew my son did not because 1) he's been known to step in to stop kids being picked on a time or three, including this kid and 2) he had a frigging concussion and was sleeping in his coaches office on that day at that time.

The principal knew he was wrong, but kept on keeping on. He hates athletes and he really hates me and my son. The feeling is definitely mutual.

So, after 4 days of discussions with my husband (who thought it would be best that I not be the one dealing with this) who he flat out lied to and then conveniently was unavailable 20 minutes after their last conversation where it was agreed there would be no possible disciplinary action until the next day when they would have a face to face meeting....(My kid was suspended the second he got off the phone with my husband)....

Oh, the jerk got his face to face meeting with me the next morning. I showed up at 6:30 am. He was 1.5 hours late to school. I waited. His face went sheet white when he saw me sitting there. He knew. I knew.

I told him to show me the video.

Well, it's outside under the stadium.

I can walk 500 feet. I even wore tennies.

I don't think you want to see this.

I'm sure I do.

I have urgent meetings and 2 evaluations.

And you won't make a single one. I'm not leaving. Let's go.

I have the golf team send off to state.

Yeah? That's fine. 3 of those families think I'm here to cheer on their kids. If we go now, we'll make it back over in time.

So, he sloooowly walks out to the security camera/monitor under the stadium and acts like he's fumbling through playing the tape. And then...

there he is! Max walking in front of the bench bullying the kid.

Yeah? Where? I'm looking for Max.

He's right there. Walking in front of the bench.

That's not Max. He's not there. He's in Coach's room.

What? Yes it is!

Max is #5. That's #32. Max has never owned a pair of high tops in his life and he would never wear khaki shorts and a jersey. You knew this when you asked him 4 times what his # is. You knew this when his coach told you he was sleeping in his office. You knew this when YOU bullied a kid under concussion protocol, per your athletic trainer, into confessing to bullying a kid who is sexually harassing my kid. You knew this when you made it public knowledge that Max was bullying a kid and would be dealt with. Furthermore, there is no evidence on this tape that there was any interaction between this kid and anybody else. If we want to play this game, I'll play. I'll sue you, the parents, and this school district to hell and back for sexual harassment if I hear another word about this kid telling my kid about his genitals and sending snapchats asking if my son and his friends will let him perform oral sex (the messages were much more graphic).

Max was not suspended. And I made the asshat publicly apologize to Max for knowingly and falsely accusing him. He tried to weasel out and talk to Max privately in his office. Nope. Right here in front of everybody.

After all, he had no problem publicly falsely accusing and bullying a 13 year old kid who also happened to have a concussion.

Thank goodness I knew there were cameras.

Fuck with my kids... I'll tear your ass up.

I'm also the woman that called the news when our school district was the ONLY school district open in the entire state of Ohio. It was ridiculously, dangerously cold and we're a walking community. That went well for the super. He was mocked for weeks during the weather segments. And it was never a secret I was the culprit. I'm not a fan of his, either. I only have 2 years left to deal with him, but I'm not sure he'll make it that long. My goodness. There's a whole tidal wave of people pushing to get the current board out (with good, sane people running) and to get rid of him.

It's only taken 7 years for people to get to where I've been for a while. 😉
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Jan 8, 2021
I've told this before...

Had an incident with my son's jh principal accusing my son of bullying a 'trans' kid. I knew my son did not because 1) he's been known to step in to stop kids being picked on a time or three, including this kid and 2) he had a frigging concussion and was sleeping in his coaches office on that day at that time.

The principal knew he was wrong, but kept on keeping on. He hates athletes and he really hates me and my son. The feeling is definitely mutual.

So, after 4 days of discussions with my husband (who thought it would be best that I not be the one dealing with this) who he flat out lied to and then conveniently was unavailable 20 minutes after their last conversation where it was agreed there would be no possible disciplinary action until the next day when they would have a face to face meeting....(My kid was suspended the second he got off the phone with my husband)....

Oh, the jerk got his face to face meeting with me the next morning. I showed up at 6:30 am. He was 1.5 hours late to school. I waited. His face went sheet white when he saw me sitting there. He knew. I knew.

I told him to show me the video.

Well, it's outside under the stadium.

I can walk 500 feet. I even wore tennies.

I don't think you want to see this.

I'm sure I do.

I have urgent meetings and 2 evaluations.

And you won't make a single one. I'm not leaving. Let's go.

I have the golf team send off to state.

Yeah? That's fine. 3 of those families think I'm here to cheer on their kids. If we go now, we'll make it back over in time.

So, he sloooowly walks out to the security camera/monitor under the stadium and acts like he's fumbling through playing the tape. And then...

there he is! Max walking in front of the bench bullying the kid.

Yeah? Where? I'm looking for Max.

He's right there. Walking in front of the bench.

That's not Max. He's not there. He's in Coach's room.

What? Yes it is!

