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My old Truck update


Jun 23, 2021
I finally got the oil pan back on the other day but since then I haven't been able to talk myself into do the simple things left to get it finished. The day after the oil pan install I was hurting so bad I wanted nothing to do with playing mechanic. It was raining all night and I was really happy to see it rain so I had an excuse to stay in bed. My left arm is totally bruised from the top of the arm all the way down to the wrist. That was due to me laying on my side for a while and it was all rocks. I take blood thinner and then too I inherited genes from my European side of the family that really don't require blood thinner to bruise. You would swear I was a straight up wino who crawled home. We have cool weather coming soon so I will get out there and finish it up and see how it runs. Yesterday morning my snake was back on the back of my counter top again and I tossed some cool tap water on him and he curled up a bit and it looks like some water hit my air conditioner breaker plug and he might have got a bit of a jolt of electricity. Haven't seen him today but I am careful when I go into the kitchen. He has a weird looking tail like all black and about the size and look of my little finger. I don't think he's a black snake but probably rat snake or a common yard snake. Black snakes get to be 6 foot when mature. This one has a pattern on his back but I haven't been able to really see exactly what the pattern is. I am sure he isn't a water moccasin or a rattlesnake. He does not act aggressive and is more inclined to get moving when I walk in on him. It won't be long and really cold damp weather will set in, he will not have the luxury of a warm kitchen because I have no heat in other than this room I spend all my time in. I guess snakes burrow for the winter so he better be finding a new home soon. I read that the usual snake repellents use mothballs and they leave a bad smell so I don't think I will be using that to give him a little incentive to move. It said the commercial brews use the same and it really screws up the snakes nervous systen, all they want to do is get to hell out of dodge when the get a whiff. I figure it is much better to have a snake in the house than an alligator, as long as it doesn't try to move into this room we're good since I know he will leave before or shortly after a good cold snap. I've seen my mice carrying their suitcases in winter time heading for the neighbors place since they have heat in the whole house..
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