Oak Island


Clearly there is some shit going on there but what do you guys think it is? I hate how they always try to claim the knights Templar. It’s like the History channel’s crack... they love themselves some Templar.
Seriously though I think the pirate story is cool. Can’t remember which pirate but I’m wondering if he never left a treasure and was trolling to throw people off from where he really buried his treasure, or if someone else found it at some point, or what. Oak Island isn’t relatively big and it seems to me that if anything of value was buried somewhere it would’ve been found by now.
Yeah I kind of feel like it’s now more of the “treasure” of the archaeological finds as opposed to real treasure. Not sure they’ll ever know who or what entirely. But the History channel will get 10 seasons out of this bitch no matter what
I don’t think it could have been pirates because of the labor involved. I can’t even imagine digging 160ft down with a shovel. A 3 ft hole is bad enough.

The labor problem makes me think it has to be military or slave based. Where the guys were forced to dig. Maybe a rogue military privateer, but not independent pirates.

I’m on YouTube TV so didn’t realize until this thread the show was back. I’ll crank that bitch up. My wife hates it, cause they can’t find shit, but I keep watching.
Something went on there for sure. I am doubtful they ever get close to the full story though. I also believe that whoever hid any type of treasure there (if that is what happened) either retrieved it or someone else found it already. I still watch because I am into the search. The acheologist end of things always is interesting to me.
I fucking hate that i DVR and watch the episodes. I know they arent finding anything significant. Same w the Bigfoot and other boogie man shit. I gotta watch it. The only two i do find compelling is skinwalkers ranch and project blue book since both are based on actual work. But it is something to do while me and the hound drink before bedtime
It cracks me up that they think their are valuable books and scrolls down their but say fuck it and drill down anyway. Anything of value other than gold or stones would be destroyed anyway.
A bit of topic but has there ever been a History Channel, Discover, etc.. show that has actually ended with the massive payload of finding what it was looking for? Obviously its all for entertainment but just curious if any of those shows actually gave the viewer satisfaction at the end and said boom here it is. I watch them too but damn if it doesn't piss me off that they never find anything.
A bit of topic but has there ever been a History Channel, Discover, etc.. show that has actually ended with the massive payload of finding what it was looking for? Obviously its all for entertainment but just curious if any of those shows actually gave the viewer satisfaction at the end and said boom here it is. I watch them too but damn if it doesn't piss me off that they never find anything.
I believe so, do t remember the name (Snake Island maybe?) of it or what channel exactly but they found something and then the show disappeared shortly thereafter.
A bit of topic but has there ever been a History Channel, Discover, etc.. show that has actually ended with the massive payload of finding what it was looking for? Obviously its all for entertainment but just curious if any of those shows actually gave the viewer satisfaction at the end and said boom here it is. I watch them too but damn if it doesn't piss me off that they never find anything.
Cameron found the titanic. That was government funded to find a Soviet submarine but the cover story was a national geographic search for the Titanic and he actually found it.
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