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Sep 22, 2023
I had an e mail forwarded to me by someone that never sends me garbage or theories. I have taken the name out of the e mail as I don't know if the party wants to be identified:

"Yesterday, in the process of responding to an emergency disclosure request from a U.S. law enforcement agency, X learned that a pro-Biden/Harris account on the site was believed to have belonged to Thomas Matthew Crooks, who attempted to assassinate President Trump. After backing up the account, we notified the public.

Politicians like Eric Swalwell have tried to mislead the American people by claiming Crooks was a Republican.

X has published the first evidence making it very apparent that Crooks was a left-wing partisan who hated President Trump’s immigration policies - noting that the shooter fired on President Trump when he started talking about those same policies

This raises the possibility, for the first time, that his attempted assassination of President Trump was the latest instance of a wider pattern of left-wing domestic terrorism that has plagued our country since the summer of 2020.

X will continue to fight for the free speech rights of all Americans. Free speech allows truths like this to surface while censorship seeks to hide the facts in darkness.

Not a damn word by the media about this. If I didn't trust the source, I wouldn't have posted this.


Sep 22, 2023
Smooth brained toxic positive people who 'think with their feelings' are the ones who need to be lined up and shot.

What does that even mean? The attempt on Trump was done by someone that was on the far left and the media pretends they don't know the motive. The media thinks all they have to do is ignore the facts and keep yelling at the right, accusing them of hate, intolerance, etc. for not letting the left have their way all the time. I'm fed up with it.


May 7, 2024
What does that even mean? The attempt on Trump was done by someone that was on the far left and the media pretends they don't know the motive. The media thinks all they have to do is ignore the facts and keep yelling at the right, accusing them of hate, intolerance, etc. for not letting the left have their way all the time. I'm fed up with it.
Smooth brain spotted. Imagine not being able to understand what I just wrote being the exact definition of far let lunatics I.E. the idiot that shot at Trump.

I go to the end of the discussion without explaining the leap, and only intelligent people can understand the connection.


Mar 12, 2024
Are you just now figuring out how Orwellian America really is? This is like North Korea level propaganda they're spewing these days, and you can't escape it! Read up on the Twitter files by Matt Taibbi. It's like this in every western country in the world because all the media is owned by like 5 different corporations who are controlled by Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street....

The only country you can move to now to escape it is..... Russia! LOL

Did you see the FBI director attempting to gas light congress about how Trump wasn't hit by a bullet. He was hit by.... SHRAPNEL! Shrapnel?

Thank God they haven't come after our freedom forum yet. I'm surprised, there is TOO MUCH DAMN TRUTH BEING OPENLY DISCUSSED ON HERE TO BE ALLOWED!

Fucking feudalism totalitarian bullshit.
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Sep 22, 2023
Are you just now figuring out how Orwellian America really is? This is like North Korea level propaganda they're spewing these days, and you can't escape it! Read up on the Twitter files by Matt Taibbi. It's like this in every western country in the world because all the media is owned by like 5 different corporations who are controlled by Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street....

The only country you can move to now to escape it is..... Russia! LOL

Did you see the FBI director attempting to gas light congress about how Trump wasn't hit by a bullet. He was hit by.... SHRAPNEL! Shrapnel?

Thank God they haven't come after our freedom forum yet. I'm surprised, there is TOO MUCH DAMN TRUTH BEING OPENLY DISCUSSED ON HERE TO BE ALLOWED!

Fucking feudalism totalitarian bullshit.
Surely you jest. I'm the only mother fucker you know that has his own shadow trying to make sure I don't tell people on the Internet too much. I didn't last this many years telling people the truth and avoiding the fate of all my contemporaries without knowing something I'm not supposed to know. I spent more time fighting the Orwellian NEW WORLD ORDER than any living human being on this planet at the current time.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
Surely you jest. I'm the only mother fucker you know that has his own shadow trying to make sure I don't tell people on the Internet too much. I didn't last this many years telling people the truth and avoiding the fate of all my contemporaries without knowing something I'm not supposed to know. I spent more time fighting the Orwellian NEW WORLD ORDER than any living human being on this planet at the current time.
What makes you think you are telling people "the truth", when you misrepresent facts and flat out misinform people based on your inane psuedolegal interpretations? What makes you think so highly of yourself? Most people see you as a fukn 🤡.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
Are you just now figuring out how Orwellian America really is? This is like North Korea level propaganda they're spewing these days, and you can't escape it!
Might even be above N Korea levels.

