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Nick Saban Joins College GameDay, Signaling Lee Corso's Passing of the Torch


Jan 8, 2021
It’s been time for Lee Corso to hang it up. I LOVE me some Lee Corso and actually have had lunch with him once (more on that in a minute). He coached at Indiana when I was a little kid growing up in Elkhart, Indiana, with both parents being Indiana alum. Hell, I’m the black sheep of the family being the only one who does not have a degree from IU. Anyways, I have LOVED watching him over the past 30 years on College Gameday. Everyone looks forward to the headgear selection, and I laugh every time I see it cuz he hams it up so much. Even though I’m a bit sour on Kirk right now, Herbie loves him some Coach Corso and has been one of the biggest supporters of Lee, especially in the years since his stroke.

The lunch with him was a crazy story for me. A buddy of mine, a gator, had put his business card in for a drawing to have lunch with Coach and won. He invited me and of Corso I accepted. After brief introductions, and him saying “Nice to meet you” I told him it was not the first time but the second time we had met. The first was sometime around April 1982/83 when my parents and I went down to Bloomington for the Little 500 race that my dad had ridden in 10 years before. We were outside the IU Alumni building and Coach was walking out as we were walking in. Being the little autograph hound that I was my dad told me that I should go get his autograph, which I did. Anyways, I told Coach this story and then had another that I had to tell him.

My dad had guest hosted an AM radio show in Elkhart WTRC radio one night when I was a yout and had Bill Armstrong on the show. Armstrong was the president of the IU Foundation (alumni foundation) and a good friend of my dad’s and my dad’s buddy who was a writer for the local Bloomington paper. My dad tells me, while I’m on the way to this lunch, about this radio conversation when Armstrong is in Corso’s office at IU and on the desk was a sign that read “What have you done to beat purdue today”? I relay this story to Coach, and his eyes get big as saucers and he starts laughing about it. The highlight for me was that I got to hold court with Lee Corso for 5 minutes. Even post stroke he was sharp, but he has clearly declined in past years. I will miss seeing Coach on College Gameday. Photo is from March 2017.


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OTD Sports

Mar 5, 2022
That's an awesome story. Thanks for sharing!

Corso has clearly had a big impact on you and many CFB fans. It's sad to see him step back, but exciting to see Nick Saban join.

It does seem like Kirk has had to support Corso a bit more on set in recent years due to his medical issues.
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