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Feb 9, 2023
I'm very happy about this as a Packers fan. Free up that cap space and get some young bloods. It was a fun run but he became to egotistical after a while and stuck to his bad habits which cost him in the playoffs. Forcing it to Adams a billion times cost them at least 2 Superbowl's.


Jan 8, 2021
I'm very happy about this as a Packers fan. Free up that cap space and get some young bloods. It was a fun run but he became to egotistical after a while and stuck to his bad habits which cost him in the playoffs. Forcing it to Adams a billion times cost them at least 2 Superbowl's.

Where you at/from @kingsolomon1.0@protonmail ?
From you’re posting history I was thinking you’re not American but being an American football fan has me thinking otherwise.
Feb 9, 2023
Where you at/from @kingsolomon1.0@protonmail ?
From you’re posting history I was thinking you’re not American but being an American football fan has me thinking otherwise.
I'm living off grid nearly in the heart of Tornado alley. It has great soil, tree coverage, a river, etc. It's considered one of the best places in America to live off grid and be self-sufficient but also having a good community. Most the other good off grid places have horrible communities.

I've been in America my entire life. I've been to 3 other countries and as I see the writing on the wall with the tribulation very near I believe America is where most of the deaths will occur so I'm ready to move pretty quickly. At this time I'm not sure where to go. I'm concerned they will poisin my water supply and force me into a big 15 minute City. I will do everything possible to stay here to live as free as I possibly can until either I die, or the 1,000 year Kingdom starts.

These boards are fascinating as a couple people called me a fed. Some have put me on ignore, a few called me another poster, one dude body shamed me and said I have a small penis because I said women within this generation are not worth marrying or living with a woman because of the risks involved and I don't want to lose my freedom or wealth. But I guess for that guy's pea sized brain if you think like I do you must have a small sexual organ. Normally that's something a woman would say but I've never heard a man say something like that. So overall, I'm an enigma at the moment.

I like the Pack because my dad was a fan. I don't watch much at all since they support the terrorist group in BLM. I know sports are rigged as long as there's gambling. But when I was a kid the Packers and playing sports was my life.


Jan 8, 2021
I'm living off grid nearly in the heart of Tornado alley. It has great soil, tree coverage, a river, etc. It's considered one of the best places in America to live off grid and be self-sufficient but also having a good community. Most the other good off grid places have horrible communities.

I've been in America my entire life. I've been to 3 other countries and as I see the writing on the wall with the tribulation very near I believe America is where most of the deaths will occur so I'm ready to move pretty quickly. At this time I'm not sure where to go. I'm concerned they will poisin my water supply and force me into a big 15 minute City. I will do everything possible to stay here to live as free as I possibly can until either I die, or the 1,000 year Kingdom starts.

These boards are fascinating as a couple people called me a fed. Some have put me on ignore, a few called me another poster, one dude body shamed me and said I have a small penis because I said women within this generation are not worth marrying or living with a woman because of the risks involved and I don't want to lose my freedom or wealth. But I guess for that guy's pea sized brain if you think like I do you must have a small sexual organ. Normally that's something a woman would say but I've never heard a man say something like that. So overall, I'm an enigma at the moment.

I like the Pack because my dad was a fan. I don't watch much at all since they support the terrorist group in BLM. I know sports are rigged as long as there's gambling. But when I was a kid the Packers and playing sports was my life.

Appreciate the response. I’ll admit that your posting style has been a little abrasive, especially railing on the Jewish leadership and even more especially as a brand new poster. I don’t agree with your blanket assessment of all women as there are plenty of good conservative, God loving women who are fully red-pilled (like my wife) but I do agree they are becoming ever harder to find.

Don’t take the fed stuff too personally. That’s become a bit of a running joke and we love to give one of our favorite posters @Mr.Fitzwell a hard time about being a fed. Everyone is just really skeptical nowadays.

I would just say don’t take anything too personally around here. Most people just like to talk shit and get their rival posters riled up. (This place originated from a college football message board). We have definitely had our fair share of trolls so anytime a new poster comes in “hot and heavy” everyone will be skeptical.


