Star Wars is really bad

Star Wars has always been terrible. Just a dumb plot and the fight scenes are moronic - they can fly through space but they miss targets when shooting at them? Get the F outta here.
Only thing worse than a starwars fan is the guy that clicks on starwars threads just to tell people he is intellectually superior to everyone else because he thinks the movies are dumb.
Last Jedi is on and so is rise of Skywalker. I am a huge Star Wars fan. Currently watching Jaws and die hard 2. The new trilogy is just awful.
Star Wars is dead to me. I can’t even watch the original trilogy because George Lucas fucked those up. Only the original 3 were good before the Lucas “touch ups” (Return if the Jedi kind of always sucked, but it has good parts).
I watched a guy breakdown all the bad writing in Last Jedi and it was awesome. I didnt watch the movie because I heard it was horrible but his video basically showed the whole movie and how many things they fucked up.
I rank the Star Wars movies and shows in this order.

SW Episodes 4-6
Rogue One
SW The Clone Wars tv show
SW Episodes 1-3
Bad Batch
SW Rebels tv show
SW Episodes 7-9
I rank the Star Wars movies and shows in this order.

SW Episodes 4-6
Rogue One
SW The Clone Wars tv show
SW Episodes 1-3
Bad Batch
SW Rebels tv show
SW Episodes 7-9
I can agree with this if the shows/trilogies have to be together. Would switch Rogue One and Mando though. Rougue One was really good.

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