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Nashville this is pathetic


Jan 8, 2021
Bye Bye, Nashville. It's getting bad there but this will turbo charge the process. In three years Nashville will be on par with the other democratic ran cities. Again, it's already getting bad and has been, but its covered up like most criminal acts around the US.


Dec 10, 2020
Ya, those vets are suckers and losers. Isn’t that what trump said?
A Vietnam vet who lost his arm was called a traitor by a woman who served in the airforce in the 2000's. She made it clear she thought her level of service was equal to his. You suck dick so you probably agree with that. Being in the military doesn't make you more right than someone who didn't serve or especially someone who served in combat.
Mar 8, 2023
A Vietnam vet who lost his arm was called a traitor by a woman who served in the airforce in the 2000's. She made it clear she thought her level of service was equal to his. You suck dick so you probably agree with that. Being in the military doesn't make you more right than someone who didn't serve or especially someone who served in combat.
I never said it does you faggot. I also have no fucking clue what you’re talking about in the first part of your post, but you are retarded so it’s not unexpected.
The suckers and losers comment is rumor. What’s not a rumor was that trump commented that he liked soldiers who didn’t get taken prisoner. What a dumb fuck, like yourself.
Continue to love politicians fucking your ass.

And anyone who entered and never saw combat is still twice the person your faggot ass is. Message board warrior for trump who dodged the draft himself 😂🤣😂🤣


Dec 10, 2020
I never said it does you faggot. I also have no fucking clue what you’re talking about in the first part of your post, but you are retarded so it’s not unexpected.
The suckers and losers comment is rumor. What’s not a rumor was that trump commented that he liked soldiers who didn’t get taken prisoner. What a dumb fuck, like yourself.
Continue to love politicians fucking your ass.

And anyone who entered and never saw combat is still twice the person your faggot ass is. Message board warrior for trump who dodged the draft himself 😂🤣😂🤣
Small minded as you are you make horrible points. Someone who joins the military and litter does jack shit for the country isn't a hero. We have trans people going through transformation surgeries where they are physically unable to do their job for 80% of their time in uniform... If you want to suck their man made dick then you go for it bitch.

Mccain sucked dick. Just because he went through Hanoi hilton doesn't give him a pass on being a war monger for 30 years. How many died because he was beyond reproach? Bitches like you is why this country is going to hell.
Mar 8, 2023
Small minded as you are you make horrible points. Someone who joins the military and litter does jack shit for the country isn't a hero. We have trans people going through transformation surgeries where they are physically unable to do their job for 80% of their time in uniform... If you want to suck their man made dick then you go for it bitch.

Mccain sucked dick. Just because he went through Hanoi hilton doesn't give him a pass on being a war monger for 30 years. How many died because he was beyond reproach? Bitches like you is why this country is going to hell.
Where did I say anyone was a hero??? You just made that up out of nowhere..not unusual for you tho.

Who brought up McCain?? I didn’t, only you did. All I did was post about trumps comment about he likes soldiers who don’t get caught.

Why are you veering completely away from what I actually posted?? I know reading is hard but I thought you at least had an elementary level of it.

And dumb fucks like you are why this country is going thru hell. When you worship a politician like you do is when the people lose all power. This is happening on both sides. Extreme left dumb fucks and extreme right dumb fucks are ruining everything. They (you) just want to play partisan politics and refuse to hold their own side accountable even when they act like absolute dumb fucks (as trump has done countless times).

Keep enjoying your worship of certain politicians. Normal Americans call it as it is both ways and are the only thing holding this country together, as much as brain dead fucks like you want to “win” partisan arguments.


Dec 10, 2020
Where did I say anyone was a hero??? You just made that up out of nowhere..not unusual for you tho.

Who brought up McCain?? I didn’t, only you did. All I did was post about trumps comment about he likes soldiers who don’t get caught.

Why are you veering completely away from what I actually posted?? I know reading is hard but I thought you at least had an elementary level of it.
You brought up Trump saying he preferred his pilots not get shot down.... That was who he was talking about you room temp IQ mother fooker. You responded to me first which means you were arguing with my point. IDGAF about your point. I'm tired of gender studies majors joining the military just for their resume and fools like you lapping it up like ketchup falling off a hotdog. My point was that just because someone has "veteran" on their bio doesn't make them smart, brave, believe in the constitution, love the country or are willing to die for our country. You keep seeing shit that isn't there though dude.
Mar 8, 2023
You brought up Trump saying he preferred his pilots not get shot down.... That was who he was talking about you room temp IQ mother fooker. You responded to me first which means you were arguing with my point. IDGAF about your point. I'm tired of gender studies majors joining the military just for their resume and fools like you lapping it up like ketchup falling off a hotdog. My point was that just because someone has "veteran" on their bio doesn't make them smart, brave, believe in the constitution, love the country or are willing to die for our country. You keep seeing shit that isn't there though dude.
How may windows did you lick tonight? You can’t even keep your comments straight.

