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Scary stories. Can be ghost, close calls w pregnancy or anything else


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
In 1995 my dad and I started a shop in Dirty Myrtle. By 1999 I had made some good friends. 4 of us moved in to a giant house a block from the beach. They all worked in the titty bar(master's gentlemen club) or a restaurant.I was the only one w a regular job. When I got up at 6am they would have just gotten home.

I had 2 dogs back then. Roscoe a big black and tan coonie and Kayla a crazy ass white mutt that wouldn't leave my side ever.
When we started our shop we had no machines to fab so I did everything the hard way. Back then I was 5-8 190 and built like a brick shithouse. I could throw 300LBS around no problem. I was young and strong making good money so nothing scared me..

Doing all this hard worked fucked up my back. I had to spend off and on 1 yr laying down bc I couldn't stand for more than a minute without catastrophic spasms that would takeover my entire body

My friends are E, Scuba, scuba's whore Michelle, living there.
So about 3 months in living there I am laying in bed about 930pm w my dogs. Roscoe was as nice a dog you could imagine. He may have growled 2x in 13.5 years.

Every night as I would go to bed I would shut my door so the others wouldn't wake me up at 5am. For a couple weeks 5/7 nights as I was in bed I would hear steps from the dining room going in to the bathroom and the door would shut on it's own.

I mention this to my roommates and E tells me one of his customers had just told him the previous owner died on the shitter in that specific bathroom. That gave me the willlies

About a week later I'm a couple beers in and eaten a couple percocets and flexerill going to bed. My room is completely blacked out.
Roscoe and Kayla knew I was hurt so they were extra protective and didn't even let a lot of people around me.
Well Roscoe was 90lbs and long. Kayla was 60lbs and normal. I open my eyes bc something felt off.
Going from a window to my left to my door on the right side of the room what I would call the blackest darkness went floating by. My room was dark and I could tell this was darker. Immediately Roscoe jumps straight up and is snarlingand chomping the air. Kayla does the exact same thing. They are acting like I had never seen before. (I'm getting goosebumps writing this)
The fucking black vapor starts coming towards the bed. Roscoe lunges towards it in full on kill mode. Every hair on both dogs is straight out.
As Roscoe lunges the vapor drops to the floor and shoots underneath the door.
I was so terrified I drove my truck to my folks house. My legs were so weak I couldn't push the clutch down. So I grinded every gear getting to my folks.

We had a priest and an Indian come and bless the house. I never saw the black vapor again but there are more events that happened before I cut out


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
A couple weeks later we were all burning down in a room designated as the smoke room. Scuba is from jersey so he was a character. He had probably 40 hats that lined the wall hanging on nails. Being young we were pregaming before we went out hard for the night. Scuba and I were talking about the ghost/vapor and some other friends were teasing that I had eaten too many pills. Every fucking hat on the wall simultaneously flew off that wall across the room 14ft or so. Then a glass vase w fake flowers that was in the middle of the table slid off and broke on the ground. We all freaked out and gtfo. I took my dogs w us to go out that night. Idngaf what anyone said about it. My dogs weren't going to get killed by a ghost while I partied.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Things had calmed down and at about the 6 month mark it is seemingly normal. My back has gotten to the point I need surgery. I had to do 3 months of physical therapy just to be able to get the surgery. It is about 4pm and everyone who works nights is asleep. I'm in the smoke room watching TV and eating a salad for dinner. Scuba comes in and asks if he has a rash on his back bc it stings. He had claw marks over his entire back from his butt crack to shoulder blades. It wasn't from Sex or bugs. The fucking ghost did it


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
At 9 months there i had back surgery. I had to walk as far as I could to build back muscles and regain endurance. Well I bought a back pack chair and would walk 20 yards and sit down and I'd do this on the beach for miles. Early one morning 5am or so I noticed the dogs acting funny. So I'm a bit weirded out. I open my bedroom door and the back pack chair is wrapped around a ceiling fan spinning around. By the time I went to bed at 9pm everyone else was working. I was the only one in the house from 7pm-6am. Whelp that did it. I told them I am moving out. I'd pay the 3 months but I wouldn't stay there another night. Next day I went and bought a shitty house in a shitty track neighborhood. I crashed at my folks for 3 weeks until I could close and never went back in there. A couple years later 4 girls lived in the house. They were friends of E. They didn't make it one week


