Rock Chalk My Nutsack


Was in the original thread from day one trophy 🏆
I thought Kansas was good at sports that didn’t involve contact. The last massacre this bad in Kansas was in a movie, starring Clint Eastwood, where he killed a bunch of Kansas bad people with the help of a blind, Indian chief, a plump, Indian squaw, and old woman, a hot blonde (who Eastwood massacred her vagina) and a brown dog.

After typing all that, I realized another analogy, I could’ve used was Mark Mangino attacking a hamburger and milk shake while remembering how he choked that player and wished he had not done it.
you know it’s bad when the coach gets himself ejected over bullshit because he doesn’t wanna watch his team struggle. It reminds me of the fat kid who wants both cake and friends. He knows he can’t have both but secretly hopes it will all work out in his favor
Even my shitty ass Mountaineers beat Kansas this year

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