Also, it's nothing new. It's been that way for decades now. Difference now is, that it's become more obvious to those paying attention. In the old days, there were not really any alternative news sources and Operation Mockingbird worked rather well.

Did you see the FBI director attempting to gas light congress about how Trump wasn't hit by a bullet. He was hit by.... SHRAPNEL! Shrapnel?
Yea, from a teleprompter that wasn't hit by any bullets. lol

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
As for Crooks being a registered republican? That's not a big deal, as many dems in PA are registered as republicans. Back during the primaries, the dems were encouraging their supporters to register as republicans in order to be able to vote against Trump by voting for Nikki.

Clearly, Crooks was one that did that.


May 7, 2024
Some of us can't dig holes that deep.
Yea sorry. So many of us on this forum are higher functioning neurodivergents for sure, we need this place to vent what we can't without getting in trouble irl.

I forget theres neuronormative people here too like you.

Neurodivergency is fun, planning to go study psychology next year and specialise in speech therapy, asd, adhd, personality disorders, main interest being to help (formerly) aggressive people like me to control their rage and abusive tendencies.

Assertiveness, respect, correct words, concise sentences, cognitive empathy, otherwise we just turn into that CartoonDude.

I'd probably be off blowing things up instead of doing vulnerable adult groups right now if I hadn't done speech therapy with focus on the above terms.


Sep 22, 2023
Yea sorry. So many of us on this forum are higher functioning neurodivergents for sure, we need this place to vent what we can't without getting in trouble irl.

I forget theres neuronormative people here too like you.

Neurodivergency is fun, planning to go study psychology next year and specialise in speech therapy, asd, adhd, personality disorders, main interest being to help (formerly) aggressive people like me to control their rage and abusive tendencies.

Assertiveness, respect, correct words, concise sentences, cognitive empathy, otherwise we just turn into that CartoonDude.

I'd probably be off blowing things up instead of doing vulnerable adult groups right now if I hadn't done speech therapy with focus on the above terms.
You should stay away from high school kids pretending to be psychologists. Got a secret for you: Everybody thinks differently because psychologists contend that there is no such thing as "normal." You seem to go to extra lengths to search for words in a thesaurus that aren't in common use, but there is nothing to be gained by using five dollar words to convey a ten cent concept. It does take a different kind of person that wants to be surrounded by others that think they are different. Most disorders like that are psychosomatic. Know what I mean?


Mar 12, 2024
Surely you jest. I'm the only mother fucker you know that has his own shadow trying to make sure I don't tell people on the Internet too much. I didn't last this many years telling people the truth and avoiding the fate of all my contemporaries without knowing something I'm not supposed to know. I spent more time fighting the Orwellian NEW WORLD ORDER than any living human being on this planet at the current time.
Hah if you haven't been to Federal prison fighting it yet, you're not trying hard enough. 😆 Funniest thing about it is I still maintain my clearance.


Sep 22, 2023
Hah if you haven't been to Federal prison fighting it yet, you're not trying hard enough. 😆 Funniest thing about it is I still maintain my clearance.

I've been through the so - called "criminal justice system" on several occasions. My advantages were a legal education, following the Bible admonitions on dealing with those situations and lots of luck. My contemporaries ended up in jail, prison, rats for one alphabet agency or another and a few are pushing up daisies.

I've been arrested, beaten, jailed and gone to court. AND, the prosecution pulled out every trick in the book. I thank God for the late Randy Weaver. Weaver told me how it was going to go down and I managed to be a step ahead of the system. They would summon me to court by mailing letters to places I'd never lived; they threatened potential witnesses if they didn't commit perjury and confirm the "state's version of events." They were allowed to use hearsay; allowed to threaten people to testify against me and validate the states lies. The prosecutor in one case even got to knowingly lie to the jury. Had it not been for what happened to Weaver, I wouldn't be here today.

