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Remember the truth about 9/11


Nov 15, 2022
Youtube scrubbed conspiracy theory content from its platform a while back, but you can still find videos there that show the slow motion collapse as long as they are presented neutrally and don't present any theories.

Go full screen and watch the sides of the tower BELOW the collapsing floors. You will see small explosions below the collapsing floors in both videos. Why are there small explosions erupting out of the tower before the ceiling collapses down onto those floors?

Videos about thermite residue have also been scrubbed from Youtube. Posts about thermite residue are treated as conspiracy theory. But it's a fact that thermite residue was found in the ruins of the collapsed towers. Scientists analyzed the residue, confirmed it was thermite, and published their findings in scientific journals.

What was the motivation to destroy the towers?

Lucky Larry Silverstein

^ Larry Silverstein owned the twin towers and found out that they needed asbestos removal. The towers had a huge amount of asbestos that would have cost hundreds of millions to safely clean up. Asbestos removal requires airtight conditions and nobody can occupy the floor where asbestos removal is taking place. Meaning not only would he have to pay for the removal, he would lose rent from his occupants during the removal. It would have bankrupted him.

If you are a rich man and have no moral compass, and are willing to do absolutely anything to continue being rich, what would you do?

Interview of Rabbi Finkelstein

^ On the day that the towers fell, for some reason all 3000 Jewish people who worked at the towers did not show up to work that day. All of them. Why?


Aug 3, 2024
All I know is I was in the Navy stationed at Naval Air Station Sigonella on the island of Sicily when 9/11 happened. I know we went to immediate base lock down and missle launchers were setup around both bases and a fighter squadron was brought in because they had intel we were a target too because all cargo that was goes to the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf came through that base.
Jul 9, 2022
What was the motivation to destroy the towers?
A blood sacrifice to satan. .............. it is that simple to begin with......to control lithium mining in the region.........to flood our streets with heroin..........

that morning I was on the way the Myrtle Beach SC to party with some girls that we had met previous. At the time, all we had were pagers. Got the page, and was in country before I even new it it seemed.

I feel bad for things done to the AFG people because of this lie.

One day they will burn, hopefully I will not


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
All I know is I was in the Navy stationed at Naval Air Station Sigonella on the island of Sicily when 9/11 happened. I know we went to immediate base lock down and missle launchers were setup around both bases and a fighter squadron was brought in because they had intel we were a target too because all cargo that was goes to the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf came through that base.
WhatsUp Ernie? I was training steel truck drivers at the same time in Myrtle Beach. Small world. My Grandma was from Sicily. Are you my Grandpa?
Sep 20, 2024
Here is what I "know" / heard about it.

Those towers were constructed using a newish tech of poly bolts in certain locations.
Never expecting a fire to be possible due to extensive sprinkler systems.

The jet fuel from the planes leaked down into the building and the fire spread.
Once these very large poly bolts melted it was all over for that building.
It was designed to fall like that in order to protect the surrounding buildings in the event of something like this.

Nothing here is facts just what I heard.
Jul 9, 2022
Here is what I "know" / heard about it.

Those towers were constructed using a newish tech of poly bolts in certain locations.
Never expecting a fire to be possible due to extensive sprinkler systems.

The jet fuel from the planes leaked down into the building and the fire spread.
Once these very large poly bolts melted it was all over for that building.
It was designed to fall like that in order to protect the surrounding buildings in the event of something like this.

Nothing here is facts just what I heard.
None of this is true. Not even close.

Whoever you "heard" this from knows nothing about construction, or much anything else for that matter. If the buildings, and ones like it were made with these :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: "Poly Bolts":ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:", they would not stand long enough for them to complete the first floor of construction probably not even the first beam.

This is probably one of the most absurd thing I have ever heard.

The Twin Towers were held together by countless hot pressed rivets, some were 100 lbs each. Nearly impervious to heat. That an of course welding.

The steel "I" columns were measured in "tons per foot"

POLY BOLTS....what a crock of shit.
Sep 20, 2024
None of this is true. Not even close.

Whoever you "heard" this from knows nothing about construction, or much anything else for that matter. If the buildings, and ones like it were made with these :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: "Poly Bolts":ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:", they would not stand long enough for them to complete the first floor of construction probably not even the first beam.

This is probably one of the most absurd thing I have ever heard.

