The CIA Psy Op has been called off. NASA admits no aliens (link)....

Sorry for all you that got sucked in.

Now they are saying we don't know what we don't know

Sorry for all you that got sucked in.

FYI...the ONLY suckers are the people that actually would believe the CIA would EVER call off a PSY OP. How long have operation mockingbird, MK-Ultra and paperclip have been running on books for.....exactly how many years? (I'm sure they are about announce the closure of all those secret programs and day now.....)
FYI...the ONLY suckers are the people that actually would believe the CIA would EVER call off a PSY OP. How long have operation mockingbird, MK-Ultra and paperclip have been running on books for.....exactly how many years? (I'm sure they are about announce the closure of all those secret programs and day now.....)
Pretty sure operation paperclip ended when they got the German intellectual class on our soil
Pretty sure operation paperclip ended when they got the German intellectual class on our soil you think they just brought the scientists here.....????

We still don't know everything they have had them working on since arrival.

JFK was totally correct...they need to be busted up into a million pieces and then burned to the ground. you think they just brought the scientists here.....????

We still don't know everything they have had them working on since arrival.

JFK was totally correct...they need to be busted up into a million pieces and then burned to the ground.
No. And it is quite possible it wasn't shut down but renamed. The objective of operation paperclip was to bring scientist and intellectuals in to our fold. That was accomplished was my point.
No. And it is quite possible it wasn't shut down but renamed. The objective of operation paperclip was to bring scientist and intellectuals in to our fold. That was accomplished was my point.
Correct....AND NO OFFENSE BUT you are mistaken....WE ASSUME the entire objective was to bring the scientist....... (based off the limited document disclosures we have seen)

BUT that is an incomplete assessment at this time. (I will guarantee you that was NOT the complete objective....but the rest would be speculation.)
Correct....AND NO OFFENSE BUT you are mistaken....WE ASSUME the entire objective was to bring the scientist....... (based off the limited document disclosures we have seen)

BUT that is an incomplete assessment at this time. (I will guarantee you that was NOT the complete objective....but the rest would be speculation.)
That was all speculation. No proof....then your are speculating. It is like gold prospecting. Until it is provable you are speculating. Oil and the see aye A also

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