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NYC mayoral election


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
NYC may do something smart and elect someone that will crack down on crime compared to DeBlasio.

You can forget using the word smart in the same sentence with New York. They are rotting from the inside out. That entire city is one large cess pool. The good people are leaving and those that are left are scared shitless because they don't have the means to leave.

I used to travel there on business from L.A. What a shit hole that city is. I had to step over bums to get inside the Waldorf Astoria. And New York has its own particular putrid smell. It's odd, but it is there 24/7. That city is filled with assholes and cocksuckers on every level of government.

Anyone who is running for many of New York is already a loser. Who in the hell would want to be in charge of that commode full of maggot infested turds?
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America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
You can forget using the word smart in the same sentence with New York. They are rotting from the inside out. That entire city is one large cess pool. The good people are leaving and those that are left are scared shitless because they don't have the means to leave.

I used to travel there on business from L.A. What a shit hole that city is. I had to step over bums to get inside the Waldorf Astoria. And New York has its own particular putrid smell. It's odd, but it is there 24/7. That city is filled with assholes and cocksuckers on every level of government.

Anyone who is running for many of New York is already a loser. Who in the hell would want to be in charge of that commode full of maggot infested turds?

I don't want anyone to slow the burn on that shit hole.


Jan 9, 2021
Just like people, a city in decay must hit rock bottom, then it can begin to rebuild. NYC could be reborn as in the proverbial Phoenix - rising from the ashes to ever greater glory.
Sometimes cities hit rock bottom, and never return. Again, wishing for an American city to fail is just not in any Americans best interest and political affiliations should not matter in that regard.


Dec 1, 2020
I don't like the politics of NYC either, but wishing an American city to fail is not what I would call optimal.

I agree with you 100%

I'm disappointed that our cities have become what they are. Mostly that the crime is allowed to go unchecked. Its getting worse with Democratic policies no doubt.

However, those cities are a part of America. Just because I don't choose to live the city lifestyle doesn't mean its not American. I spent 15 years in Chicago and it is an awesome city, really has a lot to offer. The crime recently has changed the city. It has started to spread from the south side to other areas of the city making the city as a whole less safe.

So, I will never pull for our cities to decay. This is America and we should all strive for American greatness. The country didn't become great without cities and it won't be great again until our cities are shining beacons of capitalism.

Fight for capitalism and republican values as opposed to rooting against our own.


Jan 8, 2021
If for no other reason, don't wish that bad stuff for selfish reasons...the worse places like NYC get, the more their residents move elsewhere, usually taking their voting habits with them. Not good for anybody.
For Real


America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Sometimes cities hit rock bottom, and never return. Again, wishing for an American city to fail is just not in any Americans best interest and political affiliations should not matter in that regard.
I whole heatedly disagree.

I think it would be in everyone's best interest if some of these big cities failed.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I agree with you 100%

I'm disappointed that our cities have become what they are. Mostly that the crime is allowed to go unchecked. Its getting worse with Democratic policies no doubt.

However, those cities are a part of America. Just because I don't choose to live the city lifestyle doesn't mean its not American. I spent 15 years in Chicago and it is an awesome city, really has a lot to offer. The crime recently has changed the city. It has started to spread from the south side to other areas of the city making the city as a whole less safe.

So, I will never pull for our cities to decay. This is America and we should all strive for American greatness. The country didn't become great without cities and it won't be great again until our cities are shining beacons of capitalism.

Fight for capitalism and republican values as opposed to rooting against our own.
It's 2021.

Cities are a net negative culturally and economically.

Cities don't offer anything that can't be done somewhere else across the country.


Jan 9, 2021
I whole heatedly disagree.

I think it would be in everyone's best interest if some of these big cities failed.
We have a lot of people who live in and around our major metropolitan areas in this country. Many of them are good, hard working people and deserve better than having fellow Americans hoping their area fails. JMO.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
We have a lot of people who live in and around our major metropolitan areas in this country. Many of them are good, hard working people and deserve better than having fellow Americans hoping their area fails. JMO.
Those people being good or not has zero bearing on if I think major metro areas are good for this country or not.

I want what's best for those folks, including those who I think aren't good folks, which is exactly why I believe most major cities need to go.

It's not a hoping they fail thing. It's a hoping the succeed thing while also looking at the net effect those cities have on the rest of us as a country.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
Sometimes cities hit rock bottom, and never return. Again, wishing for an American city to fail is just not in any Americans best interest and political affiliations should not matter in that regard.
If anyone thinks I am inferring a wish for a city to fail is off base. I am simply talking about the reality of NYC at this moment in time. A metaphor if you will - Let's call Uncle Bill a personification of NYC. Uncle Bill was an amazing man in his prime and was respected and revered around the world. But then Uncle Bill starting drinking and drugging and his judgement became clouded.

We all begged him to enter rehabilitation but the kept insisting he was fine and did not need and outside help. His ego was still ruling his decrepit mind. Inevitably Uncle Bill hit rock bottom. We were all concerned that this once great man was nearing his end. We did not know what to do. He laid there in the gutter regardless of what we said.

As of right now, no one really knows if Uncle Bill will be able to stand back up again and regain his former stature, or if he will be cast into the city dump. We hope Uncle Bill will stand up and climb out of the hole he has dug for himself.
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