Pedo Joe telling on himself again.

There is so very much proof that Joe Biden is a paedophile! From his daughter Ashley's diary being found in a half-way house & in it stated that she took inappropriate showers with her father to video after video of him touching & smelling children Friday at a conference involving some teachers he is quoted as saying "You gotta say Hi to me. We go back a long way. She was 12 & I was 30. But anyway, this woman helped me get an awful lot done."

Go to the 30sec mark & play the video.

There is so very much proof that Joe Biden is a paedophile! From his daughter Ashley's diary being found in a half-way house & in it stated that she took inappropriate showers with her father to video after video of him touching & smelling children Friday at a conference involving some teachers he is quoted as saying "You gotta say Hi to me. We go back a long way. She was 12 & I was 30. But anyway, this woman helped me get an awful lot done."

Go to the 30sec mark & play the video.

He should be fucked to death in prison
i actually voted for biden but that diary made me super uncomfortable i dont see how that isnt on the news i actually questioned it at first because this was the only place i saw it but it seems like it is actually legit i dont know why they havent made articles or news stories about it yet you would think it would be big news thats crazy i dont know what to think about him anymore this quote itself might not mean much but with the context of the rest of it i guess it could i dont know
i actually voted for biden but that diary made me super uncomfortable i dont see how that isnt on the news i actually questioned it at first because this was the only place i saw it but it seems like it is actually legit i dont know why they havent made articles or news stories about it yet you would think it would be big news thats crazy i dont know what to think about him anymore this quote itself might not mean much but with the context of the rest of it i guess it could i dont know

Damn dude! Commas and periods are your friends!
i actually voted for biden but that diary made me super uncomfortable i dont see how that isnt on the news i actually questioned it at first because this was the only place i saw it but it seems like it is actually legit i dont know why they havent made articles or news stories about it yet you would think it would be big news thats crazy i dont know what to think about him anymore this quote itself might not mean much but with the context of the rest of it i guess it could i dont know
Clearly NOT your time if the month, because I don't see a period ANYWHERE 🤣
So many ppl who hated Trump were completely blinded to anything besides their hate for Trump. MSM & the Demon-crats played on ppls hatred. They used Trump as a decoy from the truth. A lot of ppl have been red pilled by the Demon-crats because ppl really aren't as ignorant as they thought they were. Go check out Loza Alexander. He's a rapper who originally made a "Fuck Trump" song but thru opening his eyes tot eh truth he has switched up. Candace Owens was a democrat who switched up because she's is a highly intelligent woman. "Lady Maga" is a drag queen who supports Trump. Blaire White is a transgender who use to be democrat & she (he) was too damn smart to keep falling for their lies. My advice is definitely do your own research! Don't just believe what you arr told. Biden is a career politician & a life long paedophile. Evil runs the world & Trump was shedding light on their darkness so they were doing everything in their power to get rid of him. So much so they fraudulently won the 2020 election. If you don't believe that, again, I say please do your own research.
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