Sep 19, 2021
Appreciate the response. I’ll admit that your posting style has been a little abrasive, especially railing on the Jewish leadership and even more especially as a brand new poster. I don’t agree with your blanket assessment of all women as there are plenty of good conservative, God loving women who are fully red-pilled (like my wife) but I do agree they are becoming ever harder to find.

Don’t take the fed stuff too personally. That’s become a bit of a running joke and we love to give one of our favorite posters @Mr.Fitzwell a hard time about being a fed. Everyone is just really skeptical nowadays.

I would just say don’t take anything too personally around here. Most people just like to talk shit and get their rival posters riled up. (This place originated from a college football message board). We have definitely had our fair share of trolls so anytime a new poster comes in “hot and heavy” everyone will be skeptical.
Feb 9, 2023
Appreciate the response. I’ll admit that your posting style has been a little abrasive, especially railing on the Jewish leadership and even more especially as a brand new poster. I don’t agree with your blanket assessment of all women as there are plenty of good conservative, God loving women who are fully red-pilled (like my wife) but I do agree they are becoming ever harder to find.

Don’t take the fed stuff too personally. That’s become a bit of a running joke and we love to give one of our favorite posters @Mr.Fitzwell a hard time about being a fed. Everyone is just really skeptical nowadays.

I would just say don’t take anything too personally around here. Most people just like to talk shit and get their rival posters riled up. (This place originated from a college football message board). We have definitely had our fair share of trolls so anytime a new poster comes in “hot and heavy” everyone will be skeptical.

I can see how it may appear that way due to the brainwashing we receive. My coming off as abrasive is just speaking the truth and the truth shall set you free. If I don't speak the truth or become afraid of the truth, then I am not free. I enjoy using so called Jewish sources so if someone calls me an Antisemite well then, the Jews themselves have to be an antisemite because it's coming from a Jewish source. They created this word antisemite in the early 19th century to shut up the white Christians in Russia from spreading the truth. Do you know what happened? Over 60 million white Christians lost their lives due to the Jewish Bolsheviks which we're never taught in history. If you want to actually see abrasive, I welcome you to read the Jewish Talmud and see what they think of you and me (so called gentiles which they changed the definition of).

My views of women are not of all women, and it includes the overall system and generation we live in. I've experienced it, and a few of my good friends have. committed suicide due to women. However, I've gone through the studies on women instead of just relying on anecdotal experiences. This is why I went from LTR's to pump and dump to refusing to risk being with a woman at all for the last 5 years and focus on becoming free and building a self-sufficient off grid home. It was indeed the best decision of my life because the earth went through the scamdemic as I was doing this. I AM NOT TELLING ANYONE to not have a relationship/marry a woman, I am simply conveying to men what the situation is and what you may be getting yourself into.

1.) We have an unregulated sexual marketplace which means women for the first time in history have been allowed to fuck and suck their way through life. When left to their own devices most women select to devalue themselves through degeneracy. Women who've had multiple partners lack the ability to pair bond, as it's shot. Therefore, it would be illogical to start a relationship with one.

2.) Our society has unlimited access to contraceptives and abortions so a woman can be a slut and have no immediate negative consequences for her degeneracy. Before all these things a woman had to find one mate early and be with that mate for his or her lifetimes.

3.) Court systems: As stated if you get married and or live together with a woman and she forces a divorce or seperation on you (80% of the time the women initiate the divorce/seperation) and 50% of the time people are divorced within a 5 year period. These courts favor the women in a vast majority of cases even if she cheated or was a bad parent. Also, many times the women attempt to get back at the man in any way possible. So you you're forced to give her half your wealth and resources and giver a pension plan for a long duration. Also, at any moment they can pull a lie me too moment and screw up your life forever.

4.) If you do marry a woman or get in a LTR they tend to use sex (withhold sex) as a weapon to make you do what she wants. The guys who get the consistent sex pump and dump and send them to the streets but the ones who want LTR's or marriage rarely get sex and as time goes on it gets worse and worse. Why would anyone want a LTR as this is the case. Also, more often than not men have ran through her for free any time they pleased and now we're supposed to have the leftovers and she rarely puts out at that. Beta bucks alpha fucks.