I have a security clearance too. Uncle Scam stands ready 24 / 7 waiting for that opportunity for me to make a mistake. When you get your very own fed shadow that follows you every hour of every day, then you will know that you're doing something that pisses off Uncle Scam. So, I stay within the parameters of the law and ignore the grasshoppers. Living in their head rent free and ignoring them in the process gives me sweet mental revenge.


Mar 12, 2024
Trust me, I know all about Fed shadows. So how long did you actually spend in jail? Did you have a Federal indictment? Feds would not GIVE A SHIT about state level shit. Luckily I never got my ass beat by the Feds because I'm not a fucking idiot, but I've sure had the US Marshals come down on me with 8 M16s drawn at my head, all for supporting my president at a so called infamous rally...

Believe me those motherfuckers DO NOT PLAY.

Federal prosecutors lying in court is just par for the course. They do that ON EVERY FUCKING FEDERAL CASE. They're allowed to lie. After all, THEY'RE NOT UNDER OATH. Federal courts have a 98% conviction rate. It's been famously said, by a sitting Federal judge, a federal grand jury will indict a ham sandwich if presented with one. You don't get 98% convictions without rigging the game.
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Mar 12, 2024
Quite the contrary. It's obvious I'm dealing with state level offending cretons lol. There is no bail with Federal courts. With a Federal indictment, IN JAIL IS THE ONLY WAY TO FIGHT IT. That's why you see all the J6 people, who are on average very wealthy and affluent, getting locked the fuck up for 6 months to 1 year waiting on their court dates. It's not even about the attorney. I had one of the most famous and experienced federal defense attornies in the country, believe me. That was an easy quarter mil, and he was worth every penny even as fucked as I was compared to people who couldn't afford a decent attorney. They got TOTALLY FUCKED. They're STILL IN CLUB FED for their POLITICAL SUPPORT OF THE WRONG CANDIDATE OF THE TYRANTS IN POWER.

Ask anyone who has actually been to Club Fed. The only people who get out of their Federal detainers are politicians and their immediate family, millionaires with lots of influence, or rats. We all know what happens to federal rats. Just ask Whitey Bulger.

Keep in mind, per capita America, and especially the Feds, lock up more people than China and Russia. They don't do that with an honest system where you can prove your innocense. You're guilty until you learn you're fucking guilty, or they'll ass fuck you with EVEN MORE TIME just because you had the stupidity to call the tyrants liars.

Yes, this is actually our so called US JUSTICE. Or as they like to call it.... JUST US! (AS IN, not all of us!). Yes plenty of people are in jail for simple political opinions or supporting the wrong candidate. If you fall into this, you better prey you get the right district judge, and EVEN THEN.... you're still fucked out of a year of your life.

More people should actually know this. If you listen to Tucker or AJ or Owen Shroyer they talk about this quite a bit. Shit, look what they've done to Trump himself!
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May 7, 2024
You should stay away from high school kids pretending to be psychologists. Got a secret for you: Everybody thinks differently because psychologists contend that there is no such thing as "normal." You seem to go to extra lengths to search for words in a thesaurus that aren't in common use, but there is nothing to be gained by using five dollar words to convey a ten cent concept. It does take a different kind of person that wants to be surrounded by others that think they are different. Most disorders like that are psychosomatic. Know what I mean?
Lol dumb bitch. Never used a thesaurus and I don't talk to kids.

There might not be a thing as 'normal' but 'neuronormative / typical' are the correct medical terms for 'doesnt have a rewired brain' ya idiot.

I'm the fucking real deal bitch, a linguistic hyper intellect and language savant, a wordsmith like none ever before seen, a pure inspired thinker and natural philosopher, don't fucking cry when you're too dumb to match or keep up with me, same as fucking real life idiots that tell me day 1 they want to learn to talk like me, then by day 30 hate that I talk too deeply about everything.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
I had an e mail forwarded to me by someone that never sends me garbage or theories. I have taken the name out of the e mail as I don't know if the party wants to be identified:

"Yesterday, in the process of responding to an emergency disclosure request from a U.S. law enforcement agency, X learned that a pro-Biden/Harris account on the site was believed to have belonged to Thomas Matthew Crooks, who attempted to assassinate President Trump. After backing up the account, we notified the public.

