Do you support Tucker Carlson?

Adam Curran

Love Tucker for going after the filth and corruption! May God Bless Tucker!

Do you support Tucker Carlson?

Love Tucker for going after the filth and corruption! May God Bless Tucker!

Do you support Tucker Carlson?

Fuck no. Ill never trust him. He played to many double roles in my humble opinion.
Love Tucker for going after the filth and corruption! May God Bless Tucker!

Do you support Tucker Carlson?

Why did he not 'expose' them when it was essential..?
I wasn't much of a fan of his until probably since he bailed on Fox. I like him and think he is sharp guy. I've never heard of his other side.
Just look up his older stuff. He keeps switching opinions. And this... This I will never forgive him.

"Cucker Carlson dismantled the 9/11 truther with elegance and ease, gracefully tearing apart his opponent, demanding evidence and exposing the holes "
I think hes a pawn. He always was. Money makes him move. No honor. No respect.

Only is aiming for Trumpers right now so later on he can fuck them hard in the back.. Like always..

You can get the biggest psychopath along with you.. The first step would be to bend along in their thinking. Gain trust. Trust is power. Power ends up being money. He is doing that to "Trump supporters". And when shit hits the fan. He will sell out again, for sure. 100%.

The whole world went fucked up when Youtube started blocking Youtubers and started promoting 'official' news. Theres a reason they are palming you guys.. If you think that by Trump winning the shit is over.. Think again.. Your battle is only starting now.
Just look up his older stuff. He keeps switching opinions. And this... This I will never forgive him.

"Cucker Carlson dismantled the 9/11 truther with elegance and ease, gracefully tearing apart his opponent, demanding evidence and exposing the holes "
Take a lap. Tucker, like a lot of people were asleep at the wheel. He is wide awake now and is spitting fucking facts!

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