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Pornhub to block five more states over age verification laws


May 24, 2024

What the fuck is this country coming to....

Now that The Foundation For Individual Rights And Expression ( https://www.thefire.org/about-us/our-team?category=1575 )is no longer confining themselves to a solely legalistic approach (2:10-4:00 https://reason.com/podcast/2022/06/08/greg-lukianoff-saving-culture-free-speech/ ), and launching a campaign to promote Free Spech values on a social level, everyone needs to ring FIRE up https://www.thefire.org/contact-us , and ask to speak to the mobilization team, and volunteer their services to FIRE

Our social climate will just grow even more constricted and repressive, if more of us don't start championing free expression. Publicly, regularly, and vociferously


Was in the original thread from day one trophy 🏆
Jan 8, 2021
You don’t even live in “Good Earth” (America) where we value things like free speech. You reside in “Bad Earth” (any where but the USA).

Thus your knowledge and opinion on the subject of God given rights is about as useless as my expertise on things like:
Living in a county no one else wants to immigrate to because it is lame and an afterthought to everyone.
Having to care about popular culture from a foreign land.
Lastly having to be jealous of someone from another country who will always be more cool, important, and inherently more handsome than all of my fellow “Bad Earth” residents.


May 7, 2024
You don’t even live in “Good Earth” (America) where we value things like free speech. You reside in “Bad Earth” (any where but the USA).

Thus your knowledge and opinion on the subject of God given rights is about as useless as my expertise on things like:
Living in a county no one else wants to immigrate to because it is lame and an afterthought to everyone.
Having to care about popular culture from a foreign land.
Lastly having to be jealous of someone from another country who will always be more cool, important, and inherently more handsome than all of my fellow “Bad Earth” residents.

Lol are you fucking retarded?

'No one wants to immigrate to the UK?'


While true we don't have free speech here, I fight for it daily with all my 'malicious communication' charges.

They can't do a thing cos autism.

'I speak my emotions and feelings towards others - not abuse or intention to cause anxiety. They always said something to trigger me first'.


Mar 12, 2024
Oh lookie, a porno addict spotted.
Guilty as charged.

Porn is art, just like any form of entertainment. Restricting porn is censorship on art. Censorship = bad on freedom forum.

I think being gay is not right but I don't advocate for the government to ban gays. In fact I'll even fight for freedom of gay porn because it's a form of freedom of speech in art.

You can't come on a freedom forum advocating for freedom of speech because nobody else will tolerate your tirades and then want to ban shit you don't agree with. That would legitimately label you a hypocrite piece of shit. If you're a hypocrite piece of shit maybe you need to go find a tranny democrat forum, I hear they're all about banning speech they don't agree with. The Zionists are big on that as well, maybe they will like you.
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May 7, 2024
Yea lol the fuck, porn is not only not art, it is nothing but pure exploitation of people and a stupid form of entertainment.

Too many idiots think they have to do what they see in porn in their sexual encounters - no wonder so many of their 'victims' end up being and feeling abused.
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Mar 12, 2024
Well that's your opinion. My opinion would never be for censorship though. Sure nothing wrong with age limits, but you can't tell other grown ass adults what to do when they are doing no harm to you. That qualifies you as a hypocrite. That's a democratic norm, if they don't like something censor it, ban it, make it illegal. That's fascism.


May 7, 2024
Well that's your opinion. My opinion would never be for censorship though. Sure nothing wrong with age limits, but you can't tell other grown ass adults what to do when they are doing no harm to you. That qualifies you as a hypocrite. That's a democratic norm, if they don't like something censor it, ban it, make it illegal.
Grown adults can do whatever they want sexually, continually and in their own privacy.

Porn is harmful to all of society, to anyone that watches it and people that copy what they see in porn and do it to their partners.


Mar 12, 2024
What? New sex positions? lol That's harmful to society? It's porn, it's not fentanyl lol.


Sep 22, 2023
Grown adults can do whatever they want sexually, continually and in their own privacy.

Porn is harmful to all of society, to anyone that watches it and people that copy what they see in porn and do it to their partners.
Homosexuality could be interpreted as harmful to society. Homosexuals cannot reproduce yet they demand an equal right to teach children. If you aren't bringing children into the world, what gives you the right to force yourself on the children of others?

The heterosexual reproduces. His children grow up and pay into Socialist Security. That keeps the elderly and handicapped with a little spending money. Homosexuals do not reproduce and offer society nothing. But wait. A man needs sex. But male enhancement drugs (to the best of my knowledge) are not covered by insurance. Sex change surgeries ARE covered... even by Medicare.

