Honestly, all the supplies in the world won't help if you can't keep them. I think firearms are first priority.Just stock up on guns and ammo.
Everything else can be pillaged from people without guns and ammo.
Honestly, all the supplies in the world won't help if you can't keep them. I think firearms are first priority.Just stock up on guns and ammo.
Everything else can be pillaged from people without guns and ammo.
I'm cultivating squirrels and dove at my house. If the SHTF I will have several meals for several days unless my neighbor beats me to them.
Besides the implements of destruction in my garage, I have enough water to last several months, oil lamps, matches, gas, several cans for hauling water if needed for flushing, many knives of various sizes. animals traps and bait, guns/ammo, both cars always full of gas, lots of trees and chainsaws, activated charcoal to filter water and a jug of lint...yes, lint, and a jar of petroleum jelly. Jelly rubbed into the lint is an excellent fire starter to put under wood--will burn a long time.
Dunno bout other countries but way down here in puny NZ, the same type of nitwits that ignorantly ridicule and mock those who choose to proactively prepare, have repeatedly had egg smeared in their collective faces as this coof scampaign psychosis has progressed.I got into this pretty hardcore about a decade ago. I have since backed off, but still have enough provisions for my family of five to have food for six months. I am a member on a forum called survivalist boards. There is an unlimited amount of information there. If you want to get serious about prepping I would suggest looking around there. I have brought this up on other boards similar to this one and the ridicule and mocking makes it not worth it. You can see that creeping in above in this thread.
Dunno bout other countries but way down here in puny NZ, the same type of nitwits that ignorantly ridicule and mock those who choose to proactively prepare, have repeatedly had egg smeared in their collective faces as this coof scampaign psychosis has progressed.
Each time Jewcinda Schwabdern has convinced the ignorant masses into accepting another lock down, within hours there's chaotic lines of tens to hundreds of frantic idiots at supermarkets, liquor stores, etc, etc, all desperately seeking just the simple fuckin basics.
Meanwhile here's me, not even phased in the slightest, already well prepped and fully self reliant, continuing my days as usual.
I find it fuckin hilariously ironic how it's generally the most ignorantly arrogant humans who redicule and mock the intelligent and responsible of our predominantly retarded species.
Major disadvantage here in NZ, which is one of my biggest concerns, is tools for self defense.
Ie; we can't get decent fuckin guns.
Another post made a excellent point, which highlights the importance of being adequately equiped to protect ones stockpiles.
NZs bullshit highly restrictive access to a few shitty firearms inherently put us at a disadvantage.
Not to sure how to balance this tbh, so far I've just settled with accumulating an arsenal of large hunting knives, machetes, axes, etc, as well as a selection of archery equipment, riot gear, and a variety of surplus military gear.
Though I'm highly aware that despite these tools, if I were ambushed, and/or faced with multiple aggressors, all the knives in the world ain't gonna do jack shit.
Maybe I'll manage to seriously fuck one or two of them up with arrows from a compound bow or stick em with a blade but if they get the initial jump on me the outcome is likely very dire.
Basically I'm forced to rely on discretion as a first line defense, and the second line being various static booby trap perimeter alarms/defenses.
Use the knives to carve points on sticks. Bamboo is best. Dip them in human shit and make punji pits around your property (be sure to know where they are). The infections they cause are horrendous.Dunno bout other countries but way down here in puny NZ, the same type of nitwits that ignorantly ridicule and mock those who choose to proactively prepare, have repeatedly had egg smeared in their collective faces as this coof scampaign psychosis has progressed.
Each time Jewcinda Schwabdern has convinced the ignorant masses into accepting another lock down, within hours there's chaotic lines of tens to hundreds of frantic idiots at supermarkets, liquor stores, etc, etc, all desperately seeking just the simple fuckin basics.
Meanwhile here's me, not even phased in the slightest, already well prepped and fully self reliant, continuing my days as usual.
I find it fuckin hilariously ironic how it's generally the most ignorantly arrogant humans who redicule and mock the intelligent and responsible of our predominantly retarded species.
Major disadvantage here in NZ, which is one of my biggest concerns, is tools for self defense.
Ie; we can't get decent fuckin guns.
Another post made a excellent point, which highlights the importance of being adequately equiped to protect ones stockpiles.
NZs bullshit highly restrictive access to a few shitty firearms inherently put us at a disadvantage.
Not to sure how to balance this tbh, so far I've just settled with accumulating an arsenal of large hunting knives, machetes, axes, etc, as well as a selection of archery equipment, riot gear, and a variety of surplus military gear.
Though I'm highly aware that despite these tools, if I were ambushed, and/or faced with multiple aggressors, all the knives in the world ain't gonna do jack shit.
