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Seriously.... WTF happened to this board?


Nov 15, 2022
I used to enjoy posting on conspiracy boards like lunaticoutpost and abovetopsecret but the mods at both places went full nazi and started removing people they didn't like. A few months back ATS had an issue with everyone even the mods being banned from the forum. Everyone made new accounts and it was great until the mods got back in. I had been posting there over 10 years under a different account and suddenly they banned me because one of them was on a power trip.

LOP got rid of its two conservative mods and only had left-wingers running the place at the time I left. They had given me temp bans several times but then they started silencing words and links by using some kind of auto-correct in the forum software to replace those things with whatever they wanted.

I figured out they broke a link to certain websites by replace the english letters in the link with non-standard ASCII characters that looked identical but were actually completely different characters. So the link you would post would appear correct but wouldn't work. It was a scummy thing to do. They resort to every dirty trick to silence people. I stopped posting there because whats the point? If they don't like what you have to say, they will just change it.

Same for X. Elon Musk acted like he was going to bring free speech to twitter. Then he takes control of X and bans people he doesn't like.

Where am I going to find a platform with free speech?

I don't think 99% of the human race is mature enough to enjoy the freedoms they pretend to believe in. Every time they get a tiny amount of authority they abuse it.


Sep 22, 2023
I don't understand discussion boards. Many times they are more tolerant than other social media that babies everybody and comes out with community guidelines (sic) that are worse than what communist countries impose on their citizens. Still, people bitch about censorship, yet congregate in the worst environments.


Nov 15, 2022
I don't understand discussion boards. Many times they are more tolerant than other social media that babies everybody and comes out with community guidelines (sic) that are worse than what communist countries impose on their citizens. Still, people bitch about censorship, yet congregate in the worst environments.
I still post on reddit but I've been banned from so many subs. lol

Yeah it is basically baby's daycare discussion board. Every sub is an echo chamber and every moderator bans people for saying anything they don't like.

My last ban was from the r/fluentinfinance sub for calling out a post that looked like it was written by ChatGPT and was actually giving bad financial advice. Wanted everyone to invest in their education, take out multiple loans and credit cards, and don't worry you will pay it all back once you enter the workforce and earn a higher salary thanks to your hard work and effort.

I explained why you should avoid going into debt at a young age. Ban.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
social media that babies everybody and comes out with community guidelines (sic) that are worse than what communist countries impose on their citizens. Still, people bitch about censorship, yet congregate in the worst environments.
It amazes me that so many use those sites.

I still post on reddit but I've been banned from so many subs. lol
A glutton for punishment you are, I see.

Yeah it is basically baby's daycare discussion board. Every sub is an echo chamber and every moderator bans people for saying anything they don't like.
That's what much of the internet is turning into, and most people seem to be ok with it. They keep using it after all.

My last ban was from the r/fluentinfinance sub for calling out a post that looked like it was written by ChatGPT and was actually giving bad financial advice. Wanted everyone to invest in their education, take out multiple loans and credit cards, and don't worry you will pay it all back once you enter the workforce and earn a higher salary thanks to your hard work and effort.

I explained why you should avoid going into debt at a young age. Ban.
You can't be doin' that shit, c'mon man! The system needs them to get into debt as much and as early as possible. There are ponzi schemes in society that need fresh meat.

Basically, anyone offering advice, or otherwise instructing people at-large how to avoid the pitfalls that the system has laid out for the peons, will quickly develop a target on their back. I've seen it happen too many times over the years. The internet makes it easy for 'em to do that.


Sep 22, 2023
I still post on reddit but I've been banned from so many subs. lol

Yeah it is basically baby's daycare discussion board. Every sub is an echo chamber and every moderator bans people for saying anything they don't like.

My last ban was from the r/fluentinfinance sub for calling out a post that looked like it was written by ChatGPT and was actually giving bad financial advice. Wanted everyone to invest in their education, take out multiple loans and credit cards, and don't worry you will pay it all back once you enter the workforce and earn a higher salary thanks to your hard work and effort.

I explained why you should avoid going into debt at a young age. Ban.

