***Take a cocktail, leave a cocktail***

For dogs dinovite. It is a supplement. I put my old dog]on it.(all yall seen Cooper) he mad it to almost 15. 150lb almost. Giant ass dog. It is uncommon for a dog that size to live past 12. Dinovite has so much good stuff for them. Amazing coats, perfect dumps- no straining. Clears up hot spots and incessant itching. I absolutely swear by it. Any of your dogs have allergies? Many times it isn't allergies but lack of nutrition and poor gut biome for the pup. Bad ear discharge? This stuff will help maintain clear ears once it is fixed.
Screenshot_20250129_102935_Amazon Shopping.png
There is another advertised on Glen Beck. I've used it. It is good. But it is about 2x more expensive


What I'm wanting to suggest isn't something new, it's already well known since the 50s/60s within alternative medical circles and it is strongly rejected by the mainstream allopathic institutional academics altogether.

•However I've a slightly different understanding than the allopaths and the majority of alternatives, I won't attempt detailing this here as it would simply take far to long.

•So to put my suggestion across in the simplest terms, I'll start by briefly providing some context,...on Amygdalin.

•It is a naturally occurring chemical compound formed in seeds/pips of fruits like; apricots, apples, peaches, plums, red cherries, etc.

•Amygdalin is also called; 'Nitriloside', 'Purasin', 'Vitamin B17'.

•The partly man-made/artificial purified version is known as 'Laetrile'.

•Laetrile was first created in the 1950s, became a popular alternative cancer treatment throughout the 60s—70s and was banned by the FDA in 1980.

•Note: Despite the scientific claims, Natural Amygdalin and Artificial Laetrile are not the same, it will take me too long to explain why here.

Now to the point:

•There is no reason to simply accept my suggestion and I do strongly encourage each individual to seek out the truth and answers for themselves, also it will require delving far beyond surface level information.

•Basically,...consuming apricot seeds assists the natural living cell processes which have been triggered as a protective response resulting in cancerous cell growths manifesting.

•Indeed I understand this will most likely be interpreted as crazy nonsense which I do understand, and I am not responsible for what others choose to be limited by.

•The hidden reality is that cancer is not some evil causal factor manifesting as dis—ease.

•Cancerous cell growths are temporary reactionary regenerative countermeasures protecting against a real root cause, which, to put it plainly, is toxicity of the human organisms internal environment-(see 'Terrain Theory" for more info)

•Personally, I've not ever had cancer, so cannot claim first hand experiential proof.

•For multiple reasons though, each day I do eat one apricot seed and I can state that I have not ever experienced any negative effects such as cyanide poisoning as claimed by scientific academia.

•Yet I must admit that it would be totally irresponsible to munch down a large number of them over a short time frame.
I hope the above can be of some benefit for you and your family noel nole, y'all have my prayers.Screenshot_2024-11-17_at_1.33.36_PM.png


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William Makis MD
NEW ARTICLE: IVERMECTIN - Articles and Protocols for CANCER, Research studies and access to Ivermectin pills

Recently, I have seen tremendous demand for some sort of initial guidance “WHERE TO START” with High Dose Ivermectin for CANCER.

So I'm reposting my Ivermectin Cancer Protocol.
It's very simple to use.

Did you know that Ivermectin is annually taken by close to 250 million people?

Ivermectin has a dozen anti-cancer mechanisms but they can be summarized into two main ones:

1. Inhibits cancer proliferation signaling pathways (Akt, mTOR, Wnt)

2. Inhibits Cancer Stem Cells

IVERMECTIN will act against regular CANCER as well as Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced TURBO CANCER (which is highly resistant to chemo)

Here are recent studies on IVERMECTIN use in certain types of cancer:

BLADDER CANCER - (2024 Fan et al) - Ivermectin Inhibits Bladder Cancer Cell Growth and Induces Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage

LUNG CANCER - (2024 Man-Yuan Li et al) - Ivermectin induces nonprotective autophagy by downregulating PAK1 and apoptosis in lung adenocarcinoma cells

GLIOMA - (2024 Xing Hu et al) - Ivermectin as a potential therapeutic strategy for glioma

MULTIPLE MYELOMA - (2024 Yang Song et al) - Gene signatures to therapeutics: Assessing the potential of ivermectin against t(4;14) multiple myeloma

OVARIAN CANCER - (2023 Jawad et al) - Ivermectin augments the anti-cancer activity of pitavastatin in ovarian cancer cells

PROSTATE CANCER - (2022 Lu et al) - Integrated analysis reveals FOXA1 and Ku70/Ku80 as targets of ivermectin in prostate cancer

COLON CANCER - (2022, Alghamdi et al) - Efficacy of ivermectin against colon cancer induced by dimethylhydrazine in male wistar rats

PANCREATIC CANCER - (2022 Lee et al) - Ivermectin and gemcitabine combination treatment induces apoptosis of pancreatic cancer cells via mitochondrial dysfunction

MELANOMA - (2022 Zhang et al) - Drug repurposing of ivermectin abrogates neutrophil extracellular traps and prevents melanoma metastasis

IVERMECTIN has proven anti-cancer activity against some 20 cancer types, although these are pre-clinical studies. We will never see clinical studies because Ivermectin is off patent and cheap.