Jan 10, 2021
We lived in this very old 2 story house up until I was 5 years old. My brother and I slept in the same room upstairs. There was a bathroom on that floor and also another room that the floor was so unsafe in we never went in there. Every night when we were laying in bed we would hear footsteps pacing outside our bedroom door. My brother and I never talked about it until we were older but we both remembered the exact same thing. Never did see anything, but it would creep us the fuck out every night.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
When I was 13-22 my Dad had bought 220 acres in an area called Bowman. Deer turkey rabbit squirrel hunting. Me and my buddies used to hunt it probably 40/52weekends. There was a rustic cabin at the front of the property. We had maybe 13 fields we planted and 2 or 3 that were clearings but no road in or out so we didn't plant. We'd throw corn or salt licks out.
One day we were rabbit hunting pushing through brush about 20 yards or so. There were 3 of us. We were in the least dense part of the woods. Row loblolly pines planted couple feet apart just like what is normal. The dude all the way on the left starts fucking screaming like something got him. He bolts in reverse at full speed. Me and my other buddy can see each others face and I start heading towards him. I'm about 10 feet away from my friend and look back towards where we were driving. There was a full blown Indian warrior not walking but like he was gliding across the woods. No branch or tree seemed to affect him at all. At this same time my friend sees it. We did not run. We both moved with it in the same direction. Watched it for 15 seconds or so. The Indian watched us the whole time we watched him. Then behind on big ass cypress tree he was gone.
I always took it as a good omen and was not scared at all by it. Although none of us have ever talked about it either. Once we left the woods that morning it was just another matter of fact and not a big deal

Ghost Hawg

Jan 11, 2021
A couple weeks later we were all burning down in a room designated as the smoke room. Scuba is from jersey so he was a character. He had probably 40 hats that lined the wall hanging on nails. Being young we were pregaming before we went out hard for the night. Scuba and I were talking about the ghost/vapor and some other friends were teasing that I had eaten too many pills. Every fucking hat on the wall simultaneously flew off that wall across the room 14ft or so. Then a glass vase w fake flowers that was in the middle of the table slid off and broke on the ground. We all freaked out and gtfo. I took my dogs w us to go out that night. Idngaf what anyone said about it. My dogs weren't going to get killed by a ghost while I partied.

Something similar happened to me at a buddy’s house one time. There was always crazy shit happening there like you would be watching tv and the channel would change to completely black and white, the lights would dim and come back on and off, and the home stereo would shut off by itself or go extremely loud. One night I was standing in front of his entertainment system and watched a stack of cds shoot off onto the floor directly in front of where I was standing. I looked at my buddy and he was like “oh that’s just the ghost!”

Both him and his wife liked to party and abused alcohol and drugs heavily. I think his wife had stated one time before how she had a paranormal experience playing with Ouija board as a little girl. Makes me wonder if something dark had attached itself to her. My buddy passed away several years ago.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
So this chick in college told me I got her pregnant. I knew it was bullshit because I was hammered and never blew a nut after fucking for hours. I had also worn a rubber so it was just bullshit.
Knowing she is a whore, I figure she is going to hit me up to pay for the abortion. But I'm Catholic and don't do that shit. What I do is fuck w people who think they can scam me.
I show up.
Her: I'm pregnant
Me:Amazing we can start a family
Her: I'm going to get an abortion.
I start raising hell that abortion is wrong...blah blah blah
I tell her I'm going to call her family to talk sense in to her. She flips her skull.
So I say let's go get some dinner and we can talk. We go to a pizza place I worked at in college(village idiot) grab a table. I get up and grab a phone book and go back to the table. I'm looking up an obgyn

