Nail parlor receives a “real” hate letter

The way the grammar looks it seems like it could have been done by the competing nail salon down the street

My wife has her nails done in a Vietnamese shop. She said something about having some trees cut out of our yard. They wanted to bid on the job. My wife took them through the house to the backyard. She led them out back through the side gate. She told them she didn't want our neighbors seeing a bunch of Mexicans coming out of our house. They're exceptionally good to us, especially with my wife giving them so much shit.
My wife has her nails done in a Vietnamese shop. She said something about having some trees cut out of our yard. They wanted to bid on the job. My wife took them through the house to the backyard. She led them out back through the side gate. She told them she didn't want our neighbors seeing a bunch of Mexicans coming out of our house. They're exceptionally good to us, especially with my wife giving them so much shit.

I must still be high because I’m completely lost at Mexicans.
My wife has her nails done in a Vietnamese shop. She said something about having some trees cut out of our yard. They wanted to bid on the job. My wife took them through the house to the backyard. She led them out back through the side gate. She told them she didn't want our neighbors seeing a bunch of Mexicans coming out of our house. They're exceptionally good to us, especially with my wife giving them so much shit.
Those were Mexican'ts not Mexicans an easy mistake, key difference is they are notorious parking spot thieves
At least we know it wasnt done by a white American. WE dont write in asian accent. Ive never ever heard those references used besides driving

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