The Twin Towers were held together by countless hot pressed rivets, some were 100 lbs each. Nearly impervious to heat. That an of course welding.

The steel "I" columns were measured in "tons per foot"

POLY BOLTS....what a crock of shit.

They were only there to allow the collapse if necessary. They were never supposed to be exposed to fire.

Most of the building was steel and post tension just like all skyscrappers.

These buildings were designed to collapse like this in the event they wanted them to or the event that something like this or a tornado happens.

That much you should understand.
Jul 9, 2022
They were only there to allow the collapse if necessary. They were never supposed to be exposed to fire.

Most of the building was steel and post tension just like all skyscrappers.

These buildings were designed to collapse like this in the event they wanted them to or the event that something like this or a tornado happens.

That much you should understand.

Maybe in your reality, but in the one that everyones else lives in, your above statement is BS. Hilarious how an individual or group of individuals can believe such BS
Sep 20, 2024

Maybe in your reality, but in the one that everyones else lives in, your above statement is BS. Hilarious how an individual or group of individuals can believe such BS

I guess your not interested in discussing the topic.
Instead you just take a shit on anyone that offers a different perspective.

So tell us then. What the "little explosions" were ? Obviously you think you know something about it but your not discussing.

What do you think you know about what happened ?

Ah.. I noticed you said this..
> A blood sacrifice to satan. .............. it is that simple to begin with......to control lithium mining in the region.........to flood our streets with heroin..........

Wow great job a deducing how this conspiracy effects us.
At first I was wondering if you were going the liberal route of forcing the war with middle east.
You sound like a Karen. Are you a guy or a girl ?
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Jul 9, 2022
I guess your not interested in discussing the topic.
To the point of what you said about "poly bolts" there is no discussion. It would be the same thing to discuss as using spaghetti noodle to connect steel members together. Both as way out of the realm of possibility. So no, I am not interested in discussing such bullshit. "Taking a shit" on bullshit is fair game. Either way, you conveyed this "poly bolt" notion as something you heard, not your own POV.
I guess your not interested in discussing the topic.
Instead you just take a shit on anyone that offers a different perspective.
Untrue, that why I have this thread, just because I am not interested in bullshit, does not mean I want to discuss a topic.
So tell us then. What the "little explosions" were ? Obviously you think you know something about it but your not discussing.
I was not there, but I have seen countless videos of the events and did see many thing that were or could be up to conjecture. If there were little explosions, they would have been nothing inherant to the construction of the building......meaning the cause would have been added to the building as a separate system. The little "poofs" could very well have been air being expelled from the above floors pancaking on each other. That is the most likely cause, not explosives. Explosives would be needed at the main columns, which were more centrally located in the building construction.
What do you think you know about what happened ?
Beyond the normal conspiracy theories, that are rooted in some truth, whereas the official story, by definition cannot be rooted in truth, I do have some very specific knowledge of demolitions, and explosives. Not in a chemistry based way, but in a tactical way. Further, I have 20+ years of cumulative time in the construction industry and know what these things are made of, and how they are made.

So what do I think i know? I know that the official story, is part truth and nothing more. And the only reason it is part truth, is just to sell the story. There were two planes that struck the 2 buildings that day, after that, the story is false.

I did not even think about it, until about 2013 I think, when I learned of building 7, which is the smoking gun of the operation.
At first I was wondering if you were going the liberal route of forcing the war with middle east.
It does have to do with that, but the implications were more directed at the American public. Making war in the middle east is easy as pie, one needs no excuse.

I am far from a liberal.
You sound like a Karen. Are you a guy or a girl ?

Ah.. I noticed you said this..
> A blood sacrifice to satan.
Thanks for noticing
Sep 20, 2024
So what you got construction experience you don't know shit about how skyscrappers are designed to collapse and not topple.
What were you a day laborer or something ?
Now your a expert and your opinion is more valid than anyone ? BULLSHIT

You know who told me about the poly bolts was a engineer who designed a multi family project that I built as a superintendent.
And something you will never find on your internet. Why ? Lawsuits.

Did you think it was a bunch of camel jockeys that flew planes into a building with no structural knowledge of it and not knowing they would colapse like that ?
I don't care to convince you of anything. I was offering my opinion.

If you want to tell yourself you know the answers and anyone else is bullshit, thats fine. You be you.
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