She asks why am I doing that. I answer there is now way she is aborting the baby even if it means I'm going to mary the whore of Colatown. Well she is mad as fuck. My coworkers I had told and to watch. They are laughing their ass off bc the chick is nuts.
The pizza shows up and I won't let her have any. She is really mad now. I make shit up on the fly pretty well and I tell her pizza spice can hurt a fetus. 😆 I'm not gonna have some tard baby bc she wants a slice of pizza. Well this whack job turns on the waterworks. Well this got my blood boiling. So we leave this pizza place and I drive past her house to the Catholic church igrew up in. This chick is confused as fuck. Asks why are we here. I tell her she is going to talk w Monsignor Stercker about how big a sin abortion is. She is screaming take me home blah blah blah. Well monsignor and I were good buddies. Dude was a great man. Not a pedo or weirdo. He knew my truck and starts walking towards us. His collar must have scared her straight bc the crying stop and as she stared at him she dead panned "I'm not pregnant take me home" well I start laughing. Say hello to monsignor. He asks what is going on and I tell him this girl lied to me and said she was pregnant and getting an abortion. Now she says she isn't. Monsignor looks at her "dear are you with child?" She replies "no sir" I says thanks to monsignor and drive another 2miles away from her house. Then I kicked her out of the car. Never saw Wendy again
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Jan 9, 2021
When I was 13-22 my Dad had bought 220 acres in an area called Bowman. Deer turkey rabbit squirrel hunting. Me and my buddies used to hunt it probably 40/52weekends. There was a rustic cabin at the front of the property. We had maybe 13 fields we planted and 2 or 3 that were clearings but no road in or out so we didn't plant. We'd throw corn or salt licks out.
One day we were rabbit hunting pushing through brush about 20 yards or so. There were 3 of us. We were in the least dense part of the woods. Row loblolly pines planted couple feet apart just like what is normal. The dude all the way on the left starts fucking screaming like something got him. He bolts in reverse at full speed. Me and my other buddy can see each others face and I start heading towards him. I'm about 10 feet away from my friend and look back towards where we were driving. There was a full blown Indian warrior not walking but like he was gliding across the woods. No branch or tree seemed to affect him at all. At this same time my friend sees it. We did not run. We both moved with it in the same direction. Watched it for 15 seconds or so. The Indian watched us the whole time we watched him. Then behind on big ass cypress tree he was gone.
I always took it as a good omen and was not scared at all by it. Although none of us have ever talked about it either. Once we left the woods that morning it was just another matter of fact and not a big deal
You should watch reservation dogs on hulu.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Something similar happened to me at a buddy’s house one time. There was always crazy shit happening there like you would be watching tv and the channel would change to completely black and white, the lights would dim and come back on and off, and the home stereo would shut off by itself or go extremely loud. One night I was standing in front of his entertainment system and watched a stack of cds shoot off onto the floor directly in front of where I was standing. I looked at my buddy and he was like “oh that’s just the ghost!”

Both him and his wife liked to party and abused alcohol and drugs heavily. I think his wife had stated one time before how she had a paranormal experience playing with Ouija board as a little girl. Makes me wonder if something dark had attached itself to her. My buddy passed away several years ago.
I used to not believe in ouija boards when I was younger. I do now though. Especially for younger impressionable people


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
We lived in this very old 2 story house up until I was 5 years old. My brother and I slept in the same room upstairs. There was a bathroom on that floor and also another room that the floor was so unsafe in we never went in there. Every night when we were laying in bed we would hear footsteps pacing outside our bedroom door. My brother and I never talked about it until we were older but we both remembered the exact same thing. Never did see anything, but it would creep us the fuck out every night.
Very similar to my story. It happened a dozen times before I mentioned it to anyone. The night we found out the dude died in the sitter freaked me out. From that night on it got worse and worse. Most spirits can only haunt. I just don't wanna see a Jin or something that can suck my soul out my ear


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
It's about young indian kids out in OK. one of the main characters has a spirit guide. It's pretty funny. Right now it only 7 episodes I believe.
My buddy is now Chief of the Cheraw Indians of Sumter. Back then he didn't know he had injun in him. I think the warrior was there for him particularly. It was quite the sighting. Except for our other friend retreating me and my buddy wernt nervous or scared at all. Really just awe struck