The moral issue (religion notwithstanding) is that homosexuality is being used as a passive means of genocide. I could go on, but I will never understand why a homosexual would claim that porn is immoral.


Was in the original thread from day one trophy 🏆
Jan 8, 2021
Lol are you fucking retarded?

'No one wants to immigrate to the UK?'


While true we don't have free speech here, I fight for it daily with all my 'malicious communication' charges.

They can't do a thing cos autism.

'I speak my emotions and feelings towards others - not abuse or intention to cause anxiety. They always said something to trigger me first'.
No, I’m not retarded, but at least in my country you can call people names like that and not get arrested. Thank good “Good Earth started on 11776.

You also backed up my argument, no one wants to immigrate to your country because it sucks. Everybody wants to come to our country because it rocks.

Sure, autism will protect you from hateful things now, but I won’t win. The next victim group comes around, autism is just the flavor of the month, like gays were 20 years ago and wax were 20 years before that.

And even though we have a great controlled cream of speech, we were also taught by our mothers. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it all. Obviously, they were not referring to Aggies, people who vote for Joe Biden, and Aerosmith fans.


May 7, 2024
Homosexuality could be interpreted as harmful to society. Homosexuals cannot reproduce yet they demand an equal right to teach children. If you aren't bringing children into the world, what gives you the right to force yourself on the children of others?

The heterosexual reproduces. His children grow up and pay into Socialist Security. That keeps the elderly and handicapped with a little spending money. Homosexuals do not reproduce and offer society nothing. But wait. A man needs sex. But male enhancement drugs (to the best of my knowledge) are not covered by insurance. Sex change surgeries ARE covered... even by Medicare.

The moral issue (religion notwithstanding) is that homosexuality is being used as a passive means of genocide. I could go on, but I will never understand why a homosexual would claim that porn is immoral.

Funny that, especially because most straight people don't reproduce anymore, and plenty of gay and lesbian people actually do via either IVF or turkey basting / sperm donation.

Being gay doesn't make one infertile nor give any desire to not reproduce - we can simply do as such non sexually.


May 7, 2024
What? New sex positions? lol That's harmful to society? It's porn, it's not fentanyl lol.

Aggression, choking, beating, sexual brutality, unsafe bdsm practices are all perpetuated by porn, people see it and they do it IRL to others.

A big one is slipping off the condom at the end of sex and still cumming inside the partner - a practice entirely perpetuated by porn.


May 20, 2024
You don’t even live in “Good Earth” (America) where we value things like free speech. You reside in “Bad Earth” (any where but the USA).

"...(America) where we value things like..."

"Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition"


May 7, 2024
Ask yourself if you would be fine with your sister or daughter becoming a porn star and being drilled with hundreds of dicks a year for the entertainment of other men.


May 20, 2024
Guilty as charged.

Porn is art, just like any form of entertainment. Restricting porn is censorship on art. Censorship = bad on freedom forum.
•"Pornography', 'porn', or 'porno', is material that depicts nudity or sexual acts for the purpose of sexual stimulation."
•"The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power."

"...just like any form of..."
¹•"The action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment."

²•"An event, performance, or activity designed to entertain others."

³•"The action of receiving a guest or guests and providing them with food and drink.

Porn can be a form of entertainment...for porn consumers...in so far as satiating transient bestial self-gratification urges.

While pornography prostitutes creative skill and imagination tops out at the mind bogglingly "artistic" achievement of publicly degrading one's-self for shekels.

"Restricting porn is censorship on art."

🤣Conflating sexual addiction with art is just plain retarded.


May 20, 2024
Well that's your opinion. My opinion would never be for censorship though. Sure nothing wrong with age limits, but you can't tell other grown ass adults what to do when they are doing no harm to you.
Sure, grown ass adults are free to fiddle with themselves while gorking at pics/vids of other adults fiddling with each other.

Obviously theres no direct harm to any others in that scenario.

😂Butt this also disregards the definitive fact pornography causes significant personal detriment...leading to interpersonal and furthermore societal detriment.

The act of you sittin' at home watching pornhub while furiously jerkin' off, may not directly harm anyone butt yourself. However the harm done to yourself inevitably manifests ever so subtly as compounding dysfunctionality, which eventually does lead to harming others.

Nowadays pornography is in abundance, and just look at the current state of the world.

Men are growing up addicted to porn and incapable of basic self control.

They become parasitic simps who see women & other men as fleeting personal sex objects.

Women are growing up addicted to entitlement and incapable of basic self control.

They become parasitic whores who see men as slavish personal prey objects.