Keep enjoying worshipping a politician. That’s definitely what this country needs, a bunch of fucking borderline retards like yourself worshipping and obsessing over a politician who was pals with Jeffrey Epstein for 15 years and didn’t do half the shit he said he would while in office.
Mar 8, 2023
You brought up Trump saying he preferred his pilots not get shot down.... That was who he was talking about you room temp IQ mother fooker. You responded to me first which means you were arguing with my point. IDGAF about your point. I'm tired of gender studies majors joining the military just for their resume and fools like you lapping it up like ketchup falling off a hotdog. My point was that just because someone has "veteran" on their bio doesn't make them smart, brave, believe in the constitution, love the country or are willing to die for our country. You keep seeing shit that isn't there though dude.
Trump and Epstein were tight for 15 years 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Mar 8, 2023
You and your sister's vagina were tight for years. Fucking America hating faggot.
Hahaha sick burn!!!!! The only America hating faggots are people like yourself who worship a politician when they are supposed to be working for the people. Also, you may want to check out Donald’s recent comments on abortion and the fact that he couldn’t answer whether a man can be a woman 😂😂😂he’s fucking desperate for votes pulling that shit 😂

Continue jerking off to Donald trump. Normal people see the good and bad with every politician:
Jul 1, 2023
Batshit crazy dems sure do love playing up the "veteran" tag. I think we need to start being honest about combat vets and people that costed for 4 years to pay for college.
You should probably start with learning 1st grade English.

When you’re done with that you can try mastering 3rd grade math since that’s clearly still a hang up as well.
Mar 8, 2023
You and your sister's vagina were tight for years. Fucking America hating faggot.
“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”


Dec 10, 2020
“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Keep focusing on the big stuff midget.


Dec 10, 2020
Your idol was pals with Jeffrey Epstein for 15 years.
Enough said.

And you’re clearly a “mental midget” based on the thread that has the 4th grade math question you still can’t figure out 😂
Ahhh. Is someone scared of reality? Keep believing the lies hommie. IT always works out for the best. Tell your boys in the 3 letter agencies that you are a good little soldier and you'll do what they tell you because you are a giant pussy. I've seen 5yo girls with more balls and more convictions than you. Just keep voting Blue no matter who bro. They will turn on you too. I'll love it when you come on here crying in a couple years.... "why did they do this to me? I was a good liddle soldier and sucked them off".
Mar 8, 2023
Ahhh. Is someone scared of reality? Keep believing the lies hommie. IT always works out for the best. Tell your boys in the 3 letter agencies that you are a good little soldier and you'll do what they tell you because you are a giant pussy. I've seen 5yo girls with more balls and more convictions than you. Just keep voting Blue no matter who bro. They will turn on you too. I'll love it when you come on here crying in a couple years.... "why did they do this to me? I was a good liddle soldier and sucked them off".
😂🤣😂🤣 what the fuck is this?? Hahaha

Trump was good friends with the biggest pedophile in the United States. He’s also pushed the vax. He also refused to say that a man can’t turn into a woman 😂😂
Mar 8, 2023
Ahhh. Is someone scared of reality? Keep believing the lies hommie. IT always works out for the best. Tell your boys in the 3 letter agencies that you are a good little soldier and you'll do what they tell you because you are a giant pussy. I've seen 5yo girls with more balls and more convictions than you. Just keep voting Blue no matter who bro. They will turn on you too. I'll love it when you come on here crying in a couple years.... "why did they do this to me? I was a good liddle soldier and sucked them off".
And reality is trump was good friends with the biggest pedophile in the last 40 years you sick fuck


Dec 10, 2020
And reality is trump was good friends with the biggest pedophile in the last 40 years you sick fuck
You are so uninformed and act smart. I can't even go through all the stuff that makes your statement bullshit. Its what a 3 letter agency shill would say to try to pull votes away from the greatest president in our lifetime. I realize you want our country to completely fail. You want $9 gas and roaming blackouts all over the nation. You want shortages in groceries. You are the typical one step thinker that is just an educated idiot.
Mar 8, 2023
You are so uninformed and act smart. I can't even go through all the stuff that makes your statement bullshit. Its what a 3 letter agency shill would say to try to pull votes away from the greatest president in our lifetime. I realize you want our country to completely fail. You want $9 gas and roaming blackouts all over the nation. You want shortages in groceries. You are the typical one step thinker that is just an educated idiot.
You are certifiably retarded, as evidenced in the math problem thread.
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