Times are changing


Just went to Sawgrass Mills, a massive outlet mall in south Florida, and did not put my mask on one time. No comments and the amount of people just not wearing them was yuge. This is liberal Mecca Broward too. Then we get an email from the city of Parkland that masks are encouraged in all buildings, not required. Fuck yes, getting back to normal. If Broward County can do it everywhere can.
Im Convinced some states will never go back. It’s a religious purity test, not an actual bulwark against disease
I could see that. Most South Americans there were still double masking. Surprisingly a ton of workers were not wearing masks I also saw a ton of people with masks hanging but had a bottle of water. Amazing that covid disappears when you are eating or drinking.
Just went to Sawgrass Mills, a massive outlet mall in south Florida, and did not put my mask on one time. No comments and the amount of people just not wearing them was yuge. This is liberal Mecca Broward too. Then we get an email from the city of Parkland that masks are encouraged in all buildings, not required. Fuck yes, getting back to normal. If Broward County can do it everywhere can.


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Malls still exist? I flew home and our massive mall is now an Amazon center. They bought out Macy’s, Neiman, etc.... for some floor space.
Dick on the homeboard said that he would be for denying medicare and private insurance to people who don't mask up or vaxx.... I wanted to challenge him to some Wachovia olympics but it'd be pointless. I know people like this are too weak to survive the economic downturn coming so Im just smiling.
Supposedly, our county mandate will be lifted at the end of the month and not renewed. State was lifted April 8th but not much has changed. I've worn no mask about 60% of the places I go. Costco continues to be an issue as does work (outside my office).

We've got a private school option lined up for next year as a backup. My kids aren't doing this again. We were told they would not have to mask at their desks but they reneged on that. They know my stance. What I'm afraid of is getting half way through a year and they spring it on us again. I will be livid and will not go quietly into that good night.
We will have the mask mandate until the next election here in Pritzkanistan. I’m this/close to switching our permanent residence to our Naples joint but I need to hold on to IL until my daughter graduates HS. When you have these two fucking idiots running things you get what you deserve.

We will have the mask mandate until the next election here in Pritzkanistan. I’m this/close to switching our permanent residence to our Naples joint but I need to hold on to IL until my daughter graduates HS. When you have these two fucking idiots running things you get what you deserve.

Dude, I love Chicago, and Naperville but move to Naples.
Already have a house there. Mother in law is going back to her Naples house in June. I’m not moving my daughter before her Junior year in HS. Our school here is top 20 in IL and highly rated nationally. Naples schools basically suck compared to Naperville City Schools.
Which school? I was slotted for Naperville North before we moved. Naperville schools are great.
Watched some of the Texas Rangers game last night. The stands looked about 3/4 full. I didn't see many masks except on the coaches and bench players in the dugouts. Must be a MLB edict and not a state or local edict. I guess MLB doesn't want players/coaches to enjoy their freedom and have to comply with the most restrictive team/state edict in MLB regardless of where the game is being played.

Saw the same at the SHSU v JMU football game yesterday played in Huntsville, TX. I suspect that was a university requirement since our universities, even in Texas, have gone full looney bin.

Only the grocery stores & Costco seem to be still mandating masks. I comply by wearing a mask made from a mesh jersey with holes the size of pencils in it. I get some looks but nobody has said anything negative but get many positive comments.

I'm going to have some surgery on my eyes in a month or two. MD said I will have black eyes for about 2-3 weeks afterwards. I'm sure I'll set off an uproar in my town which is 70% black when I walk around with a shirt that says, "Black Eyes Matter".

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