SPECTRE is real

Welp, glad you came back b/c I missed your original posting in September.

I'm not making light of your big brain and intelligence, but vast majority at tfsf already believes the world has gone to hell in a handbasket.

If you don't mind I'll start posting pics of people and you can provide your thoughts.

Welcome back.

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•Trump = "the solution"


•Biden = "the problem"
Politics is dead.

Politicians are actors.

Our civilization is crumbling—intentionally—just as all the preceding ones did once the pharisaic corruption became overwhelming.

"His-tory" repeats.

"The great reset" is not a new thing.
Thanks. I am out of practice communicating with good-natured people.

On other forums, the *majority* of account who interact with me are SPECTRE accounts with bad intent. You can see the affect it's had on my communications skills; but I can do better. MKULTRA.

And physically I am struggling. I've been physically ill for decades. Now I realize, I've been poisoned by Nazis. They have secret tech.

I am half Celtic, half Jewish. I don't "identify" as anything. I don't care about identity politics. Every culture does things that annoy me. I have never cared that I am half Jewish. I have hardly mentioned it in 50 years. I mention it now, because it's become clearer that the people against me include Nazis targeting me for being half Jewish. They are playing identity politics. I am just on the defensive there.

There can be no doubt, I am targeted by this Nazi spy network, which officially operates only in the Soviet Union.

“The CIA’s Worst-Kept Secret: Newly Declassified Files Confirm United States Collaboration with Nazis”, FPIF.

The implications are stunning, you all. CIA controlled by real Nazis, using the surveillance-state's power to wage a military offensive against the USA. The Dark Side is real. SPECTRE is real. USA is under attack.

Here's my latest:

If people try reading it and get lost, I'll try to clarify.

Making a little joke that I'm crazy does not cut it. That's a cop out. Get ready to defend yourselves against Nazis.

They have targeted tech, infiltrating social media companies, to not only censor opposition but also collect human intelligence about Americans for the purpose of military exploitation.

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I agree in that, the reason they are destroying our supply and food processing centers is bc it is hard to fight when you are starving. Seeds and a pantry full of 25year food, canned vegetables soup meat. I'm working on getting more ammo but I'm weak there. My dad helped me out and gave me a couple rifles and a case of shotgun shells High brass 4, buck, slugs.
I am posting about murder threats I am receiving from the Mafia, Nazis, and their agents in the U.S. DOJ. They are threatening to murder me because I am half-Jewish.

I'm talking about a girl named Justina who got kidnapped.

I am posting about school shootings being orchestrated by the Mafia, Nazis, and their agents in the U.S. DOJ. The victims are real and it sickens me.

What does that have to do with smoking anything?

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They targeted me because of my political strength:

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They marked me for death when I was a child:

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They are torturing and murdering me, as part of their military offensive against the USA. They murdered President Kennedy. They have infiltrated and overtaken the U.S. intelligence community. They are murdering me to stop me from defending people like you.
For once I was cheering for the mafia on this one.
I stand by my original post.
This really should have shut this thread down immediately/

But since we’re here now…..

Which former faggit is “Deleted Member 2886”? Was this the NZ or Auzzy fellow that got me to join the splinter board In ONLY to have “his own IT guy” lock him out? 🤣

God was I stupid as hell to waste my time creating an account there……🤣

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