Jan 9, 2021
My buddy is now Chief of the Cheraw Indians of Sumter. Back then he didn't know he had injun in him. I think the warrior was there for him particularly. It was quite the sighting. Except for our other friend retreating me and my buddy wernt nervous or scared at all. Really just awe struck
That shit is pretty cool. Always loved the culture. I have a picture of me with Cherokee Indians back in the day, at least I think they were. It was a road side attraction.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
That shit is pretty cool. Always loved the culture. I have a picture of me with Cherokee Indians back in the day, at least I think they were. It was a road side attraction.
I know the story but I cannot tell it here. My buddy is a great guy and we have always hunted and fished now for 35 years. Now it makes sense he can see a deer ear in a corn field at 500 yards


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021

First time I’ve ever experienced anything like that. Never really believed in that kind of stuff before.
There is a fuckload more than we are aware of in our realm. Once you can understand more than 3 dimensions it kind of opens up possibilities.
Since I was very young (3) I've thought I've seen angels and spirits. It kinda explains how I'm still alive. And I should not be 6x at least.


Jan 15, 2021
26 years ago you dipshit. And I took them as needed for pain and stopped when my back surgery was complete you dumb fuck. Like any person prescribed medication is suppose to do. Leave me alone stalker. You fucking suburb of Tampa douche



Dec 1, 2020
Something similar happened to me at a buddy’s house one time. There was always crazy shit happening there like you would be watching tv and the channel would change to completely black and white, the lights would dim and come back on and off, and the home stereo would shut off by itself or go extremely loud. One night I was standing in front of his entertainment system and watched a stack of cds shoot off onto the floor directly in front of where I was standing. I looked at my buddy and he was like “oh that’s just the ghost!”

Both him and his wife liked to party and abused alcohol and drugs heavily. I think his wife had stated one time before how she had a paranormal experience playing with Ouija board as a little girl. Makes me wonder if something dark had attached itself to her. My buddy passed away several years ago.
Is that where you got your user name?

Thanks for always been a great supporter of the site btw


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
So one time I went to South Jawaja where the Vidalia Klan lives...

It was not where I would call Home but my buddies family did. Uma Catholic. South Georgia has a hint of broken taillight stories for an Mic. Well as we pull up in a 1988 crx (ol boy still has it) I was told dont talk to anyone. For me that is difficult. I have kissed the blarney stone. I chat and don't mind a tussle or go of it.....it is late. I'll finish tomorrow if I get uno like


Dec 2, 2020
So this chick in college told me I got her pregnant. I knew it was bullshit because I was hammered and never blew a nut after fucking for hours. I had also worn a rubber so it was just bullshit.
Knowing she is a whore, I figure she is going to hit me up to pay for the abortion. But I'm Catholic and don't do that shit. What I do is fuck w people who think they can scam me.
I show up.
Her: I'm pregnant
Me:Amazing we can start a family
Her: I'm going to get an abortion.
I start raising hell that abortion is wrong...blah blah blah
I tell her I'm going to call her family to talk sense in to her. She flips her skull.
So I say let's go get some dinner and we can talk. We go to a pizza place I worked at in college(village idiot) grab a table. I get up and grab a phone book and go back to the table. I'm looking up an obgyn

She asks why am I doing that. I answer there is now way she is aborting the baby even if it means I'm going to mary the whore of Colatown. Well she is mad as fuck. My coworkers I had told and to watch. They are laughing their ass off bc the chick is nuts.
The pizza shows up and I won't let her have any. She is really mad now. I make shit up on the fly pretty well and I tell her pizza spice can hurt a fetus. 😆 I'm not gonna have some tard baby bc she wants a slice of pizza. Well this whack job turns on the waterworks. Well this got my blood boiling. So we leave this pizza place and I drive past her house to the Catholic church igrew up in. This chick is confused as fuck. Asks why are we here. I tell her she is going to talk w Monsignor Stercker about how big a sin abortion is. She is screaming take me home blah blah blah. Well monsignor and I were good buddies. Dude was a great man. Not a pedo or weirdo. He knew my truck and starts walking towards us. His collar must have scared her straight bc the crying stop and as she stared at him she dead panned "I'm not pregnant take me home" well I start laughing. Say hello to monsignor. He asks what is going on and I tell him this girl lied to me and said she was pregnant and getting an abortion. Now she says she isn't. Monsignor looks at her "dear are you with child?" She replies "no sir" I says thanks to monsignor and drive another 2miles away from her house. Then I kicked her out of the car. Never saw Wendy again

