This is exactly why Democrats need to pack the court!

You shouldn’t be such a bigot when it comes to men having anal sex. There is no “fudge packing” involved. I do multiple enemas before every sex or fisting session.
As one would, i would imagine.. i like a Carmel apple no nuts. Ny sister makes them for a living
Who doesn't? unless your a faggot that doesn't know what it is.
I sent @tjhall a bottl of dukes mayo and boiled peanuts from Effingham. With some other shit like sc wildlife magazine and secret door prizes. The whole state but the low country is an amazing food emporium id suggest can rivals anywhere. Cajuns beat us prob but most many others for local ethnic cooking
It looks delicious. I've never had clam or crab chowder, soup, bisque, none of it. But I love me water and sea food.
Dude this summer come visit me. I'll buy your ticket to fly in. I'll get us on an offshore trip like you see on TV. All Cadillac. @TopHook is in mb and I'm cool there too. Fly out wed fly back out Sunday night of the next Wednesday. You have no idea what God's country is. This place is amazing. History recreation conservative. Everyone gets along. It why the black white divide is bullshit. We all love each other. We will tour history too. Late April 1 week. Lmk asap ill get the boat.@tophook you are invited for a mahi day 60 miles to the ledge. Yall just tip. I'll but the boat
Dude this summer come visit me. I'll buy your ticket to fly in. I'll get us on an offshore trip like you see on TV. All Cadillac. @TopHook is in mb and I'm cool there too. Fly out wed fly back out Sunday night of the next Wednesday. You have no idea what God's country is. This place is amazing. History recreation conservative. Everyone gets along. It why the black white divide is bullshit. We all love each other. We will tour history too. Late April 1 week. Lmk asap ill get the boat.@tophook you are invited for a mahi day 60 miles to the ledge. Yall just tip. I'll but the boat
Out of Murrells or little river?
Out of Murrells or little river?
Nah 63ft Bertram or bigger from mtp. Cadillac. But I do want you to go. I'm not lyin about us going.
@Chris Farley
Yall invited too

Last time before my place took a shit I caught the 3rd biggest mahi in the state that year. Ea person took home 60lbs of mahi w a lil tuna and some wahoo. Cheaper than Publix. Boats outta mb don't wanna go 80m to the ledge. Gotta.hit the ledge a a weed line w a other floating wooden cover

Mtp is 60 to ledge
You shouldn’t be such a bigot when it comes to men having anal sex. There is no “fudge packing” involved. I do multiple enemas before every sex or fisting session.
I once had a surgery and after 7 suppositories gallons of mineral oil, I shit a hockey puck. I never felt like that before. Like I was a gorilla

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