5.) Social media/internet/workplace: Women now have unlimited dicks in her inbox from dudes and nonstop attention to boost their egos. Even obese ugly women get this which makes them have unrealistic expectations of her future partner and an unrealistic view of her SMV. So, basically women have nonstop temptations from other men even if they're married while on the internet or at a job. Since they're emotional creatures there's a high probability, she will accept one of those advances and cheat.

6.) Value added: At this point in time what value does an average western woman add to your life other than sex (which you won't receive as much in an LTR)? I see only liabilities as she won't be making your life better in any way shape or form. They want a traditional man but they're not traditional women. Few if any consistently cook, clean, educate the kids and stay at home, do nice things for you, etc etc etc. Women wait for you at the end of the finish line to claim their prize and reap all the benefits. They no longer offer loyalty, virginity, adhering to traditional roles, etc.

7.) Government daddy: They no longer need us men for money so they can just bang out a few kids and kick the dad to the streets and depend on government daddy to take care of her or post degenerate pics or videos online for money.

This is why I am adamant the only women worth an LTR/marriage are Amish women due to the combination of not just women but Christianity dying out they can claim to be Christians, but they do not practice it as the Amish do, the government being their daddy, the rigged courts, the lack of adding any value to your life, the technology, and being in the workplace. Maybe if we lived in the late 1800s or very early 1900's would I consider an LTR/marriage but right now it's just a bad contract for men. Are there some worthwhile women that are not Amish? Sure but it would be like finding a needle in a needle stack. Also, women can act or play a character for a certain period of time in a LTR/marriage and then when you least expect it she uses the courts to chop you down and get that pension plan. Yes, women have and do this and have groups online on how to do this. There are large reddit groups for women on how to play men to get quick cash or play the field.

It's a horrible deal a terrible contract for men. Why would I put my life, my wealth, and my freedom in jeopardy for something that adds little to no value and mostly just liability's. That would be illogical, and just plain stupid. Now again I would enjoy being with an Amish woman because they're traditional women and true practicing Christians. They have a 99% marriage success rate for a reason. They're not brainwashed by the education system or have access to the social media/internet and stay at home and take care of the home and children. The issue is I enjoy building things to improve my standard of living so I don't think they would accept a person who uses electricity and new technology. Overall, I love traditional women, but I will never ever settle for a modern western woman as the risk isn't worth the reward.

An ignorant beta male simp will start white knighting and defending modern woman but it's because they lack the intelligence to understand the big picture and are thinking with the wrong head.

Where you say coming in hot and heavy, I just see it as just speaking my truth. I'll just ignore the haters then but I won't make a song about it like Taylor Swift.
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Feb 9, 2023

Good, good follow the footsteps of your daddy. Let the hate flow through you Rodgers. I just hope he doesn't go to the Queens.

After watching Rodgers since 2005 until now this dude went from Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader. See Anakin had the highest MIDICHLORIAN count (MC) of any other previous or current jedi or Sith during his time. This means his natural talent and potential were higher than any being that has ever existed. He had a great master and leadership but since he started at a later age his anger and emotions clouded his judgement and the Sith Lord groomed him early on to continue to question master and the Jedi Counsel and use his hate and anger. Eventually, Anikin's ego became too big and he didn't have any self reflection or introspection to see his own weaknesses and it cost him nearly everything. We seen him at his peak around the time when he took out count Duku with relative ease before he went to the dark side. At this point he was or appeared to be a superior Jedi to Obi Wan his master who continued to get his ass handed to him by Duku. Obi Wan's MC was still high relative to the average jedi/sith through history but it wasn't even in the same ball park as Skywalkers who I believe had double the MC. Once his ego became inflated and he was manipulated to join the Dark side, Obi Wan was able to defeat Skywalker even while appearing to hold back his punches and on the defensive side. Obi Wan was far more accomplished along with having the head to head victory in spite of bein an inferior genetic specimen. Once Skywalker had his limbs severed and was half melted in lava and had the metal suit to weigh him down, his new master could control him like a puppet. He was still a powerfull force but never could develop his talent to even a fraction of what he could have been or even what he once was.