God, I miss getting shitfaced, full, and tipping decently for under $20 at the Village Idiot. So many fun nights started with happy hour at the Idiot, and ended with pizza from the Village Idiot truck outside Jungle Jims. Ahhhhh, memories.


Dec 2, 2020
There is a fuckload more than we are aware of in our realm. Once you can understand more than 3 dimensions it kind of opens up possibilities.
Since I was very young (3) I've thought I've seen angels and spirits. It kinda explains how I'm still alive. And I should not be 6x at least.

Tim Pool was discussing this recently. If someone lived in a world where they only perceived 2 dimensions, then someone could be right above them talking to them and they would never see anything, just hear the voice. He speculated that ghosts were in some other dimension that we don't even know about (something besides width, depth, height & time). If there are more than 4 dimensions, then that makes alot of sense.


Dec 2, 2020
@Rebarcock., when were you working at the Idiot? I feel like you were a bit ahead of me, but can't remember. I was at Carolina '97-'01, then hung around Columbia for a few years after.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
@Rebarcock., when were you working at the Idiot? I feel like you were a bit ahead of me, but can't remember. I was at Carolina '97-'01, then hung around Columbia for a few years after.
I worked there in -93-94 little over a year. In 95 moved to mb then went back in 98 to finish degree


Dec 2, 2020
I worked there in -93-94 little over a year. In 95 moved to mb then went back in 98 to finish degree

That shit was ridiculous...when we were going, it was 75 cent slices & $2 pitchers of bud light at happy hour and all night thursday, I think. Always laughed at the middle age people in there with their little kids, while 80% of the people in there were getting blackout drunk.😅


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
That shit was ridiculous...when we were going, it was 75 cent slices & $2 pitchers of bud light at happy hour and all night thursday, I think. Always laughed at the middle age people in there with their little kids, while 80% of the people in there were getting blackout drunk.😅
I don't remember pricing but for 5 bucks you could eat and catch a buzz. The dudes who owned it were douche bags but I enjoyed it while there. There was a smoking hot blond who worked there and I watched her deteriorate while hooked on heroin

Edit hot chick was Candy. I met her prejunkie. She was very nice and I'd imagine ambitious
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Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
So in college I would work gig jobs for a buddy. He owned a company that sent bartenders to parties like the dnc or rnc state convention. Open beer pour wine or make a jack and coke predominantly.
At the RNC convention this year was at Brook Green Gardens.
It was about 7pm and 95 out and people are getting buzzed up. I'm pouring drinks and schmoozing these folks when a 5foot cotton mouth slithered about 15 ft on to the main area.
An older lady maybe 65 or so was just walking around. About the time I noticed the snake she was within about 6ft of it.
Anyone that knows cotton mouths know they are asshoe.
This lady had no idea. She shuffles around and I see the snake coil up. It is about to strike. (I'm terrified of snakes but likewise I am pretty courageous)
The snake lunges forward and misses this broad by maybe an inch. I'm already heading that way but I don't want to scream and start a panic. About 2 seconds later I grab the snake by the tail and swing it around my head like a lasso and chunk the fucker about 20 yards away 15ft up a tree where it is dangling. Well this caught a lot of attention including her husband.
They were so impressed by my cunning and calm demeanor the husband tipped me $500.00 and offered me a job.
I graciously accepted the cash and laughed off the job. My boss gave me about 15 gallons of liquor from my station.
I went and barfed and shook like a leaf when the adrenaline wore off. I hate fucking snakes


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
I'm putting together a gor story about a construction accident.

Later i will follow it up with a feel good story of a rapist getting stupid fucked

Edit. Apparently my brain doesn't remember the second story now. Itll come back.
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