@quickfeet - Yes, getting back to normal. I wonder what that means now because so many of my friends use that exact phrase. I fear there is no such thing as "getting back to normal." The zeitgeist is one of restriction, intimidation, fear and trepidation about how the world is changing, and moreover, how the United States HAS CHANGED. How can we get back to normal with the pernicious dogma of the alliance of revolution (the democratic party, TV networks, Facebook, Twitter, newspapers, Goodle, our educational system, antifa, defund the police, ad infinitum.
I believe America has been wounded so deeply there is no "back to normal." In fact, I believe it is going to get worse. Our challenge is to minimize the damage. Our challenge is to all come together and fight the relentless onslaught of "racist" and "socialism" dogma that we are fed by the above entities 24/7/365. Far to many people have their head in the sand and follow along like Lemmings rushing to the precipice of the cliff where they hurl themselves over into oblivion. As Einstein said - "No amount of evidence will ever make a fool change his mind."
In closing, I hope I am wrong and you are right.