The Silent Children: For EVIL to flourish, it only requires good men do nothing.

Yeah hard bro.

Wish I could figure out a way to post vids here without having to use those annoying ugly links or uploading them to YT first,...or as a last resort making gifs outta the shorter ones.

Oh, lol, 😂after the initial week long ban from uploading to YT ended last Friday, I immediately started posting some vids and got a two week ban within about an hour, lol.🤣

#FB is also threatening to ban me too.😆

Looks like you’ll be stuck here forever lol
*We oughta start paying close attention to the fact that most of the individuals who're in the most influential positions, internationally, are actually related by blood, to various extents.
One problem we face with finding proofs connecting these related individuals, is the aggressive online "whitewashing" of the definitive ancestral information.
Sounds crazy, I understand.
The more ya look into this shit, the more obvious it seems to be the case,....and apparently this kinda thing has been SOP for many generations.
Essentially the vast majority of individuals holding the highest positions of power, worldwide, are from the same interrelated bloodlines.
Screenshot_2022-07-22-09-41-57-28_680d03679600f7af0b4c700c6b270fe7.jpgIMG_20220722_125533.jpgScreenshot_2022-07-22-09-42-53-69_680d03679600f7af0b4c700c6b270fe7.jpg#[ Luisa Marie Neubauer ]IMG_20220722_233126.jpgIMG_20220722_233109.jpg
Why the fuck are people ignoring what's clearly documented in Epstein's "Black book" & "Lolita Express" records!?!
Lord's, Ladies, Dukes, Dutchesses, Senators, Princes, Princesses, Judges, Cops, Hollywood"stars", News presenters, Banksters, members of multiple "13 Illuminati Bloodline" families-Astors, Brandolinis, Rothschilds, etc, etc, etc!
Fuck this shit is straight up retardedly obvious.
We ought to be fuckin rioting!
The book exampled below, is a good start for those who've had enough of the common man's compliant state of perpetually wallowing in swinish ignorance, pretending the "elite" aren't rape-torturing children.
Hiram of Tyre (a Phoenician) supplied workers and materials to build Solomon’s (King of Israel) temple, the First Temple (that will be rebuilt to signal the end of times).

Hiram Abiff (not Hiram of Tyre) was commissioned by Solomon to build the temple using many of Hiram’s (of Tyre) men. The workers were actual masons that built the temple under the Architect’s (Hiram Abiff) direction.

The masons were broken into three tiers, Entered Apprentice, Fellowcrafts, and Master Masons. The masons could only receive the knowledge to advance in degree if they proved worthy.

Eventually Hiram was murdered by three Fellow Craft because Hiram would not reveal the secrets of the Master Masons.

This story is the overarching allegory of Free Masonry, but mainly to note is that it was a mixing of Phoenicians and Israelites… and also the foundation of the most prolific secret society that exists
I like your style @CuriousFiend , but you may think about breaking some of this down into bite sized bits. Most people aren’t going to spend the time to read all of the fire hose of info your dropping. Just a suggestion.
Thanks mate, you're right.
I certainly do appreciate your advice.

Guess maybe I'm a bit amped up from the incredible outrage I've been focusing into aggressive efficiency.

This feeling sucks, like I'm doing nothing to stop this evil that seems so easily perceptible,...its all the exact same evil I've witnessed firsthand for over 36yrs so far.

Basically this thread is more of a DATA Dump than any real attempt at organized dissemination, there's simply too much information available, I need to focus on that,'s all connected.

Though I will at least slap a general descriptive tag, or warning on posts.

@Croot_Overlord have ya seen this👇

(*For some reason I thought it was filmed in the 90s, but apparently it's from ¿2008?)
Thanks mate, you're right.
I certainly do appreciate your advice.

Guess maybe I'm a bit amped up from the incredible outrage I've been focusing into aggressive efficiency.

This feeling sucks, like I'm doing nothing to stop this evil that seems so easily perceptible,...its all the exact same evil I've witnessed firsthand for over 36yrs so far.

Basically this thread is more of a DATA Dump than any real attempt at organized dissemination, there's simply too much information available, I need to focus on that,'s all connected.

Though I will at least slap a general descriptive tag, or warning on posts.

@Croot_Overlord have ya seen this👇

(*For some reason I thought it was filmed in the 90s, but apparently it's from ¿2008?)

Yeah I’m familiar
#These are anti-Christs, aka: the Edomite/Canaanite imposters.
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Modern Allopathic/big pharma medications/drugs are as effective as a plaster soaked in shit being slapped on an infected wound.
There have been some very concerning technologies developed which most are completely unaware of, and probably inclined towards immediately dismissing claims of such as the common ignoramuses SOP trope -"cOnSpiRAcY tHeOrY".

*Hearing voices in your head?
*Are you going mad?
*Or are these "voices/sounds" actually indicative of a little known military technology:
#Patent №6,470,214 B1
-'Method & Device For Implementing The Radio Frequency Hearing Effect'.


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