Then when these swinish imbeciles end up producing children with each other.... inevitably infected with both parents retardations, eventually becoming developmentally, psychologically and socially fucked even worse than the parents were.

That qualifies you as a hypocrite.
😄Ffs that shit is ironic brah!

Mungri merely opinionated once, that:

"Porn should simply be banned."

Meanwhile, twice already you've proclaimed to him:

"You can't come on a freedom forum advocating for freedom of speech because nobody else will tolerate your tirades and then want to ban shit you don't agree with."


"You can't tell grown ass adults what to do."


That's a democratic norm, if they don't like something censor it, ban it, make it illegal. That's fascism.
There is no democratic norm.

Take all political faggoteering out of the equation and whats left is simply shared ideological retardations.


Sep 22, 2023
Funny that, especially because most straight people don't reproduce anymore, and plenty of gay and lesbian people actually do via either IVF or turkey basting / sperm donation.

Being gay doesn't make one infertile nor give any desire to not reproduce - we can simply do as such non sexually.
What statistics do you have to support such an argument? When it comes to sorry ass White people you may have a point. The Hispanics around here breed like rabbits.


Sep 22, 2023
Ask yourself if you would be fine with your sister or daughter becoming a porn star and being drilled with hundreds of dicks a year for the entertainment of other men.

Sexual perversion is sexual perversion. I would be uncomfortable with a sister or daughter becoming a carpet muncher or marrying outside their faith / race / culture.


May 7, 2024
What statistics do you have to support such an argument? When it comes to sorry ass White people you may have a point. The Hispanics around here breed like rabbits.
Well yea, wypipo problem. Population decline in Italy and maybe other white countries too.

Enjoy your lives of porn and hedonism leading to your own self inflicted white depopulation.


Mar 12, 2024
Aggression, choking, beating, sexual brutality, unsafe bdsm practices are all perpetuated by porn, people see it and they do it IRL to others.
Trust me, they are not learning that from porn. They learn that from witnessing domestic violence themselves.


Mar 12, 2024
The act of you sittin' at home watching pornhub while furiously jerkin' off, may not directly harm anyone butt yourself. However the harm done to yourself inevitably manifests ever so subtly as compounding dysfunctionality, which eventually does lead to harming others.
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. As a libertarian I have a problem when you enforce your opinion on others, and will fight to defend my freedom to sit at home and jerk my meat to whatever porn I want, and with whatever porn addicted bar whore I bring home that night lol, as long as it's all consensual. I'm no rapist just because I watch porn. That's just crazy talk and ideas.

When you start enforcing your ideas and opinions on others, that to me is pure fascism.


May 20, 2024
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. As a libertarian I have a problem when you enforce your opinion on others,
An opinion is a statement that expresses a feeling, an attitude, a value judgment, or a belief.

A statement that is neither true nor false.

Or it may feel true for some, but false for others.

Whether or not to accept another's opinion is entirely voluntary.

and will fight to defend my freedom to sit at home and jerk my meat to whatever porn I want, and with whatever porn addicted bar whore I bring home that night lol, as long as it's all consensual.
😂Good for you mate. No clue how you reached this odd conclusion though, coz I certainly never said ya couldn't go for your life

I'm no rapist just because I watch porn. That's just crazy talk and ideas.
Have I suggested otherwise?

When you start enforcing your ideas and opinions on others, that to me is pure fascism.
By posting my views here, have I therefore somehow enforced my ideas & opinions on others as such to equate pure fascism?


Sep 22, 2023
Really?! Some of you are upset that a state wants a porn producer to verify the participants are 18 or older?

In-fucking-deed, WTF is this country coming to?

This issue goes much deeper than that. We've already gone to Hell. Today the control freaks are hoping you walk into that trap of proving something via the Internet.

I don't have a Facebook account because they demand a picture of me along with personal information. Once people have your information, they don't give a shit about your privacy. Whether it's a porn site or a political site, once they collect all this information about you, they can choose to make it available to every swinging dick out there.

That Nazi style "if you don't have anything to hide, you shouldn't mind if they look" stuff doesn't make a good argument. Once you post your information and it goes into cyberspace, you don't know what low life mother fucker will tap into it and steal your identity, harass you, intimidate you, endanger your family, steal your house (it's a thing where I live), and otherwise destroy you.

I've learned the hard way to be overly insensitive to that aspect of the argument. If you don't want your kids to access porn, don't get satellite tv; don't get cable. Make sure their phone is phone service only, NO Internet. Never allow your children to be on the computer without supervision.

