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Qanon followers may become more violent because they can no longer “trust the plan”


Apr 14, 2021


Jan 9, 2021


Jan 8, 2021

Chris Farley

Misunderstood lurker
Jan 16, 2021
Claiming the Jan 6 event was the first violent act lol.


Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Yeah but I feel like there's an arguable case to be made that there was a "Qanon movement." I guess what I should say is how many people from 8kun that followed Q are there on this site?
Prob not that many from 8kun.

Most here likely just used a Q post aggregate from what I can tell.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Seems like many keep on trusting it to me

I plan to bomb the shitter at some gothic mansion in bama saturday morning after Friday night drinking and fun invjuly
Trust ThePlan


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
Oh....interesting.....I didn't realize we had one of "those" here, yet.
Jan 26, 2021
Claiming the Jan 6 event was the first violent act lol.
They just keep saying this was a violent terrorist act over and over until people who are on the fence will start believing it. Call it propaganda, brainwashing, gaslighting... whatever you will. For those out there who swallow MSM programming and do not think for themselves, this is probably already be their belief. What ends up in the history books all depends on how things shake out over the next few years.

It's scary, but fascinating to watch unfold.


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
I don't think he is a hater.

Could be wrong but he has been pretty cordial with me in various threads
I would agree BUT my comment was more at the 8kun reference. I would argue Q had more following on 4chan and 8chan than 8kun. 8kun is bigger worldwide BUT nationally 8chan was the peek IYAM IMHO.


Jan 8, 2021
Q was/is a psyop by the deep state to keep people in line and trust that something is happening behind the scenes. Obviously with the amount of information and the classification of man Q drops, the posts were coming from inside our intel agencies. The reason you saw all these journalists and anon drops during this time was to simply keep you waiting for 2 more weeks or 6 more months and something will happen. This keeps the disgruntled and angry populous hopeful and mostly satisfied with no desire to take any direct action.

It worked alarmingly well and with everyone posting all this 2 and 3 year delta sh!t while the deepstate is spiking the ball and planting a flag on our logo ala Baker Mayfield.

Hopefully enough awaken from the great awakening to actually get some traction on taking the steps necessary to reinstall the constitution and punish the traitorous commies who have been attempting to dismantle it at every turn while doing so with our tax dollars. We are literally paying them to fvck us over right now. We will only retain the freedoms we intend to fight for.

Everyone with an open mind had to know there was a chance Q was a deep state op and now here we are with a stolen election and a deep state puppet at the helm destroying what we have left. The plan was to keep us complacent. It's working pretty damn well.


Jan 8, 2021
Q was/is a psyop by the deep state to keep people in line and trust that something is happening behind the scenes. Obviously with the amount of information and the classification of man Q drops, the posts were coming from inside our intel agencies. The reason you saw all these journalists and anon drops during this time was to simply keep you waiting for 2 more weeks or 6 more months and something will happen. This keeps the disgruntled and angry populous hopeful and mostly satisfied with no desire to take any direct action.

It worked alarmingly well and with everyone posting all this 2 and 3 year delta sh!t while the deepstate is spiking the ball and planting a flag on our logo ala Baker Mayfield.

Hopefully enough awaken from the great awakening to actually get some traction on taking the steps necessary to reinstall the constitution and punish the traitorous commies who have been attempting to dismantle it at every turn while doing so with our tax dollars. We are literally paying them to fvck us over right now. We will only retain the freedoms we intend to fight for.

Everyone with an open mind had to know there was a chance Q was a deep state op and now here we are with a stolen election and a deep state puppet at the helm destroying what we have left. The plan was to keep us complacent. It's working pretty damn well.
Nonsense. If true, then Trump is complicit as well. There was zero reason for the Deep State to awaken millions and millions worldwide to their deceit and evil.


Jan 8, 2021
Nonsense. If true, then Trump is complicit as well. There was zero reason for the Deep State to awaken millions and millions worldwide to their deceit and evil.
Nothing went or is going to "plan". Trump I think let his ego get in the way a bit and perhaps he felt that someone behind the curtain had his back. He liked the idea of Q and he used it. Election stolen, january 6, Keystone Pipeline, extreme lockdowns, massive government overreach is what we have now. The election will stand and this will continue on until we decide to resolve it ourselves.

They did all of this in broad daylight and they are insulated and protected by the very system they created. They don't care that you know. They don't care that you see them taking off their masks while not on camera. They have a docile and complacent populace that hasn't done a single thing to stop their evil or even offer a light punishment.

