Morning Crew

Chris Farley

Misunderstood lurker
As always, good morning and go fuck yourselves. I hate mornings BUT I can finally eat! I just went 48 hours without food. I’m starving. Gonna make me some chorizo egg burritos. Just need a little of that @Nape hot sauce! Oh, also I had dreams about Trevor Lawrence going woke and getting broke all night. What does that mean? Am I a homosex?
Man I ate a bunch of candy last night - step backwards for me in the weight loss challenge. That’s always my issue when I get the workouts going lol.
I enjoy the little talks me and the kids have together on the way to school. We always start off with a prayer, it rotates everyday who gets to do it. That’s followed by a Hail Mary. And often we will talk about America and freedom. Today we talked about how our freedoms are being threatened, a little about what communism is, and the difference between democracy and the democrat party. That last one was my 9 year old daughter’s question. I’m a proud dad this morning!
Good morning. Just finished off a short morning workout to get the body and metabolism going. Will do a more intense workout when I'm done with work later.
Finally at a slow moment to post. Waiting for the legal department of our supplier to bless me being an Independent Contractor for said supplier, then close, and I'm a brand new business owner. After that's done, start the process of converting from I.C. to a Franchisee. Interesting to see how that's gonna play out.

In reading some of the stuff on this site, I still believe America can be saved. But, frankly, the silent majority HAS to stand up and say "Fuck this" and take back America. Until that happens, we're still going to feel like we're fighting a losing war. Maybe it's too far gone, but I can't bring myself to believe that.

Needless to say, if I have to die so my kids and grandkids can live be it. I feel I'm right with God, so if it's time I'm good.

Sorry to bring the mood down, just see how shit's being reported lately and it makes me sad.
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