I believe so, do t remember the name (Snake Island maybe?) of it or what channel exactly but they found something and then the show disappeared shortly thereafter.A bit of topic but has there ever been a History Channel, Discover, etc.. show that has actually ended with the massive payload of finding what it was looking for? Obviously its all for entertainment but just curious if any of those shows actually gave the viewer satisfaction at the end and said boom here it is. I watch them too but damn if it doesn't piss me off that they never find anything.
The new female archeologist needs to show more skin.
Cameron found the titanic. That was government funded to find a Soviet submarine but the cover story was a national geographic search for the Titanic and he actually found it.A bit of topic but has there ever been a History Channel, Discover, etc.. show that has actually ended with the massive payload of finding what it was looking for? Obviously its all for entertainment but just curious if any of those shows actually gave the viewer satisfaction at the end and said boom here it is. I watch them too but damn if it doesn't piss me off that they never find anything.