Max is #5. That's #32. Max has never owned a pair of high tops in his life and he would never wear khaki shorts and a jersey. You knew this when you asked him 4 times what his # is. You knew this when his coach told you he was sleeping in his office. You knew this when YOU bullied a kid under concussion protocol, per your athletic trainer, into confessing to bullying a kid who is sexually harassing my kid. You knew this when you made it public knowledge that Max was bullying a kid and would be dealt with. Furthermore, there is no evidence on this tape that there was any interaction between this kid and anybody else. If we want to play this game, I'll play. I'll sue you, the parents, and this school district to hell and back for sexual harassment if I hear another word about this kid telling my kid about his genitals and sending snapchats asking if my son and his friends will let him perform oral sex (the messages were much more graphic).

Max was not suspended. And I made the asshat publicly apologize to Max for knowingly and falsely accusing him. He tried to weasel out and talk to Max privately in his office. Nope. Right here in front of everybody.

After all, he had no problem publicly falsely accusing and bullying a 13 year old kid who also happened to have a concussion.

Thank goodness I knew there were cameras.

Fuck with my kids... I'll tear your ass up.

I'm also the woman that called the news when our school district was the ONLY school district open in the entire state of Ohio. It was ridiculously, dangerously cold and we're a walking community. That went well for the super. He was mocked for weeks during the weather segments. And it was never a secret I was the culprit. I'm not a fan of his, either. I only have 2 years left to deal with him, but I'm not sure he'll make it that long. My goodness. There's a whole tidal wave of people pushing to get the current board out (with good, sane people running) and to get rid of him.

It's only taken 7 years for people to get to where I've been for a while. 😉
Good for you. Unfortunately, too many parents are unwilling to do what you did. The community has to step up to get rid of bad administrators. Hell hath no fury like a mother defending her child.


Jan 9, 2021
I've told this before...

Had an incident with my son's jh principal accusing my son of bullying a 'trans' kid. I knew my son did not because 1) he's been known to step in to stop kids being picked on a time or three, including this kid and 2) he had a frigging concussion and was sleeping in his coaches office on that day at that time.

The principal knew he was wrong, but kept on keeping on. He hates athletes and he really hates me and my son. The feeling is definitely mutual.

So, after 4 days of discussions with my husband (who thought it would be best that I not be the one dealing with this) who he flat out lied to and then conveniently was unavailable 20 minutes after their last conversation where it was agreed there would be no possible disciplinary action until the next day when they would have a face to face meeting....(My kid was suspended the second he got off the phone with my husband)....

Oh, the jerk got his face to face meeting with me the next morning. I showed up at 6:30 am. He was 1.5 hours late to school. I waited. His face went sheet white when he saw me sitting there. He knew. I knew.

I told him to show me the video.

Well, it's outside under the stadium.

I can walk 500 feet. I even wore tennies.

I don't think you want to see this.

I'm sure I do.

I have urgent meetings and 2 evaluations.

And you won't make a single one. I'm not leaving. Let's go.

I have the golf team send off to state.

Yeah? That's fine. 3 of those families think I'm here to cheer on their kids. If we go now, we'll make it back over in time.

So, he sloooowly walks out to the security camera/monitor under the stadium and acts like he's fumbling through playing the tape. And then...

there he is! Max walking in front of the bench bullying the kid.

Yeah? Where? I'm looking for Max.

He's right there. Walking in front of the bench.

That's not Max. He's not there. He's in Coach's room.

What? Yes it is!

Max is #5. That's #32. Max has never owned a pair of high tops in his life and he would never wear khaki shorts and a jersey. You knew this when you asked him 4 times what his # is. You knew this when his coach told you he was sleeping in his office. You knew this when YOU bullied a kid under concussion protocol, per your athletic trainer, into confessing to bullying a kid who is sexually harassing my kid. You knew this when you made it public knowledge that Max was bullying a kid and would be dealt with. Furthermore, there is no evidence on this tape that there was any interaction between this kid and anybody else. If we want to play this game, I'll play. I'll sue you, the parents, and this school district to hell and back for sexual harassment if I hear another word about this kid telling my kid about his genitals and sending snapchats asking if my son and his friends will let him perform oral sex (the messages were much more graphic).

Max was not suspended. And I made the asshat publicly apologize to Max for knowingly and falsely accusing him. He tried to weasel out and talk to Max privately in his office. Nope. Right here in front of everybody.

After all, he had no problem publicly falsely accusing and bullying a 13 year old kid who also happened to have a concussion.

Thank goodness I knew there were cameras.

Fuck with my kids... I'll tear your ass up.

I'm also the woman that called the news when our school district was the ONLY school district open in the entire state of Ohio. It was ridiculously, dangerously cold and we're a walking community. That went well for the super. He was mocked for weeks during the weather segments. And it was never a secret I was the culprit. I'm not a fan of his, either. I only have 2 years left to deal with him, but I'm not sure he'll make it that long. My goodness. There's a whole tidal wave of people pushing to get the current board out (with good, sane people running) and to get rid of him.

It's only taken 7 years for people to get to where I've been for a while. 😉
I was with you until you cried about kids going to school because it was "too cold."


Jan 8, 2021
I think that is a wonderful idea. Even if you only give access to the parents of students in that class, it would be a great thing.

Was only in trouble from one teacher in my life. We both antagonized each other.

My mom wasn't sure what was happening but she told the teacher and I she was going to start attending classes and sitting in the back if anything else happened. We both straightened up, neither of us wanted that.


