Why can't you answer a simple question?if you don’t like it here, leave. Otherwise, pull up a chair and enjoy the show. Faggot.
How is calling somebody a faggot for opposing faggots funny?
Why can't you answer a simple question?if you don’t like it here, leave. Otherwise, pull up a chair and enjoy the show. Faggot.
Why do you want me to kill myself?
What is funny about calling somebody who's trying to stop the faggots a faggot???
Surely it would be funnier to call the faggots faggots!?
respond if you're wokeHow is your response any different to the response of the openly woke!?
What do you want me to talk about???@Free_Pepe all of it...and yore vagina is showing...looks like Arby's, ma'am
@Free_Pepe bro, it's a FREE SPEECH can talk about anything, lol just be prepared to roll with the punches, and learn that much of this shit is for fun, with a few serious threads sprinkled in...go to Mr.Fitzwell's thread and read it all...humor and sarcasm are your friends
Seriously, that postmodern random "humor" is the exact same thing that the woke do, when they know I'll rip them to shreds on the rational plane!
(I'm also ripping you to shreds in the psychic plane as we speak!)
Its the truth, you may be to numb to notice it, but I'm psychicly destroying your image!That’s how I know your a faggot.
Lesbian faggot*
That's even worse.Lesbian faggot*
Damn....and I offered to beat up OpenAI for you.When did I ask anybody to fight OpenAI? I didn't, I simply used OpenAI to point out that fact that "gender identity" is totally meaningless!
But you obviously actually want "gender identity" and the pedophilia, that stems from it!
You are basically a pedophile!
And nobody believes for a second that you have any connection with God (who certainly isn't tyrant clown of the old testament)!