Politicians like Eric Swalwell have tried to mislead the American people by claiming Crooks was a Republican.

X has published the first evidence making it very apparent that Crooks was a left-wing partisan who hated President Trump’s immigration policies - noting that the shooter fired on President Trump when he started talking about those same policies

This raises the possibility, for the first time, that his attempted assassination of President Trump was the latest instance of a wider pattern of left-wing domestic terrorism that has plagued our country since the summer of 2020.

X will continue to fight for the free speech rights of all Americans. Free speech allows truths like this to surface while censorship seeks to hide the facts in darkness.

Not a damn word by the media about this. If I didn't trust the source, I wouldn't have posted this.
Welcome to the party Pal


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Surely you jest. I'm the only mother fucker you know that has his own shadow trying to make sure I don't tell people on the Internet too much. I didn't last this many years telling people the truth and avoiding the fate of all my contemporaries without knowing something I'm not supposed to know. I spent more time fighting the Orwellian NEW WORLD ORDER than any living human being on this planet at the current time.
So @Mungri is your gatekeeper? That is tough. How does he do ot from Liverpool?


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Lol dumb bitch. Never used a thesaurus and I don't talk to kids.

There might not be a thing as 'normal' but 'neuronormative / typical' are the correct medical terms for 'doesnt have a rewired brain' ya idiot.

I'm the fucking real deal bitch, a linguistic hyper intellect and language savant, a wordsmith like none ever before seen, a pure inspired thinker and natural philosopher, don't fucking cry when you're too dumb to match or keep up with me, same as fucking real life idiots that tell me day 1 they want to learn to talk like me, then by day 30 hate that I talk too deeply about everything.
I bet you do too talk to kids. Just don't go beyond that. They don't like you when you pull your cock out. Or do your thing and you'll find out


May 7, 2024
I bet you do too talk to kids. Just don't go beyond that. They don't like you when you pull your cock out. Or do your thing and you'll find out

Well actually yea. Awaiting a DBS check for working with kids at the place I volunteer at.

Might not work out, the check for working with kids / vulnerable adults isn't just charges and crimes, its warnings too and I have a lot of those for verbal aggression.

But the people I work for know it never happens at work, its all domestic issues only.

So many verbal aggression and malicious communication accusations in my police file, all with no crime committed.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Well actually yea. Awaiting a DBS check for working with kids at the place I volunteer at.

Might not work out, the check for working with kids / vulnerable adults isn't just charges and crimes, its warnings too and I have a lot of those for verbal aggression.

But the people I work for know it never happens at work, its all domestic issues only.

So many verbal aggression and malicious communication accusations in my police file, all with no crime committed.
Yeah you'll be fine. Whatever you do don't give them your devices


May 7, 2024
Yeah you'll be fine. Whatever you do don't give them your devices
Heres the fun thing, so far I've been working with other vulnerable adults, yet doing so without the DBS check was illegal welp.

They realised to do it after they started kids classes over the summer holidays. So for now I have to stay in the back with any adults that turn up, kids in the front which I respect.

But now heres the funny part about this law - as a customer / patron, I can attend and socialise with other vulnerable adults no issue. As soon as I want to help out and volunteer, I need a criminal check.

I raised this as a joke at the other autists group I go to - 'So technically I can come here and interact with everyone, but if I simply said I'd like to help out and clean up afterwards, I'm not allowed to without a criminal check?'.

And yup, that's how anal the law is in any case where vulnerable adults or children are in the group.


Sep 22, 2023
Quite the contrary. It's obvious I'm dealing with state level offending cretons lol. There is no bail with Federal courts. With a Federal indictment, IN JAIL IS THE ONLY WAY TO FIGHT IT. That's why you see all the J6 people, who are on average very wealthy and affluent, getting locked the fuck up for 6 months to 1 year waiting on their court dates. It's not even about the attorney. I had one of the most famous and experienced federal defense attornies in the country, believe me. That was an easy quarter mil, and he was worth every penny even as fucked as I was compared to people who couldn't afford a decent attorney. They got TOTALLY FUCKED. They're STILL IN CLUB FED for their POLITICAL SUPPORT OF THE WRONG CANDIDATE OF THE TYRANTS IN POWER.