Merck, which used to have a patent on Ivermectin, has partnered with Moderna on mRNA Cancer Vaccines.

IVERMECTIN is so safe, that in much of the civilized world, it is available over the counter, no prescription needed. That’s how it should be.

I recently wrote about how a doctor in Saskatchewan, Canada was just given a $44,800 penalty by the College of Physicians and Surgeons for prescribing Ivermectin to a few patients during 2020-2022.

The Ontario College of Physicians even had an Investigator go undercover and dress up as a Canadian Trucker to ensnare a young doctor prescribing Ivermectin in Ottawa in 2022 during the Trucker Convoy.

Canadians must realize that the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons are private corporations, fully bought off by big pharma and run by mafia lawyers who are putting pressure on doctors to comply or else

No healthcare bureaucrat or lawyer has the right to deny anyone access to life saving medication. And if they do, they are committing a very serious crime.

It's time for Canadians to bring the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons to Justice for their many COVID-19 crimes, take them over, dissolve them, and start over.

I now have a trusted, affordable source for Ivermectin, so if you need access to Ivermectin, please email me.

Article Link in photo to avoid shadowban, just re-type the URL in the 1st phGReSYPDb0AEDL99(1).jpegoto at the top, into your browser to access
Just curious. Would you guys just do the cocktails or the cocktails in conjunction with regular cancer meds?
I've heard of people doing both and separate.
Ivermectin,fenbendazole,vit c and other stuff won't relly affect the cancer meds prescribed.

Other wholly give up on cancer treatment and just do this protocol.

I have zero idea which way is better
Caffiene + L-theanine for focus. This has been my go to for years. I don’t even really mess with coffee or drink energy drinks, just get the caffiene pills

100mg/100mg. I don’t go over 300 mg caffeine a day
Caffiene + L-theanine for focus. This has been my go to for years. I don’t even really mess with coffee or drink energy drinks, just get the caffiene pills

100mg/100mg. I don’t go over 300 mg caffeine a day
There is a ton of new stuff on caffeine Ltheanine and nicotine gum for Adderall like focus.
Iir 200mg caff
2mg nicotine
L-thea?no idea whattis.
And do it about 2-3hr after awake from sleep

This too
For dogs dinovite. It is a supplement. I put my old dog]on it.(all yall seen Cooper) he mad it to almost 15. 150lb almost. Giant ass dog. It is uncommon for a dog that size to live past 12. Dinovite has so much good stuff for them. Amazing coats, perfect dumps- no straining. Clears up hot spots and incessant itching. I absolutely swear by it. Any of your dogs have allergies? Many times it isn't allergies but lack of nutrition and poor gut biome for the pup. Bad ear discharge? This stuff will help maintain clear ears once it is fixed.
View attachment 229087
There is another advertised on Glen Beck. I've used it. It is good. But it is about 2x more expensive
Idk what it did but it helped my dog. Yeast, fleas everything gone.
There is a ton of new stuff on caffeine Ltheanine and nicotine gum for Adderall like focus.

Yeah it absolutely works. I taper down on weekends / every once in a while, because tolerance will build, but it’s completely manageable over the long run. I’ve been doing it for several years

Here’s my nicotine fix. I refuse to bump up above the 2mg to keep myself somewhat in check

Yeah it absolutely works. I taper down on weekends / every once in a while, because tolerance will build, but it’s completely manageable over the long run. I’ve been doing it for several years

Here’s my nicotine fix. I refuse to bump up above the 2mg to keep myself somewhat in check

View attachment 229118

Thank you. I need this badly. Do you add Ltheanine supplements?
I am putting the horse paste on some skin cancer as we speak. not the killer kind but the benign kind. I have been doing it for a week and will update with my findings. I heard topically applied the cancer just flakes off. SKOL!
Testosterone boosting regiment:

Pine pollen
Beet root powder
Micro dose clomid

You gotta cycle things a bit. Every couple months or so.


^12.5 mg every other day. Lower than any other dosing regiment recommends, but it seems you just need a tiny bit to kickstart the pituitary gland. Problem with Clomid is it will boost estrogen + testosterone. Keeping the dose low helped counter that and the DIM helps offset as well
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These herbs will nourish, stimulate, and help heal the brain while improving cognitive ability and function:

Blue Butterfly pea
Fo-Ti root
Gingko Biloba
Ginseng root
Gotu Kola
Holy Thistle
Lion's Mane
Maral root

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