So here we are...awake....and complacent with something new to talk about. Nobody with the actual power in their hands right now cares. It'll be us or nothing.


B2B Champ/ Feels Great to be King!
Jan 9, 2021
Nothing went or is going to "plan". Trump I think let his ego get in the way a bit and perhaps he felt that someone behind the curtain had his back. He liked the idea of Q and he used it. Election stolen, january 6, Keystone Pipeline, extreme lockdowns, massive government overreach is what we have now. The election will stand and this will continue on until we decide to resolve it ourselves.

They did all of this in broad daylight and they are insulated and protected by the very system they created. They don't care that you know. They don't care that you see them taking off their masks while not on camera. They have a docile and complacent populace that hasn't done a single thing to stop their evil or even offer a light punishment.

So here we are...awake....and complacent with something new to talk about. Nobody with the actual power in their hands right now cares. It'll be us or nothing.
Maybe you should QUIT THINKING…..you’re clearly NOT VERY GOOD AT IT.


Jan 8, 2021
Nothing went or is going to "plan". Trump I think let his ego get in the way a bit and perhaps he felt that someone behind the curtain had his back. He liked the idea of Q and he used it. Election stolen, january 6, Keystone Pipeline, extreme lockdowns, massive government overreach is what we have now. The election will stand and this will continue on until we decide to resolve it ourselves.

They did all of this in broad daylight and they are insulated and protected by the very system they created. They don't care that you know. They don't care that you see them taking off their masks while not on camera. They have a docile and complacent populace that hasn't done a single thing to stop their evil or even offer a light punishment.

So here we are...awake....and complacent with something new to talk about. Nobody with the actual power in their hands right now cares. It'll be us or nothing.
You act like its all over. That nothing is happening on a global scale. If the 2022 midterms pumps out a Dem majority and doesn't oust a bunch of scum GOP in the primaries, I will give your theory more of a possibility. But while Trump does have an ego, the man is FAR from stupid unlike the media/left (one in the same) try to make everyone believe. There is zero chance he would have allowed it to go on if it weren't his PsyOp. And if it is a PsyOp for intentions of quelling us all, it would have had to come from Trump meaning Trump is part of the DS too.

And there is ZERO reason again for the Deep State to have gone through 4 years of absolute chaos with fighting Trump they way they did in an unprecedented manner releasing ALL their artillery against the man if he were on their side the entire time. They simply would have continued rigging the election for Hillary and skipped the entire charade that woke millions and everyone would have continued grumbling with their heads in the sand but still under the delusion that our gov't, while incompetent, wasn't an actual organized crime syndicate with evil intentions that they do now thanks to Q and Trump.

The theory just does not hold logic or reason.


Jan 8, 2021
Maybe you should QUIT THINKING…..you’re clearly NOT VERY GOOD AT IT.
So explain to me where Q is now and Ron dashed from 8kun? Most likely candidate for most of the posts was Ezra Cohen Watnick that pissed off a lot of deep staters during his short time at the WH. Seemed like he could be a true believer however he came with one hitch that I never liked. His attorney was a Clinton guy and an ultra leftist so that always caused concern.

After January 6 ECW came out vehemently against the actions at the capitol. Combine that with Q radio silence and the past 6 months....um....how are we winning again?


Jan 8, 2021
You act like its all over. That nothing is happening on a global scale. If the 2022 midterms pumps out a Dem majority and doesn't oust a bunch of scum GOP in the primaries, I will give your theory more of a possibility. But while Trump does have an ego, the man is FAR from stupid unlike the media/left (one in the same) try to make everyone believe. There is zero chance he would have allowed it to go on if it weren't his PsyOp. And if it is a PsyOp for intentions of quelling us all, it would have had to come from Trump meaning Trump is part of the DS too.

And there is ZERO reason again for the Deep State to have gone through 4 years of absolute chaos with fighting Trump they way they did in an unprecedented manner releasing ALL their artillery against the man if he were on their side the entire time. They simply would have continued rigging the election for Hillary and skipped the entire charade that woke millions and everyone would have continued grumbling with their heads in the sand but still under the delusion that our gov't, while incompetent, wasn't an actual organized crime syndicate with evil intentions that they do now thanks to Q and Trump.

The theory just does not hold logic or reason.
That my friend is the beauty of well executed psyop. They gave you us just enough to keep us on our couches. LOL at any future election going any way but deep state from this point forward. They took a big swing and hit it out of the park back in November. This will only embolden them.

Trump wasn't on their side, i never said that. He was naive about the Q thing and it bit him in the ass.
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