Please stop using Google


I encourage everyone to stop using Google. We met with a digital marketing agency today that is top notch and is going to help us with advertising moving forward. However, they noticed the same thing that we did: Google is making it impossible for our site to be seen. We are going to be targeting our SEO on Bing and DuckDuckGo

Get off Google now. Switch your default search for your phone browser over to DuckDuckGo. Trash google chrome and get on Mozilla Firefox. Make sure to switch your default Mozilla search to DuckDuckGo.

Google is the enemy of the people.
I encourage everyone to stop using Google. We met with a digital marketing agency today that is top notch and is going to help us with advertising moving forward. However, they noticed the same thing that we did: Google is making it impossible for our site to be seen. We are going to be targeting our SEO on Bing and DuckDuckGo

Get off Google now. Switch your default search for your phone browser over to DuckDuckGo. Trash google chrome and get on Mozilla Firefox. Make sure to switch your default Mozilla search to DuckDuckGo.

Google is the enemy of the people.
I'm on board.
I encourage everyone to stop using Google. We met with a digital marketing agency today that is top notch and is going to help us with advertising moving forward. However, they noticed the same thing that we did: Google is making it impossible for our site to be seen. We are going to be targeting our SEO on Bing and DuckDuckGo

Get off Google now. Switch your default search for your phone browser over to DuckDuckGo. Trash google chrome and get on Mozilla Firefox. Make sure to switch your default Mozilla search to DuckDuckGo.

Google is the enemy of the people.

Flesh this out some more for us. How did the SEO guys figure out the site is actively blocked? The second you even hint like you are interested in SEO through google they bang down your door with annoying ass sales reps.
Flesh this out some more for us. How did the SEO guys figure out the site is actively blocked? The second you even hint like you are interested in SEO through google they bang down your door with annoying ass sales reps.
So search for The Free Speech forum on Google and then go search for us on Bing and DuckDuckGo

That should give you all the info you need
I encourage everyone to stop using Google. We met with a digital marketing agency today that is top notch and is going to help us with advertising moving forward. However, they noticed the same thing that we did: Google is making it impossible for our site to be seen. We are going to be targeting our SEO on Bing and DuckDuckGo

Get off Google now. Switch your default search for your phone browser over to DuckDuckGo. Trash google chrome and get on Mozilla Firefox. Make sure to switch your default Mozilla search to DuckDuckGo.

Google is the enemy of the people.
I switched to the Dissenter browser a couple months ago. Very similar to chrome, so everything is familiar. No tracking supposedly.

only downside is that there isn’t a mobile app so it can be hard with saved passwords etc
I switched to the Dissenter browser a couple months ago. Very similar to chrome, so everything is familiar. No tracking supposedly.

only downside is that there isn’t a mobile app so it can be hard with saved passwords etc
I'm on Dissenter now. Really slick at a first glance. I like the Gab integration. We are going to focus social media marketing on Gab and Parler. SEO on Bing and DDG.
So search for The Free Speech forum on Google and then go search for us on Bing and DuckDuckGo

That should give you all the info you need

Tim Pool had on Chris Parnell tonight. If you google search for his campaign, his website isn't even on the first page. His opponent's search result? The very first result is his website, of course. Big tech and corporate media are trying their best to destroy America. Doing a decent job of it too, so far.

Oh, and if you aren't using Brave and DDG, you are doing it wrong.
I encourage everyone to stop using Google. We met with a digital marketing agency today that is top notch and is going to help us with advertising moving forward. However, they noticed the same thing that we did: Google is making it impossible for our site to be seen. We are going to be targeting our SEO on Bing and DuckDuckGo

Get off Google now. Switch your default search for your phone browser over to DuckDuckGo. Trash google chrome and get on Mozilla Firefox. Make sure to switch your default Mozilla search to DuckDuckGo.

Google is the enemy of the people.
Trippy, I just tried searching TFSF on Googz, DDG, Brave, & Tor.
TFSF is now the first search result on each, but on Tor the entire first page is all the different TFSF associated platforms except one which confused me.
It's called thefreespeechforum.locals and apparently costs $25/month?
Clicked on it, but it just goes to a short list of general common sense rules.

Just seemed odd, thought you should know.
Trippy, I just tried searching TFSF on Googz, DDG, Brave, & Tor.
TFSF is now the first search result on each, but on Tor the entire first page is all the different TFSF associated platforms except one which confused me.
It's called thefreespeechforum.locals and apparently costs $25/month?
Clicked on it, but it just goes to a short list of general common sense rules.

Just seemed odd, thought you should know.
@Croot_Overlord setup the locals thing a while back. It’s somehow connected to TFSF Rumble.
Duck Duck Go is better than google, but still is not as private as Brave's search engine. That is what I use exclusively.

I've been using Brave and especially Tor as the main ones for really digging in to seek out the more difficult to find info, and DDG & Googz for regular shit, as well as cross referencing between all four.
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