Jan 8, 2021
I only had one experience with cameras in a classroom, and that was in a lecture at a university in Shanghai, China. We were there for a 3-week program in business school, and our speakers in that session were incredibly careful about what they said.

Cameras aren't the problem - it's who's watching on the other end that should concern you.


Jan 9, 2021
I've told this before...

Had an incident with my son's jh principal accusing my son of bullying a 'trans' kid. I knew my son did not because 1) he's been known to step in to stop kids being picked on a time or three, including this kid and 2) he had a frigging concussion and was sleeping in his coaches office on that day at that time.

The principal knew he was wrong, but kept on keeping on. He hates athletes and he really hates me and my son. The feeling is definitely mutual.

So, after 4 days of discussions with my husband (who thought it would be best that I not be the one dealing with this) who he flat out lied to and then conveniently was unavailable 20 minutes after their last conversation where it was agreed there would be no possible disciplinary action until the next day when they would have a face to face meeting....(My kid was suspended the second he got off the phone with my husband)....

Oh, the jerk got his face to face meeting with me the next morning. I showed up at 6:30 am. He was 1.5 hours late to school. I waited. His face went sheet white when he saw me sitting there. He knew. I knew.

I told him to show me the video.

Well, it's outside under the stadium.

I can walk 500 feet. I even wore tennies.

I don't think you want to see this.

I'm sure I do.

I have urgent meetings and 2 evaluations.

And you won't make a single one. I'm not leaving. Let's go.

I have the golf team send off to state.

Yeah? That's fine. 3 of those families think I'm here to cheer on their kids. If we go now, we'll make it back over in time.

So, he sloooowly walks out to the security camera/monitor under the stadium and acts like he's fumbling through playing the tape. And then...

there he is! Max walking in front of the bench bullying the kid.

Yeah? Where? I'm looking for Max.

He's right there. Walking in front of the bench.

That's not Max. He's not there. He's in Coach's room.

What? Yes it is!

Max is #5. That's #32. Max has never owned a pair of high tops in his life and he would never wear khaki shorts and a jersey. You knew this when you asked him 4 times what his # is. You knew this when his coach told you he was sleeping in his office. You knew this when YOU bullied a kid under concussion protocol, per your athletic trainer, into confessing to bullying a kid who is sexually harassing my kid. You knew this when you made it public knowledge that Max was bullying a kid and would be dealt with. Furthermore, there is no evidence on this tape that there was any interaction between this kid and anybody else. If we want to play this game, I'll play. I'll sue you, the parents, and this school district to hell and back for sexual harassment if I hear another word about this kid telling my kid about his genitals and sending snapchats asking if my son and his friends will let him perform oral sex (the messages were much more graphic).

Max was not suspended. And I made the asshat publicly apologize to Max for knowingly and falsely accusing him. He tried to weasel out and talk to Max privately in his office. Nope. Right here in front of everybody.

After all, he had no problem publicly falsely accusing and bullying a 13 year old kid who also happened to have a concussion.

Thank goodness I knew there were cameras.

Fuck with my kids... I'll tear your ass up.

I'm also the woman that called the news when our school district was the ONLY school district open in the entire state of Ohio. It was ridiculously, dangerously cold and we're a walking community. That went well for the super. He was mocked for weeks during the weather segments. And it was never a secret I was the culprit. I'm not a fan of his, either. I only have 2 years left to deal with him, but I'm not sure he'll make it that long. My goodness. There's a whole tidal wave of people pushing to get the current board out (with good, sane people running) and to get rid of him.

It's only taken 7 years for people to get to where I've been for a while. 😉
The only thing I learned from this was not everyone in Ohio wears cargo khakis with their jersey. You really do learn something new every day…


Dec 9, 2020
The only thing I learned from this was not everyone in Ohio wears cargo khakis with their jersey. You really do learn something new every day…

I was with you until you cried about kids going to school because it was "too cold."
Walking to school when there are warnings to not be outside longer than 10 minutes... and EVERY frigging district in the entire state closed except ours.... one of the few walking communities in the state (we seriously do not have busses or any school transport. Kids walk) and we have teachers that live in other communities whose kids were out....

It's not necessarily that it was cold (though in many parts of the school, there was no heat. Finally getting that addressed now. That's another story and one reason why he and the board are getting ready to be run out.) It's the entire situation. I mean, it's well known I'll call my kids out. It's a running joke with the school. I'm all about having a fun day at home with the kids for whatever reason. And there's a reason my kids don't sneak around to skip.

It's that we were the only district open (and it followed the year before when we had a kid slip and fall on ice and suffer a compound fracture in his leg...3 days after he signed his LOI to swim on a full ride because meh.... what's a little sheet of ice? ).

I hate our SI. DESPISE him. When the reporter asked him why he chose to remain open and made very clear that there would be no excused absence for students or teachers (who had to figure out what to do with their kids who were home... everything in the state was closed.), his response was it just wasn't as cold in Oakwood as it was at Alter....a whopping 7 minutes down the street.

The local news had a field day with that bullshit. "It will be negative 21, even in Oakwood". 🤣
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