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Seems like it could be used for good? Why not?

Jul 9, 2022
@ChingChongDingDong started this thought it my mind to post this question, stemming from another post I made about serial killer and where did they all go:..........

If technology has made it harder for these types of people to be successful in their endeavors, then why would said tech not aid in much, much simpler crimes..........here me out......

Lets say there is a convienence store in say, Las Vegas on the corner of Sahara and Boulder Highway (which there was at one time)............and at this store, someone was abducted...............with limited bystanders as witnesses.....................would it not be that difficult to look up who was at said store, within a certain window of time, look up these people up? At least it would give some direction to look...........

Now we all know, that we are being tracked via countless objects of tech these days.......................why would this seemingly endless wealth of knowledge not be used for good? Barring the constitutionality of it ( which is all a farse anyway), why do the powers that be not use this info to these "righteous ends"? Even if it is a subsidiary of google, who does this free lance, and only for this purpose.

Understand, i am not suggesting this as a solution, due to the ever present need for those who "will expand its meaning"....to something bad......just an honest question.

Deleted member 2886

@ChingChongDingDong started this thought it my mind to post this question, stemming from another post I made about serial killer and where did they all go:..........

If technology has made it harder for these types of people to be successful in their endeavors, then why would said tech not aid in much, much simpler crimes..........here me out......

Lets say there is a convienence store in say, Las Vegas on the corner of Sahara and Boulder Highway (which there was at one time)............and at this store, someone was abducted...............with limited bystanders as witnesses.....................would it not be that difficult to look up who was at said store, within a certain window of time, look up these people up? At least it would give some direction to look...........

Now we all know, that we are being tracked via countless objects of tech these days.......................why would this seemingly endless wealth of knowledge not be used for good? Barring the constitutionality of it ( which is all a farse anyway), why do the powers that be not use this info to these "righteous ends"? Even if it is a subsidiary of google, who does this free lance, and only for this purpose.

Understand, i am not suggesting this as a solution, due to the ever present need for those who "will expand its meaning"....to something bad......just an honest question.
What immediately comes to mind, goes little something like this;

i wonder, if there's a notable divergent correlation between the seemingly fewer known serial killers & the ever increasing proliferation of advanced tech?

i'd suspect there's probably far more serial killers now than ever, and many of these would be protected by—& work for, those behind the scenes controlling the whole system.

As in, the pedophilic "elite" psychopaths,...who rape, torture, & cannibalize the youthful among us.
i reckon that prior to instantaneous worldwide comms, surveillance, etc,...this would mean it'd be far more difficult to know of-& stop serial killers—while also making it equally as challenging for the puppet masters to conceal the atrocities once uncovered, as locals & authorities would've already become alert.
Really don't know, just speckle8ing here; i'd not be surprised if a large majority of serial killers were actually employed to harvest organs, adrenalized blood, pineal glands/dimethyltryptamine, and whatnot.
So yeah, maybe the serial killers of old, were the modern day Epstein's, Dutroux's, Abedins's, Clinton's, etcetera.
While what some of us see nowadays, is that the traffickers utilize an extremely complex & well funded worldwide logistical network designed within non-criminal logistic systems.
An example, imo;

Gates is a serial killer.

Fauci is a serial killer.

Hillary is a serial killer.

Former "Queen" lizardbeth.

Princesses; Charlie & Andrew.

Benyamin Netanyahu.

All serial killers of old, except evolved forms.
The official "Child Services" in your guys country, the UK, Aussie, NZ, etc,...are just fronts for stealing children.

Abortion clinics primary concern, is not women's health—these are harvesting centres.

There are official documents that were discovered revealing a shocking purchase order/receipt from some department of the US gubmint, that clearly states orders & prices they pay with taxpayers money for fetal body parts.
The main one i recall was that they paid $5k[USD] for each intact human baby head.

These documents were publicly revealed by the guy who discovered them, yet just like with all the other pedovore shit that comes to light,...us scumz are just too severely fluoridated,...our mental acuity had diminished, attention is generally fleeting at best, our brain tissue laced with all sorts of cognitive, & physically crippling nano-particulates that's been added to our food, air, water, meds, etc.

So, to summarize; my speculative opinion is that there's fuck loads of serial killers—and they very likely control all the major systems meant to protect us—& defend against them.

It's seems to fit with what appears to be an historically repeated MO for those of the psychopathic "Talmudist" death cultists.
Like parasites.
3t3cnz.jpg•Interact with target host.

•Infect target.

•Infest host

•Instigate internal conflict.

•Subvert fundamental systems.

•Usurp control systems.

•Invert hosts strengths.

•Weaponize hosts strengths against them.



Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
@ChingChongDingDong started this thought it my mind to post this question, stemming from another post I made about serial killer and where did they all go:..........