Ask anyone who has actually been to Club Fed. The only people who get out of their Federal detainers are politicians and their immediate family, millionaires with lots of influence, or rats. We all know what happens to federal rats. Just ask Whitey Bulger.

Keep in mind, per capita America, and especially the Feds, lock up more people than China and Russia. They don't do that with an honest system where you can prove your innocense. You're guilty until you learn you're fucking guilty, or they'll ass fuck you with EVEN MORE TIME just because you had the stupidity to call the tyrants liars.

Yes, this is actually our so called US JUSTICE. Or as they like to call it.... JUST US! (AS IN, not all of us!). Yes plenty of people are in jail for simple political opinions or supporting the wrong candidate. If you fall into this, you better prey you get the right district judge, and EVEN THEN.... you're still fucked out of a year of your life.

More people should actually know this. If you listen to Tucker or AJ or Owen Shroyer they talk about this quite a bit. Shit, look what they've done to Trump himself!

There is bail in the federal courts. It's just a freaking nightmare to convince a magistrate, but in my case a former federal prosecutor and sitting member of the U.S. House of Representatives was in my corner lobbying hard for me. That fight hinged on constitutional grounds.

In another case I was arrested for a state misdemeanor and when I got to court, the prosecutor asked for and got additional charges that, if I had been found guilty, would have netted me 25 years in prison.

There have been other nuisance charges and there was constant B.S. Nobody living knows more about how the system has been weaponized to silence dissent. I pay for it EVERY day. Fact is, a few years ago I sold a lot that was one acre in size. Within a few feet each way it was 200 ' x 200' I stood there one day and thought about all the people that I had known who died in defense of this country (most of the political activists and / or citizen soldiers) if buried side by side, that lot wouldn't contain their bodies unless they were all buried upright. It's too damn many. The cost, without real resistance, is not a viable strategy.

On every site I visit I have a Confidential Informant following me. It is a full time job and one she has had for at least a decade and a half. EVERY place I go, the fed is in tow. I had to put her on ignore when I run across her on discussion boards. Her job is to discredit and stop me. Problem is, they are paying her so I can live in her head rent free as I don't give a shit any more that she follows me. I'm just sick of the asshole doxing me as a way to attract my attention. That caused me to have to go through three legal name changes over the last decade.

When you can piss Uncle Scam off enough to keep a full time shadow - and it isn't even a secret, you know you have something.


May 7, 2024
Mungri a gatekeeper? He doesn't even know how to tell time on a digital clock.

Said the retard that couldn't even comprehend the most simple leap of logic, and failed to realise I was dismissing the shooter.

Your brain is lacking myelin sheaths. Soooo slow.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Heres the fun thing, so far I've been working with other vulnerable adults, yet doing so without the DBS check was illegal welp.

They realised to do it after they started kids classes over the summer holidays. So for now I have to stay in the back with any adults that turn up, kids in the front which I respect.

But now heres the funny part about this law - as a customer / patron, I can attend and socialise with other vulnerable adults no issue. As soon as I want to help out and volunteer, I need a criminal check.

I raised this as a joke at the other autists group I go to - 'So technically I can come here and interact with everyone, but if I simply said I'd like to help out and clean up afterwards, I'm not allowed to without a criminal check?'.

And yup, that's how anal the law is in any case where vulnerable adults or children are in the group.
Buy land and bury them next door


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Well actually yea. Awaiting a DBS check for working with kids at the place I volunteer at.

Might not work out, the check for working with kids / vulnerable adults isn't just charges and crimes, its warnings too and I have a lot of those for verbal aggression.

But the people I work for know it never happens at work, its all domestic issues only.

So many verbal aggression and malicious communication accusations in my police file, all with no crime committed.
I have issued arresting documents. Ching dog king car


Sep 22, 2023
Said the retard that couldn't even comprehend the most simple leap of logic, and failed to realise I was dismissing the shooter.

Your brain is lacking myelin sheaths. Soooo slow.
If we could by you for what you're worth and sell you for what you think you're worth, we'd be billionaires. Don't worry. People who play along with Jeopardy with me find out I know the meanings to a lot of words and phrases. I don't have to pretend by doing what you do - looking up words and phrases so as to try and make others think you're superior.

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