Maybe I'll manage to seriously fuck one or two of them up with arrows from a compound bow or stick em with a blade but if they get the initial jump on me the outcome is likely very dire.
Basically I'm forced to rely on discretion as a first line defense, and the second line being various static booby trap perimeter alarms/defenses.
Google toe poppers.Dunno bout other countries but way down here in puny NZ, the same type of nitwits that ignorantly ridicule and mock those who choose to proactively prepare, have repeatedly had egg smeared in their collective faces as this coof scampaign psychosis has progressed.
Each time Jewcinda Schwabdern has convinced the ignorant masses into accepting another lock down, within hours there's chaotic lines of tens to hundreds of frantic idiots at supermarkets, liquor stores, etc, etc, all desperately seeking just the simple fuckin basics.
Meanwhile here's me, not even phased in the slightest, already well prepped and fully self reliant, continuing my days as usual.
I find it fuckin hilariously ironic how it's generally the most ignorantly arrogant humans who redicule and mock the intelligent and responsible of our predominantly retarded species.
Major disadvantage here in NZ, which is one of my biggest concerns, is tools for self defense.
Ie; we can't get decent fuckin guns.
Another post made a excellent point, which highlights the importance of being adequately equiped to protect ones stockpiles.
NZs bullshit highly restrictive access to a few shitty firearms inherently put us at a disadvantage.
Not to sure how to balance this tbh, so far I've just settled with accumulating an arsenal of large hunting knives, machetes, axes, etc, as well as a selection of archery equipment, riot gear, and a variety of surplus military gear.
Though I'm highly aware that despite these tools, if I were ambushed, and/or faced with multiple aggressors, all the knives in the world ain't gonna do jack shit.
Maybe I'll manage to seriously fuck one or two of them up with arrows from a compound bow or stick em with a blade but if they get the initial jump on me the outcome is likely very dire.
Basically I'm forced to rely on discretion as a first line defense, and the second line being various static booby trap perimeter alarms/defenses.
Yeah, not me though, med records state PTSD, disqualified for life.Can you talk more about getting guns in NZ? You say you can't get any decent fucking guns, but can you get any guns at all? Just about any gun is better than none...God bless America, I don't even know how many guns I have, but alot and they're all decent. Bought 2 more last week.
Yeah, not me though, med records state PTSD, disqualified for life.
Can't even buy a bloody crossbow.
Two of the things I've always admired about America is the 2nd Amendment, and that awesome assertive attitude regarding guns.
As I read from "God bless America", to "Bought 2more last week.", I was both impressed as fuck, as well as in awe regarding GarnitPild while imagining something like this,...
View attachment 82573
Recently the govt have updated and included additional layers of bureaucratic restrictions amended into NZ firearm laws-see-( govt.nz )
So continue answering the first question, yes the average person in NZ can own and use certain allowed guns, if they meet all the requirements and jump through all the hoops.
The requirements are specific to types of firearms too.
Shit tbh, the bureaucracy is just too ridiculous, it'll be easier to understand if I attach links so yourself and anyone interested can easily locate the relevant info,...
What follows is links to the NZ Police website, there's more detailed info at govt.nz.
NiceMan, that all just sucks. One more reason I hit the lottery being born in America..
Lol...I WISH I had a closet full of guns like that. However, I have plenty. Enough that I have to think for a minute to tell you exactly how many. Think I have 8 just calibers of handguns lol. Really did buy 2 last week. Ordered a Kahr CW380 off gunbroker.com. it was sent to a local gun shop, where I fondled a Sig P365, amongst many others, and decided it had to come home with me too. Itching for a CZ Shadow 2 Blue SA, but not quite ready to drop $1300 on another toy quite yet.
God bless America indeed, and thank the Lord and our founders for the 2nd Ammendment!
Cheers, that's interesting AF.Google toe poppers.
Can you get tannerite? A couple pressure cookers with tannerite and nails packed in is a force multiplier.
Up until a few hours ago, I didn't know guns could be so discreetly compact.The P365 is unreal. Can't believe it is a 10+ round 9mm. Fits my hand like a glove, and think I could pocket carry it with the right holster and pocket. Going to carry it iwb for awhile though, with my new Milt Sparks summer special 2. Got the Kahr for a little pocket gun, but damn...that Sig is nat a whole lot bigger. Haven't had the chance to shoot them yet, looking forward to that.
Only crappy pic I got right now-
View attachment 82593
With these holsters (pics from internet, both mine are natural tan like the 1st pic)-
View attachment 82594
Up until a few hours ago, I didn't know guns could be so discreetly compact.
Quite remarkable.
Definitely a lot stealthier, and far more manouverable than the tools I'm using, ones similar to this,...(pic from the net also)
View attachment 82599
These things are awkward even in the most ideal conditions.