i just told my wife this same exact thing this evening. Everything being done right now is being done on purpose, and if you don’t think Biden is president so he can be manipulated by those pulling the strings they you are delusional. He was in sixth place the Iowa caucus, and when they realized that Sanders winning the nom would cost them the house, senate, and Prez Clyburn pulled the strings to get Joe what he needed.
He is simply a puppet to do their dirty work and was installed as Prez, and told that he either takes the job and does as he is told or Hunter gets nailed. Easy choice - be a part of history and only one of 40+ humans in history to be a US President and we will cover your son, or don’t do what we tell you to do and we burn Hunter, ruin your family, and you go down with him. It is the only thing that makes sense. Nobody could be this bad on the economy, CoVid, Afghanistan, taxes, border issues, crime, racial issues. When it hits critical mass they remove him after he does the dirty work and they think Kamala can be the hero. They are both clueless and ruining our f*cking country.