I belong to a small board that has never banned anyone to my knowledge. You'd have to try really hard. They are bringing in a new administrator to take over the board, but he says he has no plans to ban people provided the people adhere to few board rules. And they really will NOT allow people to violate your privacy. This place and there may be a couple of the only places where you can bitch about the world.


Jul 27, 2023
Sadly it’s true. I ran out of ideas on how to attract people and to keep the Main Forum active and engaging.

I’m just going to make sure it stays running for the DYCA crowd.
Well it may surprise some, that The Free Speech Forum is actually still doing relatively quite a bit better than the vast majority of comparatively similar general discussion fora.

I mean, just a glance at nzfsf, tafsf & otd provide three examples of near dead.

Yet these three definitely aren't exceptions, as this is a very common affliction shared by at least several dozen I have seen directly, and at least several 100s more I know of indirectly.

The dying off of legacy discussion fora has apparently been happening since social media and followed too by hybrid social fora having entered the scene.

It's one of the main issues admins & forum devs regularly whinge about @xfcommunity....and yet strangely they overwhelmingly reject any ideas which would enable options for becoming more competitive with social media & hybrid social fora.

Example: I recently proposed to that swinish xfcommunity, an idea for adding optional hybrid social fora features & functionality, in simple terms: adding an optional ability to set-up a Xwittler, Reddit, Farcebook, TGram or other style feed, in which functions separately & independently of the core forums—yet it would also be optional whether to use either the standard fora only, or both the standard fora + the hybrid social fora simultaneously, or instead the hybridized social fora only.

By doing this, Xenforo fora would retain the fundamental legacy core while also achieving the additional foundations for competitiveness with social media & hybrid social fora.

The problem I think, is that even though people use these independent fora for general public discourse, the bulk of the profits for companies like Xenforo, come from the corporate clients on the expensive custom plans, who use the stock standard/minimally customized fora merely as sterile-formal PR extensions.

Basically we're using these fora as we do, all while the devs prioritize developments enhancing aspects most attractive for corporate consumption.


Jul 27, 2023
Where the EssoClub go?
We moved Esso to the African Free Speech Forum, however he seems to have ceased posting since roughly a week ago.

Which is around about the same time he began asking to move back over to nzfsf.

My suspicion is that the motivator for regularly posting Esso Club's content, arises from the very minimal social interactivity generated when Esso Club content consumers actually bother smashing the reactions for his posts.

I think Esso might be wanting to come back to nzfsf because me & krueger always made sure to go through reacting to every single Esso Club post each day.

Up until about two hours ago, @tafsf, Esso Club's posts were only receiving consistent reactions from one single member out of the 60+ Esso Club followers.

Just 1...from over 60+

Or, rather, 2 now, from 60+, coz I've just started trying to encourage Esso's return, by smashing reactions to his posts.

Shit, I reckon Esso would be absolutely fuckin' pumped if at least maybe even just 5 members made the simple effort of reacting to Esso's posts regularly—thus indicating achievement of additional ×5 social interactivity to him.

Unfortunately I have had to deny Esso's request for moving back to nzfsf because we would have to purchase increased data storage capacities.... costing an additional 3× more per month than I currently pay to Xenforo for the entire forum itself.


Jul 27, 2023
Yeah problem is that site is about to come up for renewal and there hasn’t been any traffic to validate keeping it up…
I dunno which XF plan you're on here, and I've got nz on the basic $60/month plan, but I reckon we could quite easily cover the extra data storage costs needed for Esso's content, either here @TFSF or @nzfsf...

...only if...

...at least 38 of the 60+ Esso Club followers would help support Esso Club by throwing in $5/month to actually cover the full cost of the data storage space required for Esso.

However, I'm not sure how to get around any potential copyright issues from his content.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
I belong to a small board that has never banned anyone to my knowledge. You'd have to try really hard. They are bringing in a new administrator to take over the board, but he says he has no plans to ban people provided the people adhere to few board rules. And they really will NOT allow people to violate your privacy. This place and there may be a couple of the only places where you can bitch about the world.
Liar, you banned me twice for challenging your claims and pointing out your fallacies.
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