You should fear the ONE WORLD agenda of the pee test, blood test, hair sample, DNA sample, birth certificate, Socialist Security Number (I mean Social Security Number), National ID Card, driver's license, MVR check, credit card check, criminal background check, Interpol check, hunting license, fishing license, weapon license, occupation license, etc., etc. These are tools of control; methods to destroy Liberty. I'm not endorsing porn. I'm in favor of your Right to protect your family against porn and its influences, but you have to take responsibility for it on your own and not jeopardize the Rights of your fellow man.


May 20, 2024
This issue goes much deeper than that. We've already gone to Hell. Today the control freaks are hoping you walk into that trap of proving something via the Internet.

I don't have a Facebook account because they demand a picture of me along with personal information. Once people have your information, they don't give a shit about your privacy. Whether it's a porn site or a political site, once they collect all this information about you, they can choose to make it available to every swinging dick out there.

That Nazi style "if you don't have anything to hide, you shouldn't mind if they look" stuff doesn't make a good argument. Once you post your information and it goes into cyberspace, you don't know what low life mother fucker will tap into it and steal your identity, harass you, intimidate you, endanger your family, steal your house (it's a thing where I live), and otherwise destroy you.

I've learned the hard way to be overly insensitive to that aspect of the argument. If you don't want your kids to access porn, don't get satellite tv; don't get cable. Make sure their phone is phone service only, NO Internet. Never allow your children to be on the computer without supervision.
You should fear be vigilant for the ONE WORLD agenda of the pee test✓, blood test✓, hair sample✓, DNA sample✓, Birth Certificate✓, Socialist Security Number✓(I mean Social Security Number), National ID Card✓, driver's license✓, MVR check✓, credit card check✓, criminal background check✓, Interpol check✓, hunting license✓, fishing license✓, weapon license™, occupation license✓, etc., etc. These are tools of control; methods to destroy Liberty.✓ I'm not endorsing porn. I'm in favor of your Right to protect your family against porn and its influences, but you have to take responsibility for it on your own and not jeopardize the Rights of your fellow man.✓
Pretty solid post there man.

*Interesting note: Most of the prominent-(& paywalled)-ancestry websites seem to be owned by a handful of corporations, like; Blackstone(*the other half of Blackrock), and the LDS.

All appear to be hard out pushing "DNA Testing" too.


Jan 8, 2021
Pretty solid post there man.

*Interesting note: Most of the prominent-(& paywalled)-ancestry websites seem to be owned by a handful of corporations, like; Blackstone(*the other half of Blackrock), and the LDS.

All appear to be hard out pushing "DNA Testing" too.
DNA testing is a money maker and it will give them the human body's genetic code of all participants, and relatives who didn't give their DNA sample, which will allow them to use as they see fit.

Not only for their own monetary interests but for say, hooking up with Gates and his foundation to make specific substances which can be released in the environment to target those with objectionable genes and traits.


May 7, 2024
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. As a libertarian I have a problem when you enforce your opinion on others, and will fight to defend my freedom to sit at home and jerk my meat to whatever porn I want, and with whatever porn addicted bar whore I bring home that night lol, as long as it's all consensual. I'm no rapist just because I watch porn. That's just crazy talk and ideas.

When you start enforcing your ideas and opinions on others, that to me is pure fascism.

Asserting ones personal opinions is neither forcing ones views onto others, nor a challenge to your freedom.

You have the freedom to be a sex crazed lunatic all you like, and I have the freedom to destroy with my own brutal honesty for it if I so choose to do so.

You're simply a typical NPC, a bottom of the barrel waste of a sperm and egg.

Imagine if the seed that had created you had instead been wanked off into a tissue, or your mom aborted you because all she wanted was endless cock after cock and abortion after abortion, as per the so called freedom that you choose to live by.


May 20, 2024
DNA testing is a money maker and it will give them the human body's genetic code of all participants, and relatives who didn't give their DNA sample, which will allow them to use as they see fit.
Absolutely and there definitely will be a legal angle as well, which imo we're already witnessing the inception thereof covert commodification:
Not only for their own monetary interests but for say, hooking up with Gates and his foundation to make specific substances which can be released in the environment to target those with objectionable genes and traits.
Yeah man, I completely agree too.

And imo this does appear was being live-trialed via those "safe and effective" mRNA + nanotech laced experimental covidian clotshots.

Since the covidian psyop the major medical corporations've been goin' hard feverishly testing all sorts of mind bogglingly advanced biomedicultic mRna hackfuckery.


😂Can't wait to see what they concoct for their next "GLOBAL PANDEMIC".

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