Rodgers had the greatest combination of speed, arm, athleticism, IQ, clutch, etc this earth has ever seen for a football player. He sat for 3 years behind Favre a man with an incredible arm, improvisation skills but his IQ and decision skills were mediocre. Favre still became a top 5 QB in NFL history winning 3 MVP's in a row but the IQ held him back. Rodgers has the IQ and ended up having the lowest int rate in NFL history while having an out of world TD to int ration, QBR and QB rating which I believe are all 1rst in all time history.

Rodgers was trained by Tom Clements an incredible QB coach who would give Rodgers grades for each play, each decision, each movement and would grade him harshly and Rodgers hated it but knew it was best. The mechanics, accuracy and decision making got to a point to where it was like Rodgers was in a video game playing vs rookie mode and he was 100 overall. In 2011 Rodgers peaked already within just 3-4 seasons of starting. Tom Clements left after that season. His head coach was a moron, O coordinators were morons and GM's were morons especially Ted Thompson and Mike McCarthy. Over time his mechanics broke down, he developed bad habits of running around for too long, locking in on one WR too often especially in the postseason after 2016, not trusting his WR's, not using the check down and chucking it deep way to often on 3rd or 4th in short with just low probability throws and not taking what the defense gives him. Rodgers due to his Oline being trash but also running around too often his body began to break down with a broken collar bone twice, sprained knee injuries, broken leg, busted up big toe, busted up shoulder, busted up hand, etc. However, once the GM changed and the HC changed and Tom Clements came back as well as Rodgers reviewing his tape and realizing his mechanical breakdowns. He did win a few more MVP's in a row but due to still having the bad habits of not taking the check downs and focusing on one WR for too much he got beat by inferior teams in the postseason. His ego, his emotions, and hatred of those who criticized his game got in his way. He lacked self reflection to see his biggest weaknesses and this is why he failed to become even a fraction of what he could've been or what he should've been which is the best NFL player and possibly the best athlete in US history.

He will still be a top 3 all time QB with a good amount of accomplishments but Tom Brady surpassed him in accomplishments by a mile. This man is Obi Wan Kenobi as he has half the natural talent as Rodgers but since he had a superior system and master along with not allowing his ego get the better of him, he accomplished way more than Rodgers ever did. Brady was slow, had a decent arm and on paper has a lower IQ. Even though he's a vastly inferior player, the combination of a superior coach, system and GM for multiple decades and not letting his ego get the better of him, he vastly outperformed Rodgers for a career and head to head. He took the check down passes, he didn't lock in on one man, he learned from his mistakes. He didn't let his pride be his downfall as it was for Rodgers.

Could Rodgers still surpass Brady? Can Rodgers still get back some of the glory he should've had? Sure, it's possible but once you pass the age of 35 Years old the wires in your brain are nearly locked in a pathway together that's so set or so connected together it would be like chipping away at a highway with a jackhammer. It can eventually destroy the highway but it will take a very long time, practice, effort, and technique but eventually it can be destroyed and a new highway can be built and the new wires will fire in a direction that benefits him instead of working against him. At this point, from what I see in Rodgers, I don't see him taking that extra step to make that change unless someone else helps him to do it because I believe his ego still blinds him. All the money he makes allows him to relax, the total MVP's he's acquired makes him soft and he's become comfortable with just going through the motions at this point. He's proved himself and has nothing left to prove in his eyes.

Packers were probably the most lucky fanbase ever to have 2 top 10 QB's back to back. The only other team that's at the same level is the 49ers with Young and Montana. I think Love at best will be a slightly above average QB. He will never be a HOF QB, MVP, or even an all pro. He may have a year or two where he becomes a top 10 QB in his peak but that's the best they will get from him.
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