If technology has made it harder for these types of people to be successful in their endeavors, then why would said tech not aid in much, much simpler crimes..........here me out......

Lets say there is a convienence store in say, Las Vegas on the corner of Sahara and Boulder Highway (which there was at one time)............and at this store, someone was abducted...............with limited bystanders as witnesses.....................would it not be that difficult to look up who was at said store, within a certain window of time, look up these people up? At least it would give some direction to look...........

Now we all know, that we are being tracked via countless objects of tech these days.......................why would this seemingly endless wealth of knowledge not be used for good? Barring the constitutionality of it ( which is all a farse anyway), why do the powers that be not use this info to these "righteous ends"? Even if it is a subsidiary of google, who does this free lance, and only for this purpose.

Understand, i am not suggesting this as a solution, due to the ever present need for those who "will expand its meaning"....to something bad......just an honest question.
Fuck you mam


Jan 8, 2021
What immediately comes to mind, goes little something like this;

i wonder, if there's a notable divergent correlation between the seemingly fewer known serial killers & the ever increasing proliferation of advanced tech?

i'd suspect there's probably far more serial killers now than ever, and many of these would be protected by—& work for, those behind the scenes controlling the whole system.

As in, the pedophilic "elite" psychopaths,...who rape, torture, & cannibalize the youthful among us.
i reckon that prior to instantaneous worldwide comms, surveillance, etc,...this would mean it'd be far more difficult to know of-& stop serial killers—while also making it equally as challenging for the puppet masters to conceal the atrocities once uncovered, as locals & authorities would've already become alert.
View attachment 143415
Really don't know, just speckle8ing here; i'd not be surprised if a large majority of serial killers were actually employed to harvest organs, adrenalized blood, pineal glands/dimethyltryptamine, and whatnot.
So yeah, maybe the serial killers of old, were the modern day Epstein's, Dutroux's, Abedins's, Clinton's, etcetera.
While what some of us see nowadays, is that the traffickers utilize an extremely complex & well funded worldwide logistical network designed within non-criminal logistic systems.
An example, imo;

Gates is a serial killer.

Fauci is a serial killer.

Hillary is a serial killer.

Former "Queen" lizardbeth.

Princesses; Charlie & Andrew.

Benyamin Netanyahu.

All serial killers of old, except evolved forms.
View attachment 143409
The official "Child Services" in your guys country, the UK, Aussie, NZ, etc,...are just fronts for stealing children.

Abortion clinics primary concern, is not women's health—these are harvesting centres.

There are official documents that were discovered revealing a shocking purchase order/receipt from some department of the US gubmint, that clearly states orders & prices they pay with taxpayers money for fetal body parts.
The main one i recall was that they paid $5k[USD] for each intact human baby head.

These documents were publicly revealed by the guy who discovered them, yet just like with all the other pedovore shit that comes to light,...us scumz are just too severely fluoridated,...our mental acuity had diminished, attention is generally fleeting at best, our brain tissue laced with all sorts of cognitive, & physically crippling nano-particulates that's been added to our food, air, water, meds, etc.

So, to summarize; my speculative opinion is that there's fuck loads of serial killers—and they very likely control all the major systems meant to protect us—& defend against them.

It's seems to fit with what appears to be an historically repeated MO for those of the psychopathic "Talmudist" death cultists.
Like parasites.
View attachment 143405
View attachment 143406•Interact with target host.

•Infect target.

•Infest host

•Instigate internal conflict.

•Subvert fundamental systems.

•Usurp control systems.

•Invert hosts strengths.

•Weaponize hosts strengths against them.

View attachment 143407
View attachment 143404

Most people you try to talk to in this country about this stuff think you’re a mad man.

They cannot possibly fathom the elite worshiping the old gods (the fallen and demons), still performing human sacrifice, pedophilia, etc.

“No way that could happen today” Is the reply.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Most people you try to talk to in this country about this stuff think you’re a mad man.

They cannot possibly fathom the elite worshiping the old gods (the fallen and demons), still performing human sacrifice, pedophilia, etc.

“No way that could happen today” Is the reply.
Curious bailed. All we can do is pray and hope he and his family are well. You want a small jar of Duke's and peanuts. I'm not joking. Shit is good. I wouldn't do you wrong bruddah


Jan 8, 2021
Curious bailed. All we can do is pray and hope he and his family are well. You want a small jar of Duke's and peanuts. I'm not joking. Shit is good. I wouldn't do you wrong bruddah

Oh, I didn’t even notice the date. I’ve been wanting to try Duke’s. All we have here is Hellman’s.


Jan 8, 2021
Dm address again. I got you. I'll throw in key lime cookies too. We've been through so much I know I can count on you too

Hell yeah. Let me know if you want any green Chile’s, salsa, red Chile powder, or any other regional food we have here in NM
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